
About Jack

Richard has been wanting me to get this together so we can put on our webpage, so here goes:

I was born and raised in Idaho and lived there for the first 18 years of my life. My family had a 44 acre farm, which I worked on. I guess you could say I had a "normal" childhood. My Father is still living on the "farm", but has sold most of it off. Mother passed away after 50 years of marriage. Dad never remarried.

I enlisted in the Air Force after High School, as I didn't want to be drafted and go to Viet Nam. Had the opportunity to go over seas twice. Once off to the Philippines and then again to West Pakistan. Saw most of both of those countries and came out while in the service.

I always knew I was different, but didn't realize how different until I met the fiancée of the girl I was dating while in San Antonio, Texas. He brought me out and then I realized why I was different. Of course I couldn't continue dating the girl, now that her fiancée was in town, so I started dating her best friend. At the wedding, I was the best man, and yes, I had slept with the Bride, the Groom and the Maid of Honor.

After the Service, I moved back to Idaho for a short while and then went to Nevada and became a bar tender. Worked there for about 2 years, then one summer in Jackson's Hole, Wyoming and back to Idaho for about 1 year. From there, moved to Seattle, WA and lived there for about 25 years.

Started in Seattle as a waiter at a bar, cashier at a Porno Theatre, then onto the Shipping Industry. Worked my way up to Operation's Manager. The last company I worked for in Seattle transferred me to Portland, OR for one year to start the operations there. It was at that time that I met Richard.

I had been thru 2 relationships and my 3rd had just broken up. Was out with the gang and decided to call the Psychic Hot Line, and got Richard on the phone. I too am psychic, and we hit it off. Our relationship was a long distance one for about 4 months before we finally met. I went to FL to visit him, and I guess it was then that we decided to make it a permanent relationship and not a long distance one.

The company I was working for was about to cancel the Portland call and so I decided to quit and move to FL so Richard and I could be together. That was 4 years ago. Since that time, we have both grown together both spiritually and physically. We also are both interested in Model trains and have a G-scale layout in our back yard, soon to be redone. I also make and sell G-scale figures.

We have had 4 ferrets, (Guss; Sophie; Edgar; & Ruby), 2 shelties (Casey & Angel) and numerous gold fish and Koi. It's a good life, and the best part is that we respect and love one another. We have yet to have our first fight, which isn't bad after 7 years. We allow each other to grow and mature at our own pace and also let the inner child free, (sometimes too much when it comes to trains). We both do psychic readings, enjoy camping (tent style) and are naturists (nudists) and are both Ordained Ministers.

So, that's my life thus far. I know that Richard and I will be together forever and that this time, it's right!
