Chasm's Weekly News & Views

Hey There! Welcome to my News and Views page. This will be the place where I record the pieces of the puzzle of my life (and this page) as they fall into place. The format will be regular updates on my life's news, weather and sports. Come back often and enjoy!

For July - September 1999

AM I DELINQUENT OR WHAT??? Hey, life has kept my very busy! I won't even try to describe the last few months except to say I've been travelling to places like Vancouver, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Calgary and a whole bunch of other places in BC on my holidays(my, how I get around). I have also been busy with my new company and am LUV'N every minute of it! I promise to try and keep this place more up-to-date!

For April 17, 1999, To June 30, 1999

Well, it has been awhile and, as you might have guessed, my life has undergone major changes. I finished off the organization of the annual Technical Advisory Group Meeting for the Pan American Health Organization. Despite previously mentioned problems, the meeting went extremely well and led to the BIG NEWS the follows:

I made the decision finally to leave my job at Health Canada and open my own company. April 23, 1999, saw the birth of my company, ConferSense Planners Inc., a company that provides conference, meeting and event planning services. While I still provide meeting planning services to Health Canada, I have also signed on the Canadian Society for International Health. I am also in negotiations with organizations like the Pan American Health organization, the Programme for Appropriate Use of Technology in Health, the Canadian International Development Agency and the International Development Research Centre. You can see why I haven't updated lately - I've been busy!!!. Fortunately, I can truly say that I haven't been this happy in ages. If all goes well I will hire a staff by September and keep on growing from there.

On a sad note, my Net friend Brasil (Khallil) died this month of a liver ailment - I'll miss him, may he rest in peace.

For March 17, 1999 To April 17, 1999

Well . . . yes, I have been delinquent in updating news here again - but what else is new! *LOL* I have been travelling so much lately and dealing with the meeting from hell to organize. In the last month I have been to Montreal, Montebello, Halifax and Washington, DC. It has been hectic and I almost forgot what home looked like! Out of 21 submitted proposals, Halifax ended up being chosen as the site for the 2000 Canadian National Immunization conference - I think it'll be GREAT!

I have also been ogranizing the annual Technical Advisory Group Meeting for the Pan American Health Organization. It has been the meeting from Hell to put on - anything that could go wrong did - we even had to change hotels last minute (I am so unimpressed with the Ottawa Citadel - soon to be Crown Plaza - and recommend avoiding them like the plague!!!)! The meeting happens finally next week at the most excellent Holiday Inn Plaza La Chaudiere, with a gala opening reception in the Grand Hall of the Canadian Museum of Civilization. I will be happy when this one's over . . .

After it I will spend my time finishing off the details for the upcoming National Varicella (Chicken Pox) Consensus conference which will be held May 5 - 7, 1999, in Montreal. I also need to travel to St. Paul, Minnisota, April 26th to 30th. Stay tuned!!!

For February 27, 1999, To March 17, 1999

Well, I had a great time with Bill and my parents on my b'day. We went out to an excellent restaurant and a wonderful time was had by all. The only wrotten thing about it was that I didn't get old enough to retire . . . .

Work has been really hectic. I have been to Montreal and Halifax in the last couple of weeks, and head to Montebello and Washington in the next couple of weeks. I have three committees meeting, two conferences of 90 to 200 people I am coordinating PLUS have just been elected to the Board of Directors of my professional association local chapter (Director of membership, effective June 1st). It's busy, but I do like it that way.

Anyway, the only thing else that is new is that I have started to look for alternate employment. I have turned down a couple offers, had a couple of good leads that didn't pan out, and more are on the way - I'll keep you posted!

For February 7, 1999, To February 27, 1999

(February 27th)

Well, now that we have that out of our system we can get on with it! Yes Folks, it's time for the big 39! My last b'day I have to count! Now on to the real news . . .

We had a fantastic time in Puerto Vallarta! I wish I could go back! We soak up the rays, did great day trips - and it was hot and sunny everyday! I took lots of pics and will post them after they are developed and scanned.

For January 11, 1999 to February 6, 1999

Busy, busy, busy!!! I have been on the road non-stop it seems! Calgary, then Victoria, then Vancouver! Mind you, the conference (from my professional association) in Vancouver was amazing! Great workshops, great parties, and Jann Aarden was the entertainment at the gala!!!

My life goes well, even if I am struggling with a miserable cold, and I cannot deny that I have had a hard time getting my strength back after the big conference I organized in December. The GOOD news is that Bill and I head to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, February 7 - 21st! It'll be fab! We have soooo many plans! I promise to take many pics and to post them on my website!

Finally - it is about to arrive!!! My newest website!!! "Chasm's Kitchen" shall make it's debut early March - it'll be a collection of menus and recipes from my dinner parties over the years - I can hardly wait and I hope you like it!

For December 27, 1998, to January 11, 1999

WHERE DOES THE TIME GO??? Sorry, but it has been hectic at work again - and be prepared, it will only get worse! I did a rush trip to Montreal yesterday, am here till Saturday, then in Calgary till Monday, home a day then off to Victoria and Vancouver till the 27th, home ten days and then Bill and I are off to Puerto Vallarta for two weeks! Needless to say, the updates will be scare till we are back! However, life is NOT boring! (I'd make a sarcastic remark here for a guy named Tim, but I am trying to be nice - it being the new year and all *ROFLMAO*). Anyway, on to the news . . .

I had a FANTASTIC week off work between Christmas and New Years! It was quiet and restful and did me a world of good. New Years eve was fantastic! We started off the dinner party soir�e with Smoked Salmon Martinis served with Smoked Salmon Canap�s. This was followed by a delectable Seafood Chowder, then a crunchy Caesar Salad. Then . . . the highlight of the night - live 1.5 pound New Brunswick Lobsters boiled in sea salt water and served with melted butter!!! YUM!!! After the Lobster we had Porto Jello served with Black Figs, Grapes and Blackberries. Champagne was served at midnight (of course), and the evening was capped with a Chocolate Platter and Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. WHAT A MEAL!

Despite the travel coming up, I have already begun renovations on my website! It'll feature a recipe section, a revamped link section, new looks and new sounds! I am also opening a second site to house pic galleries and animated graghics! I'll keep you posted!


For December 21 to December 27, 1998

Well another Christmas here and gone! It was a great time and I was spoiled wrotten (as usual!). We had a wonderful time visiting with friends at our annual open house on Christmas eve. It was then off to friends for dinner on both Christmas and Boxing Days. Then we had company Sunday where I prepared a delisciously different Morrocan/Middle East menu (the recipes will appear shortly in my upcoming recipe section! Stay tuned!). Tomorrow I am having lunch with a good internet bud - Sorbic Acid! It'll be our first time meeting in person. I will be taking the week off between Christmas and New Year's to relax and work on my website.

For November 28 to December 20, 1998

Well folks, the conference is over and I am slowly returning back to normal (whatever that is!). We ended up, including on-site registrations, with 688 people at the conference. I believe that most felt it was a great success - from the scientific sessions to the receptions and banquet. I left for Calgary on December 3rd to set up, registration was on december 5th and the conference ran December 6 - 9th. Bill joined me in Calgary on December 10th and we rested and shopped till we returned to Ottawa on December 13th. While there we had a great time visiting our friends Terry and Mark and my cousin Laurie and her husband Graham.

It was then home to try and get this Christams thing happening in my home! After one week of being at home, I am proud to say that the house is decorated and all but two presents have been bought, wrapped, and placed under the tree. Christmas here I come!!!!

For October 3 to November 28, 1998

Well it has been busy, but I did want to post a quick update today (Nov. 28). I have been swamped at work getting ready for the BIG conference. Attendance has hit 640 people and the registrations are still coming in. People coming are mainly from Canada and the USA, but there is someone coming from as far away as Saudi Arabia! The conference should come off really well and I will let everyone know after it happens December 6 - 9. I will be away for it from December 3 - 13th tho.

I had a REAL lucky week mid november. It started on the Monday when I got a call from the Tourism Board of the Province of New Brunswick - I had won 15 pounds worth of live lobster to be shipped to my door on the date of my choice! I am shipping them in for my New Year's Party. Then I won a radio contest for a shopping spree at a local shopping mall - FOR $2,500 US ($3,750 CAN)!!!!! I bought an all inclusive trip for two weeks for Bill and I to go to Puerto Vallarta in February, a 25" Sanyo Colout stereo TV, and a 10K Gold Medic Alert Bracelet. TOO KEWL!!!!

For September 27 to October 3, 1998

I learned today that our Division's secretary, and one of my dearest friends and coworkers will be leaving the Division. Jo-Anne (whom I fondly refer to as the Binder Goddess) will be leaving the Division for bigger and better things. Congrats Joe - you really deserve this. I always knew you were bound for bigger and better things. I just wish I could really express just how happy I am for you - yet how sad I feel . . .

For August 30 to September 26, 1998

Wow, Friends, so much has happened in the last month. I had a succesful trip to Calgary, hunkered down to some serious work, then took off to Dubai. Dubai is the second largest of the United Arab Emirates, and is the shopping heaven on this earth - everything is Duty and Tax free!!! I bought so much there: gold (at about 1/3 the price from here), a traditional Arabic coffee set in brass, a traditional insense burner, Frankensence, Myrh, Sandlewood, Saffron, a silver dagar, and MORE! All these items were at pennies compared to what we pay. I truly hope to go back withing the next year n-sAllah! (god willing).


For August 16 - August 29, 1998

WOW!!! I get back to work and find out my boss is leaving!!! CONGRATULATIONS PHILIPPE!!! My (Ex) Boss got a 2 year assignment with the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. I will miss him very much - his encouragement and support helped me get to where I am today as a professional!

I am off To Calgary August 29 to September 2nd - thought i'd warn ya!


Folks, we had an excellent time. While most time was spent in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, around the towns of Penticton and Summerland, we also spent an amazing week travelling around Vancouver Island. After crossong to the Island, we spent the first night in parksville. It was then of to the artisan town of Coombs and the Beautiful Little Qualicum Falls. After lunch in Port Alberni, we drove to Ucluelet where we stayed for two nights.

While there we explored Long Beach and went to the beautiful town of Tofino. In Tofino we got on a glass bottomed boat and took the inner harbour to Cove Hot Springs park. Leaving there we took the ocean side back looking for whales. WE SAW EIGHT DIFFERENT GREY WHALES!!!! It was kinda overwhelming to see something that huge and yet so gentle and shy! They would run from us when they detected us - it really says something, considering one swipe of the tail could've gotten rid of us . . . IT WAS AWESOME!!!!

We travelled back the sameway we came, ending up in Ladysmith for the night. While there, we went to Chemanus to see the world famous wall murals - the outside walls of many of the town's buildings and homes are painted with murals by famous artists! The next day we took the Mill Bay Ferry which let us off right by Buschart Gardens. We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon in the gardens and then headed into Victoria to our hotel. The next day we toured the Crystal Palace, the Empress hotel and the museum. We then saw the movie "Whales" at the Imax Theatre and attended a First People's Festival. WHAT A DAY! The next day it was back to the Okanagan to finish the holiday.

For July 26 - August 16, 1998

BILL & I WILL BE ON HOLIDAYS FROM JULY 30TH TO AUGUST 15TH. We will be visiting Bill's family in the Penticton, British Columbia, and spending a week travelling around Vancouver Island. :D

As our computer hard drive has crashed and we are heading on vacation shortly, there will be no new updates till after August 17th. Wish me luck as I try and rebuild my system and all my lost links and files (since my last update). :(


For The Week of July 19 - July 25, 1998

Well, I got the results back from my second course required to become an aerobics instructor. I was sooo disappointed to find out I only got 93% *LMAO* After all, I did get 98% on the first course! All I have to do now for certification is complete my apprenticeship and get evaluated. :D

For The Week of July 12 - July 18, 1998

The conference was AMAZING folks - they just keep getting better every time! One immediate highlight was getting bumped up to first class for the Pittsburg/San Diego portion of the flight - it proved to me I was meant to be rich *sigh* There were almost 3,200 people at the conference. The receptions were dazzling (the opening reception cost almost $500,000 US and even featured a 20 minute firework show)! The workshops were excellent and the closing gala was a total blast. The only sad note was that I did not receive the award as I had hoped - I was the runner up tho. San Diego, I have discovered, is an amazing city with amazing weather (temperature always between 70F to 80F degrees, no humidity). Her people are friendly and there is so much to see and do. I definitely will be back there to play again! The real bummer was having our flight back diverted to Pheonix because of an on board medical emergency - it meant missing my Ottawa connection and being stuck in a noisy hotel for a boring and lonely, sleepless nite (ummm . . . I'd avoid the Pittsburgh Airport Holiday Inn . . . trust me . . . )

For The Week of July 5 - July 11, 1998

I will be in San Diego from July 10th to 15th at the Meeting Professionals International World Education Congress. Keep your fingers crossed - I have been nominated for the "Tomorrow's Leaders of MPI Award". It will be announced on Sunday, July 12th in the afternoon during the conference's opening general session! :D

For The Week of June 28 - July 4, 1998

Chuck & Bill host their first annual pig roast - check out the soon-to-arrive recipe section for yummy details. A gallery of pics will be posted as soon as the pics are developed and scanned! Twenty people vs. one pig on a spit - can you picture it! It was a fantastic party. :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Gay and Lesbian Family Values Award for Web Site Excellence :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded Wizard Of the Web Award (Silver) :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Red Ray of Love Award by Imagik Arts Emporium ~ Earth Enchantments, Terra Mir Bookstore and Web Design :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Award of Excellence by The Home & Hearth Website :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Award of Love and Light by The Rainbow's End :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded Ravi's Elite Website Award for quality content and has skillful design :D

For The Week of June 21 - 27, 1998

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The A+ Web Design Approved Award by A+ Web Design :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Gifted Fox Award by Open Your Doors To The World! :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Quatec's Website Design Award by Quatec Solutions! :D

Chasm will be away on business travel from June 24 - 27! He will be in Hamilton, Ontario, for the Canadian Paediatric Society Annual Meeting :)

For The Week of June 14 - 20, 1998

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Pic Of The Day Award for June 15, 1998 by The GayPage Grand Jury :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Great Northern Website Award by The Interplanetary Post Office :D

Chasm will be away on business travel from June 17 - 21! He will be in Calgary, Alberta, for 2.5 days of meetings and to celebrate GLBT Pride with his friends! :D

For The Week of June 7 - 13, 1998

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Garfield25 Award for excellence :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The True Style Award 1998 By Stacie's Designs :D

0;IMG SRC="box.gif"> Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded Best Of The Web '98 Bronze Award By Nielsen Web Sites & Business Graphics :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is visited by its 500th visitor on June 12, 1998! :D

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Pandora's Box Award for Website Excellence :D

I get a Laptop at work so I can stay connected while travelling for business!!! :D

Chasm activates Awards Section on Website to deal with all the awards! :D

For The Week of May 31 - June 6, 1998

Chasm's Nook On The Web is Awarded The Pride! Award for lesbigay excellence on the net :D

Computer at work breaks down and needs complete overhaul :(

This part of my website launched :D

I sign apprenticeship contract with my health club towards certification as an aerobics instructor :D

Friday marks my one month anniversary of having quit smoking :D

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