Rainbow Tit Chain

Hunting BearHunting Bear


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Rainbow Tit Chain

Welcome to our 'gallery' . . . before you go further we just want to let you know that we have an "adult" website that you are also invitied to visit (if you are legal age and all that stuff).


Also -- for your ADULT interests -- Jack just recently appeared in a Manhunter Video: "Backwoods Bears 2" and was their "Model of the Month" for January '99. His most recent photo spread can be found at ToughMale. Both Jack and Sam are in the Feb/Mar '99 issue of American Bear Magazine (pp. 11-15).

Rainbow Tit Chain

PoconoBear -- Jack

CLICK HERE for a larger Image of JackCLICK HERE for a larger Image of Jack
CLICK HERE for a larger Image of JackCLICK HERE for a larger Image of Jack

Rainbow Tit Chain

PoconoBear -- Sam

CLICK HERE for a larger Image of SamCLICK HERE for a larger Image of SamCLICK HERE for a larger Image of Sam
Rainbow Tit Chain

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Rainbow Tit Chain