Famous people with autistic traits

Fictional, real, historical and contemporary celebrities

Only a person's close friends or relatives, or doctors, are likely to be able to judge whether he or she can be diagnosed with autism or Asperger's syndrome (AS). But it is illuminating to learn of people with similar characteristics to ourselves, especially when those people are successful or well-known. For this reason, I have listed here some well-known people who have shown some autistic or AS traits. Some may have autism or AS, in their mild or severe forms. Others may be elsewhere on the autistic continuum. And others listed may just be unusual individuals.

I hope you appreciate this page. If you think other famous people should be added, please e-mail me at [email protected] including a brief explanation of why you think they have autistic traits. Please send any comments or suggested links to the same address.

Fictional characters

Television characters

TV Aliens/Extra-Terrestrials

Film characters

Cartoon characters

Literary and stage characters

Characters from children's literature

Musical characters

Fabled characters

Historical famous people

Historical people prominent in the late twentieth century (died after 1975)

Contemporary famous people

Writers on autism

Remember, if you think other famous people should be added to this page, e-mail me at [email protected] including a brief explanation of why you think they have autistic traits. You can send comments or suggested links to the same address.

The information on this page was provided by visitors to this site and by visitors to #asperger, the internet relay chat channel for people with autism or asperger's. For information about the channel, please see my #asperger web page.

Many thanks to all those who have contributed to this page.

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Updated 2002-01-29