Welcome to my Guestbook!

Sauer - 05/06/00 03:23:12
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: huh

Found an old email from you when we were planning to meet. I'm sorry this cranky old town couldn't stop the pain. Delete.

Satan - 02/28/00 05:12:09
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: Welcome

Don't you look silly now ?

Carrie - 10/11/99 19:37:38
My URL:/Wellesley/Atrium/4379/Darwilliamsp.html
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: >:)

Great site you have here!!! :)

~kelly3 - 09/06/99 19:21:05
My Email:[email protected]

Rhiannon.. I don't know why I am writing this.. I can only hope that in death you will find the peace you longed for in life. Although you'd never believe it were I to tell you.. you will be missed. I think my truest regret about this is that I never took the time to get to know you, as I always wanted to. I feel guilty, I feel sad.. I feel angry at myself for not taking the moment to reply to your postings, as I always meant to.. although I am not s re you would've let me in your heart to know you. My heart is with your spirit and with Aimee at this time. blessed be, ~kelly3

cris - 09/06/99 01:18:10
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: ciao bella

i know that place you described to me. i wish you could have seen the other side of it, you'd have dug it. for whatever reason, i was looking at atari 8-bit sites on the web for the first time when i got the call. you were my oldest friend and it sucks that this is it. i could have been a better listener, but i was so stuck on getting you to see the way through the hell of it all. i don't know why i made it, i don't want to believe it was all chance. i wanted you to make it too. of course there's al kinds of stuff i wanna say now. all there is left to do is never forget.

another Rhiannon - 08/16/99 04:44:19
My URL:/SouthBeach/Lounge/9726/
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: Because I'm pwecious, hehe

Hey rhiannon, just kinda surfed onto your website, with yahoo and all that jazz. My name's rhiannon too, wow, spookey. LOL. Anyways, nice page :o)

Alina - 08/14/99 04:45:22
My URL:http://stormbringer.iwarp.com/main.htm
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: 'cause you're a Wombat too

Just floating around and wasting time before I get up at 5 a.m. for a 60 mile bike ride. I like the graphics; nice site. When will Geocities give up those stupid pop- up ads? (My other website is on Geocities as well.) Heck, it's not like you know eithe so I don't know why I'm asking. I think I'll try to sleep now. Bye. :)

You know who - 08/07/99 16:09:49
My Email:me
Why You're Here: because

I don't think so, Roy.

hogeye - 08/04/99 06:56:05
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: trying to get a date with you.

Would you like to smoke some pot and then have sex?

jen - 07/31/99 18:11:41
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/treehuggers/disco.kitty
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: bi-fem webring

Hi. I live in the Albany area, and just wanted to say I like your page! jen

Raggity Anne - 07/30/99 18:28:25
My URL:http://datemate.webjump.com
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: Following the bifem web ring

I want to see who is on the BiFem Web Ring before I commit. I enjoyed my visit, thanks. Drop by and see my effort if you ever get the chance...

- 07/25/99 16:24:43


- 04/09/99 17:09:57


The dumb old editor - 04/09/99 15:06:32
My Email:[email protected]
Why You're Here: gee, dunno.

Just wondering if it works.....

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