Who we are

Where We Meet

Upcoming Meetings

Commonly-Asked Questions

Contact Information

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Who We Are

"Polyamory is a recently coined word which represents non-monogamous alternatives in adult relationships.  Some in the polyamory community like to add 'responsible' to non-monogamy, to imply that they are serious about this alternative choice as a foundation for deep and fulfilling experiences.  How about you?  What's your definition?"

Polyamory involves responsible, truthful, committed relationships, deeply loving more than one partner. Group marriage, open couples, extended families and intimate friends are some of the arrangements in which we live out our relationships.

The Capital District Polyamory Discussion Group is a poly-friendly organization in New York's Capital Region.

This is not swinging or casual sex group. Lasting, ethical, and honest relationships are the goal. Singles, couples, triads, etc. of all orientations are welcome.

Where We Meet

We meet at the Friends Meetinghouse, 727 Madison Ave in Albany, between Lake and Quail Streets.
Meetings will be held at the Meetinghouse on the second Friday of each month at 7:30pm.

The discussion will be in Room no. 1 upstairs.  If you come late, ring the doorbell so that we can hear you!  The Friends have asked us to keep the door locked during our meeting so that strangers do not wander into the Meetinghouse.

Upcoming Meetings

June 1999
July 1999
August 1999

Here are some typical questions and answers:

Q. What are the meetings like?

A.  They are a casual discussion.  It is a pleasant social occasion where folks can talk about all sorts of issues having to do with polyamory like how to come out to your friends and family, difficulties with jealousy, children and the PTA, and so on. The Friends provide a full kitchen, so we often have coffee and some sort of snack - bring something yourself. It is not a casual sex or swinging group, and the meetings are never involved in any of these activities.

Q. How many members usually attend the meetings?

A.  For a while we had seven and at the most recent meetings we have had around 10 to 15.

Q. What is the average age of the group?

A.  30-something is average. That means we range in age from around 50 to 19.

Q. Is it mostly men or mostly women?

A.  It changes from meeting to meeting. In polyamorous relationships, lots of things can happen, so gender balance doesn't tend to matter.  Our feelings about orientation are very open, so there's never an exclusion of either gender for the sake of balance or equal numbers.

Q. Is there a form of  dress for meetings?

A.  No, however casual dress seems to be the norm.

Q. What is the average length of the meetings?

A.  A couple of hours.

Q. Is there a general subject for discussion?

A.  We weave in and out of issues regarding polyamory, and maintain a poly-friendly atmosphere for discussion of other things.  It's what ever the group wants/needs to discuss. The experienced members don't mind answering questions for those who are exploring.

Q. Any cost or fees to belong?

A.  The Meeting asks for a nominal donation, so we put out a "hat" (a plate, actually) .

Q. Any additional information you can provide ?

A.  The group formed in December of 1997.  We are forming into a group of folks who are getting to know one another and are ready to branch out into other activities, such as a "movie night" and perhaps dinners and picnics. We could use people who are interested in staying around and forming a core.  By all means visit and see if it's a group for you.

Q. Is it a good place to meet folks?

A.  Absolutely.  We also have a "personals" book for those who cannot regularly make the Friday night meetings.  Send a personal and it will be put in the book. There are no mailboxes, so you must put your name and phone number or address if you expect people to get in touch with you. Send the personal to  [email protected] and it will be put in the book.  If you wish to put an expiration date on it, it'll be removed from the book after that date. Update as often as you wish.

Contact information

Email to: Lorre ([email protected])
Phone:    (518) 464-9029

Other resources

Rather than providing one great list of online polyamory resources, I have decided to just list a few.  These pages have link lists that are more comprehensive are frequently updated, and tend to be the most reliable and stable on the web.  Please email the page author if you have any suggestions for other links.

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