My Leapin' List of WWW Resources:

A few notes about this list:
I don't spend very much time reading bisexual web pages.  I am not really looking for information and support; usually I just stumble across something interesting and bookmark it.  However, I have included a few basic places for you to start your search.  Further, I haven't  posted much G/L stuff, other than activist/political sites.

Also, I don't list personal TS/TG or bi pages, with occasional exceptions.  I find that you tend to get a lot of noise and very little signal with these -- for what it's worth.

Finally, you are not going to see very much in the way of transgender, crossdresser, or non-op links listed.  Simply put, I am a transsexual -- not a crossdresser or transgenderist.  I have nothing against them; I would rather focus on my own community and needs.


Sites are rated 1 to 5 ( ).

Bi WWW pages
The Bi Resource Center
This is the page for the Boston Bi Resource Center.  Here you can find anything and everything WWW and Bi (as well as "real world" resources.  I took away 1 mouse, because one person who is occasionally the e-mail contact is an egotistical jerk.  IMHO.  :)
Bisexual Internet Resources
This site is put together by Dr. Fritz Klein, maven of the whole Bi thingy.  Slightly self-promoting.  Has a little of just about everything.
The page design is spiffy, although graphically intensive, meaning long page loads (I have a cablemodem so I don't notice page loading times too often, but I did here.)  I don't give this one 5 mice because it has one of those scrolling JavaScript tickers on the menu bar -- I HATE those! 

Lots of resources for bi wimmin here.

Graphically well thought out, this page focuses on UK and European Bi resources.  So I guess there isn't a lot I can say.... but here it is if you need it.
Bi All Means
Another page with nice, subdued graphics (unlike this very one).  Mostly a list of lists, etc.   And that's enough bad puns on the word "Bi", for now... (Bi for now?  ugh...see what I mean?)
G/L(B/T) pages
The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) has taken on more and more gay issues as time goes by (especially education, privacy, and marriage).  Their list of sodomy states is expecially valuable and complete (e.g. states that have laws that criminalize consenting behavior between adults).
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force homepage (NGLTF -- say it 3 times fast, win the prize.)  The page has a typical Washington lobby/think-tank look and feel.  However, they are starting to "get it" about bi and trans issues.
The Queer Resources Directory.  All the queer you can eat (and then some).  One of the oldest Internet resources, its sheer size and completness can be daunting.  It's probably in here.... somehwere....
The Human Rights Campaign
Hey!  If you are 1) "gay or lesbian" (if you occasionaly swing Bi it's OK -- just don't talk about it in public), and you make $45,000 a year or more, then the HRC is the place for you!!!  Transsexual?  Forget it.  You can read their spin control/propaganda about how they support those silly trannies, or you can judge from these (1), (2), (3) instances of past behavior.  Buncha lying, apologist jerks.
Transsexual pages
Transsexual Women's Resources
Just about the most complete page with regard to hormones and other medical TS stuff.
Above and Beyond
Another 'list of lists" page... although I think some of the graphic design decisions made by the author are a little goofy.
The Gender Web
A site with a little bit of everything, information-wise.
The International Journal of Transgenderism
An academic, peer reviewed journal.  With all the dryness and technical detail overload that this implies.  Sprächen Sie Deutsch?
Notes on Gender Transition
Focuses more on the therapistese type end of things.  Love it or hate it, if you want hormones or sex reassignment surgery (SRS) you have to deal with it/them (shrinks, that is) -- best to be a smart consumer who is armed with some useful information.
Sex Change Indigo Pages
The page is organized simply and clearly; the graphics are nothing to write home about.  What is here is hard to find information about SRS:  options, outcomes, etc.  This page also has a little info about female-to-male SRS (and if you know of any others for F2Ms, please forward them to me.)
Transgender Forum
A quasi-commercial site, although most of it can be accessed for free.  It's focused mostly on the TG/crossdresser community, but its resource list is pretty complete.
This is the home page for GenderTalk Radio, a TG/TS news program out of the Boston, MA, area.  If you have RealAudio you can listen to prerecorded shows.  Some of the organization of information, expecially older information, can be confusing sometimes.
The page for New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy, an organization that I admittedly know little about (as it seems that most of their activities seem to be based in other parts of the state).  I will keep an eye on this site.  At least the layout and organization of the site is nice :)

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This page maintained by Rhiannon C.
last updated:  15 Mar 1999