Welcome to the Xroads (Crossroads) Information Page.

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"where sexual orientation, gender identity, fetish, spirituality, etc. meet and blend..."
Sure, bisexuality breaks open the little box hierarchy gay/straight -- but why stop there?
Gender, affiliation, attraction, poly/monofidelity, spirituality, identity:  all of these meet, blend, and color one another in interesting and hard-to-define ways.

If this sounds interesting to you, then XROADS might be the list for you.

Crossroads (XRoads) is a list for those of us with complicated lives. It's a place for the open discussion of "alternative lifestyles."
More than just a place to talk about sex and sexuality, Crossroads is a place to talk about our intersections: our relationships, our spirituality, our fantasies, and the reality of living in a homophobic and erotophobic society.


Because of the intent to keep XROADS a safe, relevant, and interesting space, membership to the list is by invitation only.To get on the list you have to be recommended by someone already on the list.

New list members should send a short application to the list moderator:  [email protected]

The list can be joined by:

Mail to the list should be directed to:
   [email protected]
Subscription/unsub or other list commands"
   [email protected]
And the list moderator can be reached via:
   [email protected]

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