

A 51 year old t-gal from Australia

Thank you for visiting my website. As you may know Yahoo has introduced a new policy with regard to download restrictions. Basically this means that they will now no longer give you access to a "free" geocities site once the download limit of that site has been exceeded in any given month.

It means that I cannot even access my own website if the download limit is surpassed. It's a stupid policy but that's the way it is (for now).

Therefore I have reluctantly had to alter this front page on how people can access my site to view/download pics etc. If you want access to the real index page/picture pages of this site, please e-mail me at:
[email protected]

STOP PRESS: As from 18 March 2003, I have been out in the real world "full-time" as Szusza. Thank you to all the many friends and colleagues who have supported me on this wonderful but scary journey to self-worth. You know who you are. BIG THANKS most importantly to my wonderful wife and family for trying to understand how much this means to me. I hope that we remain closest friends forever. Brickbats to those who doubted my intentions and just couldn't understand that this was more than just a "hobby" for me.

This website was last updated on 20 June 2003.

For fun, I also put a picture of me up on the HOT or NOT website to see where I am rated. Basically people rate anonymous pics from 1 to 10 as to their "hotness". They do that without knowing anything about you. In my case I have been rated without even people knowing that I am a transgendered person. The picture I submitted is below and you can see the current rating I have out of 10 - pretty flattering for an old gal like me.


Copyright: Szusza 2002