My VERYLittle Home Page.


Please go to in place of this page.  I am going to keep this site as a mirror site for now, but Yahoo/Geocities has such restrictive bandwidth limits now, it makes the pages unavailable before one person can get through them.  I hope will be better.  I did have to reduce the KCS Folio 43 file sizes to have enough disk space on  So if you are looking for a bit clearer picture, you might look here.

Because I have had trouble with FTP clients and my Geocities web page, some more pictures and a e-mail link are at .

Well, if you made it to this page, and know anything about Geocities' free WWW service structure , you must realize I am gay. It took me a long time to accept that in myself. I was well in my 30s before I wanted to admit that fact about myself, although I have been physically attracted to the male body even as far back as grade school. It was probably one of the best things I ever did though. I can be more who I really am now. My college roomate always kidded me about "having latent homosexual tendencies". Mike was right!!!  We still keep in contact once or twice a year, so I guess someday, I will OUT myself to him. Hehehe, if Mike ever uses his old line on me again, I guess I will say, "It isn't latent anymore!".

Generally now, I am out. Just about anybody who I meet these days (gay or straight) on a personal bases knows. A few selected old friends know. Although my mother knows, I have no idea if the rest of my family knows. I won't hide it if asked though. So far, even my good friends with conservative views seem to accept me that way. They know I am basically a good person in heart even though their up bringing and religious views may tell them I am evil person <grin>. So, I guess I am lucky at that because I haven't had any total rejection, etc as of yet.

As you may guess from the background picture, I like trains. I am a member of the gay rail fan club the Phoebe Snow Society . I always loved the Wabash Railroad. They were my home town raiload. The original picture was taken by me in December, 1997. This locomotive belongs to the Monticello Railway Museum and was loaned to the Norfolk Southern to operate their employee Christmas special train the last few years. A friend of a friend got me a ride on that train. Here is another picture that I got off the Internet taken from about the same spot maybe 35 to 40 years earlier.

I uploaded the scans of my KCS Folio 43 for your viewing and download pleasures.

I have just uploaded scans of the KCS SLIC maps of the Kansas City area thru Drexel, MO.

Well, that is it for now.

Last updated February 4, 2003
