Kythany's Page


Just started...Please be to this internet stuff...

Hello and welcome. I am Kythany from West Palm Beach, Florida

Well, I don't have anything to add right now, so I'll just list some cool music I've been listening to...

SOME GOOD MUSIC (totally arbitrary and random mix of stuff)

Moongate Music offers soothing, continuous, instrumental music ideal for massage therapy, Yoga, spas, reiki, tai chi, feng shui and meditation. Most of the music is by Marilynn Seits and her music is incredible! Beautiful stuff. My favorite CD is FEATHERTOUCH which is similar to Tangerine Dream - soft flowing synths that lull me into a deeply relaxed state without putting me to sleep.
DINOSAUR CONSTRUCTION UNIT - I just saw this band recently play in West Palm Beach and they were awesome! I would have a hard time describing their music, but they played some pretty spaced-out jamming that almost got into free jazz, then they played some alt rock, a country tune, and then they played an acoustic set. The acoustic stuff was awesome too, because they jammed out on it, kind of like the Grateful Dead. But I can't really compare them to the Dead, cause they were heavier. Interesting stuff!!!
Mary Jane Lamond - celtic contemporary stuff. Tribal yet New Agey in a nice intriguing way, not the cloying Enya-Pure-Moods kinda way.
RADIOHEAD - KID A - Finally a modern popular band has done something decent and innovative. But hey - in this era of sugar-coated girl and boy song and dance acts, bad drab pompous rap, generic by-the-numbers alternative rock and nostalgia circuit flick-my-Bic for yesterdecade, RADIOHEAD actually comes out with some street cred - a perfect balance of beauty and dissonance transcending the boundaries of rock music. Hats off to them. If you liked their disk Pablo Honey, don't buy this one.


Send me an email Kythryn

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