The details

Myra summons Rusty to the acting school's infirmary at 10 o'clock at night for some "special attention" related to his posture problem. Given their encounter in Myra's office, Rusty is reluctant to go; but with a few harsh words from Myra, he obeys.

Soon after Rusty's arrival, Myra reveals that she is aware of his second scrape with the law. She also lies and says that his probation officer has asked her to report in on him.

With that said, Myra suggests they get started with what she has planned for their session:

- A physical examination, since there's no record on file and school policy requires one, and

- A tracing of Rusty's spine as a reference for a chiropractor allegedly lined up to make a brace for him.

Myra quickly assumes the persona of the chilliest of nurses, directing Rusty down a path of embarrassing and humiliating processes and procedures. During the next hour, she uses harsh commands, threats and a few well-placed slaps across the bottom to get Rusty to:

- Pee in a bottle behind a screen in the corner of the room,

- Allow her to take his temperature with a rectal thermometer,

- Tease his  nipples with a set of tongs,

- Respond  to a series of indelicate questions (e.g., "How many times can you come in one night?" For the record: four or five), and

- Allow her to reach inside his undershorts to perform a hernia exam.

Just when Rusty thinks he’s about to escape without having to endure what he believes to be the ultimate embarrassment -- revealing his genitals to this woman he fears -- Myra orders him to stand front and center. With tears in his eyes and lips trembling, Rusty does as he’s told. 

Myra then slowly pulls down Rusty’s shorts, "enjoying each station of his shame." Rusty is thick but short, and Myra is scornful (e.g., "I’m afraid, Rusty, that you've been somewhat oversold on the campus. That's a boy's equipment."). 

After a bit of her own handiwork, Myra orders Rusty to take himself in hand and show her what he has to offer as a lover. But Rusty can't get it up. Myra responds with more insults (e.g., "Do you often have this problem?"), then gets her own hands back on Rusty’s penis. But still no erection. 

Dazed and confused with this double humiliation, Rusty asks Myra if she wants him to "ball" her. Feigning shock and disgust (this was all part of her plan), Myra threatens to tell his probation officer of his bad behavior. What's more, she adds, it's obvious he couldn't do it even if she wanted him to. 

However, as a lesson, Myra says, she will ball him. The clue less Rusty allows Myra to bind his hands together and tie him to the top of the examination table. With a few more harsh words and another slap across the buttocks, Rusty’s suddenly on his knees and elbows -- head down, butt up and legs spread wide.

Myra then straps on a very large dildo, and Rusty finally understands. Terrified, he tries to wrench free of his bonds but fails, and Myra lets Rusty have it.

Eventually spent, Myra stops and unbinds the shattered Rusty. He stands up shakily, rubbing tears from his swollen face, and dresses in silence. 

As a final insult as Rusty walks out the door, Myra asks whether he's going to thank her "for all the trouble I've taken."

Sure enough: He does.