Candle LAmehr Candle R


MusicA New MusicalMusic


Music by

Lyrics by

� George Willson Sean Patterson �

Book by George Willson and Sean Patterson
Original story by George Willson

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Amehr is a through-sung musical from the musical team of George Willson and Sean Patterson combining elements of both rock and classical progressing effortlessly from one style to the other. Four years in the making, Amehr explores the interaction and obsessions of four people: a reporter's career, a musician's beliefs of right and wrong, a cult leader's religion, and a bounty hunter's...well, he's obsessed with himself.

Comments from George Willson on Amehr --

Amehr began as a joke in my mind in late 1993. More of a spoof on a distorted rumor, it evolved over the early months into a viable story. After enlisting the help of two other lyricists, I finally went to Sean Patterson, an old high school friend with whom I'd written a song we both still joke about, who overnight exceeded my expectations. Work was slow due to busy schedules over the next couple years until it was finally completed in August of 1997.

What is Amehr? A worthy question. The word itself describes the paradise that is entered by Gospoists. Gospoism is a fictional religion loosely based on Christianity.

Amehr is currently being expanded to be a three part musical trilogy. �The first part will deal with Morris Peagan's introduction into Gospoism by the original founder, Gospoderick. �It will take Peagan from being an innocent bible college student to being the leader of a�powerful religious cult called Gospoism which eventually forces him and his followers to found the city of Bluffs so they may live in peace.

The second part will investigate the introduction of outsiders into the Gospoist society thirty years after its conception. �It will also introduce the faction in town that opposes Gospoism, the Underground. �The Underground will found the Musicians' Guild only to be overtaken by Peagan who will install the Gigmaster to keep a watchful eye on those inside. �Part 2 will also introduce us to the young couple Cliff Tubkas and Joy Flautison. �It is Joy's father who is sent to Bluffs on a mission to insure an old incident concerning Gospoism does not reoccur.

The third part is the original story of Amehr, now with a fully explained background. �Cliff and Joy reunite and he explains to her that he never was one of the Gospoists, but always a member of the Underground. �Relieved at this information, she trusts Cliff to keep, but Peagan ends up getting the best of them both. �The day is won for Bluffs and its' residents and Underground, but what of Cliff and Joy? �What becomes of them? �We'll see. �

For more information on Amehr, try these links:
ButtonAmehr Songs
ButtonAmehr Characters

How is Amehr progressing in the production department?

It is definitely on hold for now. �Once again, much improvement is being made at this time. �The reading at Heller Theatre in October of 1998 revealed to us�much subtext that was unknown to the audience. �The decision was made shortly thereafter to expand the single show into an epic musical trilogy about the evil known as Gospoism.

Incidentally, you are listening to the show's title song.

If you want to know more about the lyrics, you may E-Mail Sean PattersonSean Patterson

Or you may E-Mail George Willson George Willson, and he will be more than happy to tell you more about the plot, the characters, and the music that make Amehr the entity it is. Also e-mail if interested in the possibility of production or would like to be placed on the mailing list concerning show updates.

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Last updated August 13, 2000

Amehr � 1997 by George Willson and Sean Patterson

No portion of this page or any of its subsequent links may be reproduced by any means without express permission of the copyright owners.
This page and all related links � 2000 by Tubkas Entertainment
Dr. Music's Compositional Odyssey � 1997 by Sean Patterson