
One Night

The World Premiere Musical

Book, Music, and Lyrics


George Willson

One Night is a rock operetta exploring an unfortunate individual's journey into depression and coming out of it by finding hope in the most unusual place: the violent and sultry streets of Northern Bluffs. �

One Night Synopsis

The story begins in a Northside factory. �The boss fires one of his employees, Allan Connell, for no apparent reason. �Allan heads home only to find his girl with another man. �He seems to expect this, and kicks her out of his apartment for good. �Exiting, he is confronted by a couple thugs demanding money he had borrowed at an earlier time, but since paid back. �He gives the thugs the slip, but finds no more worth in his life. �He decides, though, that before he leaps from The Bridge, he should enjoy his last night. �He heads to the only place he could think of for a very short term date: the steamy beat of Northern Bluffs. �He doesn't anticipate getting a decent girl in a band of hookers, though. �

The girl, Deirdre, ends up being pursued by her pimp, Antonio, because he showed her off to a customer who wanted her for the night. �Unfortunately, she is enjoying her evening with Allan and is no where to be found. �The couple end up back at her apartment, where they consummate their evening out of choice, rather than duty. �Allan is still, however, committed to ending his life, though she is giving him a reason to stay. �She finds him on the bridge once again, and pleads with him not to go. �During their conversation, Antonio shows up and strengthens Allan's resolve to take her from the life she is caught in. �Antonio's customer's hitmen have since hunted Antonio down, and report that their boss is unhappy that he didn't get his girl this evening and with to take it out of Antonio. �This turn of events allows the couple to live happily ever after.

One Night Themes

� � � A major thematic element in One Night is the subject of one individual enacting control over others. �The character, Allan, is controlled in the course of the show by his boss, Goldsen; his girlfriend, Rachel; the Thugs (who are controlled by Goldsen); then his own depression takes ahold of him until Deirdre can bring him out of it. �Deirdre, in turn, is controlled by her pimp, Antonio, until her desire to be with Allan overrides the control Antonio has. �Allan's ex-girlfriend, Rachel originally had control over Allan until he kicked her out, then when she attempted to regain control, she lost and would find that she is driven by her desire to try to control others. �Antonio, despite the control he has over his girls, is controlled in this show by his powerful customer, Goldsen. �Goldsen is the guy with the money, and it appears no one has control over him in the course of the show. �He is the representative of the modern world where the one with the cash makes the rules, and the rules of One Night are governed by Goldsen through his Thugs and Antonio. �

� � � Money is the other omni-present element here. �Without money, Allan would not have lost his job and be placed in the situation he's in. �Money is the only reason Deirdre has decided to"hook" to start with. �Money is what Deirdre insures that Allan has very early on in the evening. �Money is what Allan figured Deirdre was after anyway when they reached her apartment near the end. �Money is what drives Antonio to look for Deirdre at all, and money is what Goldsen feels cheated out of bringing Antonio's downfall. �Plainly shown, money plays a large role in changing the lives of these people.

Button List of Songs and Lyrics

The song in the background is entitled "One Night to Live."

If you can't hear the music, click here ----> hear the music

Production Update

There are no production updates at this time.

If you have curiosities about the show or any part of it, you may, as always, feel free to E-Mail George Willson, and we'll leak a little more than is spoken of here. �

Last Updated July 27, 2000

One Night �1999 by George Willson

This page and all related links �2000 by Tubkas Entertainment