The above is the sole responsibility of Geocities.




Pride Saint Louis These folks are the ones responsible for the pride fest in St. Louis. They also do outreach and stuff. A very cool group.

LBGTM's Info Page This page is pretty cool. It is run by a gay group at a Canadian university. It has info on health, sexuality, sex, and more, check it out!

GLAAD The home of GLAAD. A great organization. Check out their website and learn more!

ARA-Kirksville This is the website of the local (Kirksville) chapter of ARA. They are against everything that makes humanity bad namely homophobia, semitism, racism, and the other bad isms. They are cool.

Bigala A GLBT group at Southern Missouri State University, very cool page check it out! They are currently working to get sexual orientation to be added to SMSU's nondiscrimination policy.

PFLAG Great organization for parents, family, and friends of gays and lesbians. They have chapters all over the United States. Very good resource.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force The site for activist planning! Lot of great info about organizing campaigns to get GLBT legislation passed at the local and national level.

Turnout! Links to other groups that are fighting for civil rights at all levels!


Outakes Lesbianism in Film This is a great site! It lists all of the lesbian movies that have ever been made and that are in the works. Notice--this is not a porn listing!

Essays on Gay History and Literature If you want to know gay history and literature from way back, check out this site! It has a lot of good links so if you are writing that research paper on gay history or literature then you want to come here and check it out!

Digital Queers This site contains info about GLBT activist history. They helped groups like NGLTF, PLAG, and GLAAD launch their websites, way back when the net was young!

Dykesworld Probably the best place on the web for lesbians. This places totally rocks! Check it out!

Advocate This is the webpage for the magazine. Very nicely done and a great companion to the periodicle.

PlanetOUT Another great website with tons of stuff.


Queer Resources Directory Awesome sight that will take you just about anywhere you want to go. Great research tool!!!

Theory/Gender/Identity Resources This is an awesome little powerhouse of a website. It is brand new and the links are of a high quality. I highly recommend this site, especially if you are doing any kind of research on Queer Theory or gender issues!

Pridelinks A search engine that allows you to search through hundreds of GLBT sites. This is a link to their resources page which has some great links.


Anti-Violence Project This is a group based out of New York. They have a lot of good information on hate crimes.

Fighting Hate Across the Nation A site dedicated to hate crimes and their prevention. An excellent resource.

Community United Against Violence How to report a hate crime, what happens after you report it, what a hate crime is, and so on, over all a great site!

Misc. This site used to be nothing more than an online pick-up bar, but they have seriously reformed their image. It has all sorts of cool and interesting information as well as several local chapters in major cities. Check it out!

Truman State University The university that we all attend. Not bad as universities go. It is located in a small town in Missouri, USA.

HomoBase AWESOME site!!! Has tons of links to pages about everything gay and the US military!!! They are also putting out a call for research papers!!!

Out & About I know spring break is coming!!! Here is a site that is a big help to all you GLBT travellers out there! Lot of practical and helpful advice!

Want to submit a link? EMAIL me!