Where all is not as it seems.....

Hello and welcome. This is my homepage, I created it because I wanted to learn HTML and need something to practice on.

For best viewing open your browser as wide as the rainbow

Bluehook is my IRC nickname. (To find out more about IRC click on the Chatter, chatter chatter link below). If you want to know why I use that nickname have a look through my pictures and you will see it. My real name is Rachel, I'm 31 years old and I live with two of by best friends and their children and several animals on a smallholding in Rural West Wales.... (that's next-door to England, not IN England ok.) Since 18th June 1998 I have been keeping a diary in here so if you are interested in what I spend my days getting up to check it out. If you get as far as the bottom of the page please sign the guesbook, it absolutley makes my day when someone signs it, if you are shy then use the E-mail link instead.

I'm learing to use Flash 3.0

My First Flash Movie - explains how my hand got removed a bit at a time.

Other sites I'm working on


Rural Womyns Zone Gallery

Recent additions

4th August: Added Part One and Part Two of a virtual tour of the structures and land etc. around the house

17th July: Added a page about The Day we Moved House and also our House Warming Party. Plus a page of Film Stills.

12th July: Updated the Links Page and tinkered with the Chat Page.


10 Pages of Pictures


Start at the beggining

Most recent entry

Index Page


Enter my two favourite chatrooms, hear my favourite wavs and get help with all the lingo.


Just some Links

.....page under construction...yes I know its annoying, but I have to keep changing stuff or I get bored

The guestbook works.... feel free to use it.


sign guestbook

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