Good evening, Welcome to my guestbook.
Thanks to everyone who has signed so far, it's really very gratifying for me.

Juli - 01/18/99 03:13:37
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: I loved it
Do you think I'm quite mad: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

It's great and colourful

jenny - 01/04/99 07:51:03
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: she's great mate
Do you think I'm quite mad: difine mad
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: whats JavaScript?

Hi - my name is Jenny and I live at Chillingham in Australia. My partner and I live on 7 acres of land which we bought just 12 months ago. I am new to the internet and as yet dont have my own homepage but reading yours has inspired me!! I havent read it all but so far love it. Maybe one day when i get my page up i will send it to you. Thanks for all the hard work and fun that has gone into making this page. A great link for girls in the bush. Love from Australia. Jenny

tammie - 01/02/99 21:21:48
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: excellent!
Do you think I'm quite mad: to put it mildly
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: definitely

I have read your entire diary and am now checking on some of your links. I am new at this internet thing this being only my fourth day of experimenting. I hope everything is as it should be. I am a 37yr old womyn living in Alaska Usa, we have very similar lifestyles. I spend most of my days pretty much the same way you do. In Alaska people are very independent and resourcful you would fit in very well. I wait eargerly to read more daily entrys.thank you for your energy and time. hello to the family.

Helen Sugrue - 12/23/98 22:01:18
So what do you think of my pages?: Fab
Do you think I'm quite mad: I know you are
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: sure


Liz Shallenberger - 12/04/98 23:25:22
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: beautiful horses! I have two myself. Nice job on the photos. I've been to Wales once. I loved it.
Do you think I'm quite mad: No
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: ?????

See above

Heather - 11/03/98 04:17:50
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: very colorful
Do you think I'm quite mad: maybe a little "off", but in a good way


Jenn - 10/19/98 14:48:29
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: Nice.
Do you think I'm quite mad: Of course.
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: Outlook not so good.

Thanks for sharing!

Stacey - 10/07/98 02:39:56
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: I think the diary is a good it for real?
Do you think I'm quite mad: aren't we all?
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: still learning Myself.


Darlene - 09/20/98 22:47:05
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: It's great! Took me a couple of visits to explore it.
Do you think I'm quite mad: Well...hmmm... According to my friends, I am in no position to judge the maddness of others.
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: Yep. And then I'll have to upgrade my browser to keep up.

I really enjoyed reading through your diary entries. Don't know if you've found the info on the "bitless" bridle, but I've used one on some of my horses. There are two well-known styles here in the U.S. The one that I'm familiar with is the hackamore ( ooks about like your drawing). Works great on some horses and not so great for others. My favorite horse worked very well in a hack (or in a halter-- "headcollar"-- with two pieces of baleing twine tied onto the sides. On the other hand, I also had an evil little mare whose favorite passtime was scraping any timid or inexperienced rider off by way of a really nasty pine tree. And there was the big bully (also a mare) who really didn't give a damn that the other living eing who just happened to be perched on her back might have different ideas about where she was going and how fast she should get there. Never rode either in a hack-- hey, I might be nuts, but I ain't crazy! Guess it really depends on the horse. Try lo king online for horse magazines (Horse Illustrated, Horse Play, Western Horseman, Back Country Horseman-- a few) for more tack dealers having hackamores (Western tack-- you know, cowboy boots, funny saddles with a horn on the front-- dealers are most likely to carry them. good luck! I you want further info you can e-mail me.

Matt - 09/18/98 19:44:04
So what do you think of my pages?: I'm glad that you decided to have a little diary on the web to share your thoughts. I really like your page for the "simplicity" that you involve. It's blunt and true. I'll come back and see you again!
Do you think I'm quite mad: You betcha'!
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: (You rhyming bastard, you.) Only if you really want to. he he

In this spot, (since I've already shared my thoughts in your 'So what do you think...' section) I've decided to sing a song instead. Ready? Here we go: I am a pizza! (chorus) I am a pizza; (you) Bum bum bum. (chorus) Bum bum bum; (you) I am a pizza! (chorus) I am a pizza; (you) Bum bum bum. (chorus) Bum bum bum. Swell, eh? Yeah...I thoght so.

Christie - 09/12/98 05:53:09
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: very unique
Do you think I'm quite mad: no
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: sure, why not?

I have enjoyed my stay for the past two hours or so inside of your world. I am especially impressed by your artwork....the images you portrayed could only be drawn, never spoken...I wish you only the best of luck:) I will be back in the near future to re d of your latest adventures. It was an honor to meet you.

Debbie Smith - 08/28/98 11:26:54
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: Really enjoyed browsing...thanks for sharing
Do you think I'm quite mad: getting

Enjoyed my visit.....keep at it...will call again

Fiorenza Caetani - 08/20/98 09:51:31
So what do you think of my pages?: They are well made.
Do you think I'm quite mad: Yes, but I know people madder (madder, is it right? I mean more mad, but my english is awful.)

I couldn't visit all your site because I hadn't time, but I want to know something more about you and the place were you live, so I'll be back soon in this hot summer. Excuse me if I don't give you my Email, but this computer isn't mine, it's of the organ zation were I spend a lot of my free time. Goodbye, Fiorenza.

Susan Baylies - 08/19/98 14:00:06
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: fabulosa
Do you think I'm quite mad: in a most amusing way


Nikki - 08/13/98 05:39:24
My URL:http://www.quite's homepage
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: your home page is excellent keep up the good work!
Do you think I'm quite mad: I wouldn't say you're mad, you're just great at known how to operate on the computer
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: I know you will Rachel

My homepage may be boring to you, but you can check it out anyway, I have not all the equipment that I need to finish my homepage with no scanner or photo copier, but I am hoping to buy a scanner next month, and maybe a photo copier in the near future, so I can put pictures of my dollhouses and and other projects I have made that goes with my two adorable dollhouses, with my homepage and pictures of my family that I live with too. I'm a miniaturist sometimes I have images in my mind to make miniatures by scratch and they come out really great, I also put dollhouses together and make land- scapings and I belong to the "Merry mini makers club" at a shop the shop is owned by a very nice lady named Linda and we all sit together at a table and put all different kinds of 1"scale kits together it's alot of fun, and this is my favorite hobby.Oh I work too in a nursing home in Catskill,N.Y. and it's called Eden park nursing home, I'm a housekeeper there I clean the residents rooms and bathrooms and the nurses station and other rooms, I like the res- idents and I have alot of friends who work there too. I'm 32 yrs.old have a dog named Roxy a golden retriever and a hubby named Mark we get along very well. well guess I have not written you a message it's more like a book, I just love to type. Well please do e mail me sometime would like to keep in touch with you.Okay? I live in the U.S.A. and I'm native American on my mom's side of the family and part dutch too. your friend, Nikki

Critique Monsters - 07/28/98 00:47:10
So what do you think of my pages?: impressive
Do you think I'm quite mad: nope...cause if you are we definitely are
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: what is that???

HEHEHE the remodeling you've done. When are we going to see some more pics on your pages?

Makenzie - 07/27/98 12:22:24
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: there cool. keep up the good work :)
Do you think I'm quite mad: your not mad. Your probably more normal than the rest of us.
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: Of course you will


Leslea - 07/24/98 04:31:13

My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: very appealing! Fun!
Do you think I'm quite mad: No more than the rest of us
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: NO

Loovx - 07/21/98 01:33:34
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: absolutely fascinated with your drawings
Do you think I'm quite mad: perhaps -- don't you think all womyn should be in order to maintain their mental health?
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: What I want to know about java at this time: nada

WONDERFUL fascinating drawings you've added to your pages. Something about them reminds me of Frida Kahlo drawings -- isn't that interesting? You inspire me to open up my sketchbooks again. And -- once again -- I LOVE your house!

JoanEunice - 07/16/98 02:41:16
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: Pretty Great!
Do you think I'm quite mad: Yes, But that's okay, so'am I.
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: Ask the Eight Ball...

Racheal, I got to your site through TalkCity's Treasure Hunt. Looks Good! Hope to see you on TC sometime. Joan

Brenda - 07/13/98 00:05:13
My URL:/westhollywood/7174/
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: great, I loved them
Do you think I'm quite mad: no never
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: looks like your off to a good start

great site, thanks for the invite.

Wayne - 07/11/98 23:35:32
My Email:[email protected]
So what do you think of my pages?: Great job on the pages, impressive
Do you think I'm quite mad: Quite may not be the proper word...haha
Will I ever get to grips with JavaScript?: Hey, sure

Great page here... oh and most congrats on getting the best page for the art catagory homepage street thing. Again GREAT WORK and CONGRATULATIONS!!

GaleWOW - 07/03/98 09:31:19
Soo, what do you think of the page then?:Wonderful!!
Do you think I'm quite mad?:Ummmm, do I have to answer this?
Do you think I'll ever get to grips with Java Script?: But of course. : )

Nope, not quite mad yet. You still have a bit to go before you catch up with me. LOL Great site, btw. {{{{{{{{{{{{Bluehook}}}}}}}}}}}}

Pinocchio - 06/27/98 03:44:28
Do you think I'm quite mad?
No more than my other friends
Do you think I'll ever get to grips with Java Script?: Too subjective for this mind. Can't tell right now.

Hello Bluehook, Enjoying all the views around here. Trying to think of urbane comments to make. You've done a lot of work here, and you have many things I can show my Mum. lol. I'll stop by every now and then to see what is new. Love and Kisses, Pino

Cindy and Dawn - 06/26/98 23:36:53
Do you think I'm quite mad?
well, of course why we like ya
Do you think I'll ever get to grips with Java Script?: we like java...wait we like coffee...same thing???

Nice page...we like. We were wondering if our room is ready yet? What's the dog's name in the pic? What happened to your is much longer than Dawn's. Do we get 2 free round trip air tickets to Wales for being first to sign? Huh? He ...we missed not reading an entry in your diary for today. See ya around.

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