This is Jarods Page!!
Be nice I am still working on it!!
Cruise Ship Days Pictures
Jarods Pictures
Camping Weekend July
Camping Weekend June
Camping fromm 2001 Memoial day
Jarods Friends Pictures
2002 Winter Olympics in SLC
Well where should I begin? So I guess I should start at the very beginning. I am sure you are here to read about my whole life story, so here it is. I was born in a little (well not so little anymore0 town called Bellingham, which is about 1.5 hours north of Seattle. I was born on April 11, 1975, so that makes me 31 years old, GOSH IM OLD!! I went to a cute little elementary school called Carl Cozier, then Whatcom Middle School and then graduated from Sehome High School in 1993. I then attended Whatcom Community College for two years.
Click here for info about my hometown!
After attending coolege for a couple years in Bellingham, I decided I needed a change in scenery so packed up everything and moved down to Bend, Oregon. It is a GREAT town. I moved there because in the winter there is awesome skiing on Mt. Bachelor, and I could ski every day and in the summer, the Dechutes River is excellent for white water kayaking (my favorite sport) and rafting. There is also great fishing, camping, golfing and blading. While living in Bend I worked at a resort called The Inn of the Seventh Moutain. Its a great place for friends and/or family to go any time of the year! I lived in Bend for about a year and a half before I got tired of everything and decided I wanted to see what living in a real city was all about so I picked up and moved again! The pictures to the right andbelow are of the Bend area and the resort I worked at.
After leaving Bend, Oregon I moved to the East Coast, to the New York and New Jersey area. I lived in a little town called Ridgewood, and worked as a nanny there, while attending school and enjoying the area. Dont make fun of it, cuz I LOVE KIDS!! The first family I worked for , the mother was the VP of J.P. Morgan and father was the Senior V.P. at Lipton. The second family I worked for, she was V.P. of Human Resources for General Motors, and he was a pilot. I enjoyed my time there very much, and enjoy visiting often. I suggest that everyone spends a year in New York City and experience its splendor!.... or at least go there for a long weekend shopping! Click on the pics on the left for more info or on the links for live web cams and pics of the city!
Well, after living on the east coast for two years, I decided that once again I needed a change, so I got online and started applying for various jobs, and landed a nice job as a bartender on a cruise ship, where I later moved up into a onboard supervisory position. I worked onboard for about a year and half, then took a part time land job doing shore support for them, so I could enjoy life on land again. While doing shore support part time, I worked in the advertising department full time at The Seattle Times newspaper. I currently work full time at Cruise West in the People Care and Development Department (Human Resources).  For photos of the things I saw and of our destinations and ships click here or on the  picture of the boat below.
Mount Bachelor
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