Welcome to my photo album!
I'm going to post some pictures here of my family and the people who I've met on line, who have really influenced me in the past few months and years. Hope you like them, and get to know me better through them.
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My Mother, Myrna Miller
April 21, 1930 - June 8, 1999
My greatest teacher.

This is my very best online pal, Crowbar. This is, without a doubt, my favorite photo of her, although I'm sure she'd have a cow if she KNEW this was my favorite. I love the photos of her all formal and sh*t, but this one just seems to be the most "her" of the bunch. She is a wonderful friend, and I'm a better person for knowing her. I think that we've both learned a lot from one another over the years, and I know that I'd be heartbroken to lose her friendship. *huggles*

This is my buddy Ridge, who lives out in California. She is an absolute doll! This is our most recent pic of her, with her new haircut. Love ya, babe! Yer the best!

This is me, Dakota, and my friends from Chicago, Fred and Garlic. Fred met me at the Chicago Matchmaker Site, and while we never did make it as anything more than friends, he has become an invaluable part of my life! And for all of you straight ladies who have happened across here... He's SINGLE! So you can write to me and tell me why you want him...and I'll let him know! LOL But beware...he likes to talk about things like existentialism and religion and computer programming - all at the same time. He's a member of MENSA and he gives ME brain cramps sometimes... But Fred... I Love You, Man! LOL
I met Garlic in an mIRC chat room, and she is a wonderful woman. This pic and the next one were taken during Angie's birthday last year.

This is Angie, Fred and Garlic goofing around. Love Fred's expression!

This is Fred and Dakota. See, ladies? He loves kids... better grab him now while you can! =)

This is the most incredible woman short of my best friend Angie. I met her on line in a chat room at Gay.com, and she has become a friend, a confidante, and a big part of my life, as well as Angie's. She is the best, and I keep praying that she will find her happiness with a certain beauty in St. Louis. Keep the faith, MAX - it will happen!

This is my neice, Alyssa, and my nephew, Jacob. I don't have a pic of Alyssa's son Tanner, but as soon as I get one, I'll get it posted. Aren't they the cutest? I have 15 neices and nephews (I swear!), and as I get pics of them (current) I'll post them, too.

This is Angie at Eagle Creek park here in Indianapolis, near Lilly Lake.

More pics of Eagle Creek park. This is where I go when I need to have some peace and quiet, and just "be".

These are some black and white photos that I took of my mother and Dakota when he was not quite 2. My mother passed away on June 8, 1999 of lung cancer. I miss you, Mom.

This is me, back in the olden days, on Prom Night. See, I did look like a femmie little thing once upon a time. My mother made the dress for me, from my drawing. Cool, huh?

Finally, here is a photo from the family reunion we had in 1981. I was 11 years old - can you find me? Note the high quality disco clothing and hairstyles. ROFLMAO!! My family will kill me for posting this, but it's the only one I have of everyone. My brother Steve is the tall one in the back with the mustache, my brother Jeff is the other man in the back, and my sister Debi is sitting kind of in front of me with the blue-gray turtleneck sweater on. Everyone else is in-laws and neices and nephews. I am the baby of the family, in case you couldn't guess!

Now, click on the picture below to go to the Dakota photo page.