Thanks for stopping by and signing my guest book. I really appreciate it. Have a fantastic rest-of-the-day!
tigerli|y - 06/23/00 03:55:00
My warmest congratulations to you Tracy, Kerri and Dakota. God Bless.

Colleen Skeels - 05/20/00 13:33:30
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: you emailed it to me
I'm from...: Edmonton, AB Canada
Right now, the time where I am...: 7:30am
My favorite part of your page was...: Your pictures
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Calvin and Hobbs
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): I thought you weren't supposed to call them that!
Very nice family Kerri! I still haven't seen your whole site. I have the poetry to see still. This is the fist personal web site I've been to. Neat!

Count Vlad - 04/03/00 12:57:12
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: sinking my teeth into your neck
I'm from...: The dark side of the night.
Right now, the time where I am...: Just before dawn.
My favorite part of your page was...: You in that blood red gown.
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Wanda The Vampire
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): I eat fairies.
I vant to suck your blut. I vant to make you scream in ecstacy. I vant to leave you in the morning, vondering who I am, and vhen I vill return. I hunger for you tender young flesh. Ah ah ah!!!

esie wells - 03/07/00 03:41:13
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: surfing
I'm from...: charlottesville, va
Right now, the time where I am...: 10:30pm
My favorite part of your page was...: The amount of love for your son.
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: i'm not sure
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): YES
I am a lesbian mother of two three-year-old girls. We currently live in Charlottesville, VA but I hope to be attending culinary school in June or Dec in Vermont. I loved your webpage especially your photo album with all of your family pictures, there's ots of love. Please feel free to e-mail me. Bye.

esie wells - 03/07/00 03:39:58
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: surfing
I'm from...: charlottesville, va
Right now, the time where I am...: 10:30pm
My favorite part of your page was...: The amount of love for your son.
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: i'm not sure
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): YES
I am a lesbian mother of two three-year-old girls. We currently live in Charlottesville, VA but I hope to be attending culinary school in June or Dec in Vermont. I loved your webpage especially your photo album with all of your family pictures, there's ots of love. Please feel free to e-mail me. Bye.

Candy - 02/10/00 21:20:02
My Email:you know it
I found out about this page by...: from you
I'm from...: you know where
Right now, the time where I am...: 2:10 pm
My favorite part of your page was...: you
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: IR Baboon
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): yes
I'm interested in finding out what that last episode in your travelling was. What could be so significant that it would change your life drastically? Let me know!!! LOL

Cheryl Condon - 02/08/00 20:22:49
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: Amy
I'm from...: Wash state
My favorite part of your page was...: everything
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Garfield!!!
Great web page and its great getting to know you in the room!!!!!!

Linda E - 02/03/00 15:39:24
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: WVU (I'm a student in your group)
I'm from...: Florida
Right now, the time where I am...: Live in NC
My favorite part of your page was...: The pictures of you and your friends
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Dilbert
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): Yes
Neat homepage, Kerri. Good luck with your writing.

Jim Kelley (mentor) - 02/02/00 17:32:25
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: reading your post
I'm from...: Texas
Right now, the time where I am...: Washington State
My favorite part of your page was...: all the links
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Dilbert
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): depends
Good job! Now, GIT TO WORK ON YOUR LESSONS!! heheheheheheh

Sin - 01/28/00 05:17:36
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: another guestbook
I'm from...: Texas
Right now, the time where I am...: is 11:36 pm
My favorite part of your page was...: guide to life
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: don't know
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): sometimes
Hell-o. Such a purty site you have. I love that guide to life - so funny yet true. Overall, you have a great site. Keep it up. Late.

heather_b - 12/30/99 02:25:15
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: you in #leschat
I'm from...: Minnesota
Right now, the time where I am...: 8:25
Neat page Amy......and Dakota is very cute

melissa - 12/23/99 16:17:27
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: planet out
I'm from...: iowa
Right now, the time where I am...: 10:08am
My favorite part of your page was...: I don't know I haven't been through everything
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: mother goose & grim
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): I have seen fairies
Looks like a neat place to visit so far. I haven't been around the page yet. Your soon looks cute. I am just at work and bored so I was looking for anyone who might have a personality. I hope all goes well for you through the holidays. thanks for sharing our page with the world. You can drop me a message through my home account "[email protected]" melissa

Crowbar - 11/09/99 21:27:37
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: you telling me !
I'm from...: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Right now, the time where I am...: 2:16 pm
My favorite part of your page was...: the pics of your mom
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: I Am Weasel
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): only Derek and Dallos
Your mom looks like such a warm and caring woman, it must be a privalege to have known her. YOur son is way too cute! My life partner's name is Angie as well. How weird is that? I thoroughly enjoyed your webpage, and I like your title a lot. You have healthy idea of life. Good on ya Mate!!!

Crowbar - 11/09/99 21:20:44
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: you telling me !
I'm from...: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Right now, the time where I am...: 2:16 pm
My favorite part of your page was...: the pics of your mom
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: I Am Weasel
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): no
Your mom looks like such a warm and caring woman, it must be a privalege to have known her. YOur son is way too cute! My life partner's name is Angie as well. How weird is that? I thoroughly enjoyed your webpage, and I like your title a lot. You have healthy idea of life. Good on ya Mate!!!

Jennifer & Dana - 10/21/99 05:03:22
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: surfing around
I'm from...: Southern California
Right now, the time where I am...: 10:04 pm give or take a second or two
My favorite part of your page was...: the picture of you in a dress!
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Family Circus
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): sure, why not
great page...enjoyed dakota's page too!

Shelly - 06/04/99 16:31:59
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: Actually, from Dakota's page!
I'm from...: North Carolina
Right now, the time where I am...: 12:00 PM
My favorite part of your page was...: Your page is cool...but I love your background...very, very cool
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Far Side...okay, so I'm bizarre!!!
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): With a vengence!!!
Dakota is so cute. I have two kids(girl 12, boy 9),a great partner...ya know the American Dream dyke style!!! Anyway I've just been looking to meet other lesbians with children. Hope you and Dakota and all your buddys are having a great summer so far. Lo k forward to hearing from you! Shelly

Shelly - 06/04/99 16:31:43
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: Actually, from Dakota's page!
I'm from...: North Carolina
Right now, the time where I am...: 12:00 PM
My favorite part of your page was...: Your page is cool...but I love your background...very, very cool
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Far Side...okay, so I'm bizarre!!!
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): With a vengence!!!
Dakota is so cute. I have two kids(girl 12, boy 9),a great partner...ya know the American Dream dyke style!!! Anyway I've just been looking to meet other lesbians with children. Hope you and Dakota and all your buddys are having a great summer so far. Lo k forward to hearing from you! Shelly

Lee Hinkley - 05/01/99 07:49:19
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: talking with Kerri via e-mail
I'm from...: Atlanta
Right now, the time where I am...: 3:45a
My favorite part of your page was...: my section!!!
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Dykes to watch out for
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): uhhhhmmmm
Love ya babe. Thought since I was nosing around that I would let you know that I had been here. I'll talk with you tomorrow.

Jessie - 03/26/99 21:32:38
My Email:get it from Angie. k/k
I found out about this page by...: Angies page
Right now, the time where I am...: same as yours
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: ScoobyDoo
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): what kind?
Is me Angie's page brought me here. Dakota is toooo cute!

Stacey Bedwell - 03/17/99 04:06:15
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: you roomate, of course!!!
I'm from...: the speck on the map just below you
Right now, the time where I am...: 10:54 p.m (past beddy-by time)
My favorite part of your page was...: DAKOTA and his DAKOTA-ISMS!!!!
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: MUTTS
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): yes...yes...oh hell yes, FARIES RULE!!!LOL
great web page, by the way I didn't know you and Angie were together once....Hmmmmm.

Stephany & Michelle - 03/13/99 08:12:19
My URL:http:// (wish we had one}
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: My Sistah Snowby
I'm from...: Winnipeg
Right now, the time where I am...: 2:12 a.m.
My favorite part of your page was...: The Harmony of Love
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Garfield
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): yes
Hi there, I am the one and only pawzy in I am one of Snowby's biggest fans and her soul sistah to boot. *s* I could only wish for a site like this for my partner and I, but we are just 2 dykes trying to live paycheque by pay cheque. Kerri and Gay e deserve each other and nothing else matters. I LOVE my Snowby and welcome to my world Kerri.

The one you left behind - 03/13/99 02:18:09
My Email:you know
I found out about this page by...: I snuck a look
I'm from...: Indiana
Right now, the time where I am...: 9:18 p.m.
My favorite part of your page was...: Your picture
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Whatever
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): uhmmmmmmmmmmmm
I just want you to be happy, and apparently you are! I am glad that you found the love of your life. Enjoy her, and don't ever take her for granted!

Marilyn Thompson - 02/18/99 03:29:31
My Email:[email protected]
I'm from...: Greenville S.C.

DYKE KAT - 02/17/99 21:34:50
My URL:/Area51/Dungeon/3242/
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: umm YOU!
I'm from...: mars???? indpls Indiana
Right now, the time where I am...: same as you darlin' 4:30 pm
My favorite part of your page was...: all of it
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: BIG BIRD!!! ROCKS
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): ummmmmmmmmmmmmm YEAH?????
hey there girl loved talking to you, gonna have to get together for that coffee, have a good one, Chow--- DYKE

Shayna Miller - 02/16/99 03:51:08
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: My new Pal's Kelli and Angie
I'm from...: Michigan
Right now, the time where I am...: 10:48pm... BEEP
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Rose is Rose
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): CLAP CLAP CLAP

Colargol... (naah, it's really Cathy... *grin*) - 07/15/98 15:37:46
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: your toogood entry line
I'm from...: Norway
Right now, the time where I am...: 5:30 pm
My favorite part of your page was...: umm... still lookin'
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Dilbert/Grimmy/Calvin&Hobbes + + + , and everything of Disney
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): uhhmmm! *nods slightly*
Hiya Amy! :))) I gotta tell ya... I LOVE STEPHEN KING TOOOOO!!! I have almost all of his books... and many of the movies... which aren't nearly as good as the books, unfortunately... and I'm into all similar books/stories. We have something in common! *lol* Feel free to e-mail me... I'd love it... and when I get to scan in a pic of me and Claudia, maybe you wanna see? My homepage doesn't exist yet, I'm afraid... but the idea is slowly growing in my head. See ya on leschat soon i hope! Hugs from Colargol ***

*Diri* - 07/12/98 07:28:26
My URL:/SouthBeach/Sands/3543/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: someones guestbook
I'm from...: va
Right now, the time where I am...: late...real late :)
My favorite part of your page was...: the poems
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: rem and stimpy
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): yes...why not :)

I like your website! nice poems :)
please visit *Me* and don't forget to sign my guestbook..thank you!

Kim - 07/08/98 07:53:21
My URL:/westhollywood/Stonewell/9276
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: I was on my g/f's name and I saw your mail. Then I visited her guestbook and got a link here. :D
I'm from...: Vallejo, Ca
Right now, the time where I am...: 12:40 Pacific Time
My favorite part of your page was...: how you talked about your love of you sweet. :)
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: I'll agree w/ Jen and say Garfield
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): Of COURSE! I have a little fairie (imaginary..duh) that sits on my shoulder all day and brings me goodluck and pleny of lovin'!
Hi! I was lookin' through Jen's guestbook and I saw you signing. I had also read her mail (I'm a noisy lil' bugger...always in her business.) so I knew who to look for. Your page is pretty cool. You guys even set up a page for your son, how cute! You seem pretty cool yourself. Mail me sometimes and visit my page (my geocities page isn't done cuz Jen is doing it and she is in Colorado Springs right go to, kay? thankie). I hope Jen and I are still togethe at the age of 28, which I think we will! Goodluck in the future and best wishes! :D

OceanLove@---}--}--- - 07/06/98 22:26:11
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: You !!!!!
I'm from...: Louisiana
Right now, the time where I am...: 5:15pm
My favorite part of your page was...: How sweet you puy your slef out to be:O)I love what you write:O)
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: ALL cartoons. I am Art teacher you know :OP
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): I can't say that I belive in any are do belive in untill one comes true and it has happen :O)
I love you page !!!!! You speak of your life and other things so good :O) I am to know you :O) I like how you are so open minded. You really seem like a sweet person to know. I am happy to say I know you and I did enjoy our little chat:O) Thanks your friend OceanLove@---}---}-------A rose only for a woman that can bloom her heart just like the redish white roses that bloom around her heart.

Jen - 07/03/98 08:32:47
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/8767
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: just surfing the net
I'm from...: Northern Cali
Right now, the time where I am...: 1:26 am PST
My favorite part of your page was...: I just find happy couples so cute...
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Garfield
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): uhhhhmmmm
Hi, I was just browsing through my little GeoCities "neighborhood" (I have a thing for the numbers "76" and "67", and, well, your page has one of those in them. heh.), and came across your page. I hope you & your lover stay happy & good-natured, etc, etc I enjoyed your page (though I don't really know you...), seems we could be friends. :D Ok, well, keep up the excellent site & well...hope you pay mine a visit? :) au revoir!

Bluestar - 06/26/98 17:07:13
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: from you! :) hehe
I'm from...: TEXAS
Right now, the time where I am...: 12:07pm
My favorite part of your page was...: The Bright Colors
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Cathy
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): of course
Great #2 page :) keep up the work huggs!

Debbie Gustke - 06/15/98 23:37:20
My URL:/westhollywood/village/8357
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: Amy invited me
I'm from...: Battle Creek, MI
Right now, the time where I am...: 1933
My favorite part of your page was...: Dakota's Fire truck
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Peanuts
Thanks for inviting me. I hope we can become good friends.

Debbie Gustke - 06/15/98 23:34:25
My URL:/westhollywood/village/8357
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: Amy invited me
I'm from...: Battle Creek, MI
Right now, the time where I am...: 1933
My favorite part of your page was...: Dakota's Fire truck

Kerri, because I'm always the first to sign my own stupid book! - 06/04/98 15:05:17
My Email:[email protected]
I found out about this page by...: Creating it
I'm from...: Central Indiana
Right now, the time where I am...: 10:09 a.m.
My favorite part of your page was...: The pic of me and Angie
My favorite cartoon or comic strip is...: Red Meat (
I believe in Fairies...(yes/no/uhhhhmmmm): Absolutely!!
Please tell me all there is to know about you so that I can write to you and we can get to be great friends. I look forward to hearing your comments about my page, and seeing the counter go up, up, up!!

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