Our Gallery of Friends and family.

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This is on the Strand at Galveston! We're not quite sure why the rainbow flags are always up in this park. We had rented a Cadilac for the day and decided to run to the island with it. Instead of making it a beach day we opted for shopping and making fashion risks in public.

This is John's sister Becky (but you probably saw the family resemblance). This photo was taken when she and her partner Lisa took a trip to Disneyland. We've always thought Becky looked an awful lot like John would in Drag.

This is a picture of Lisa taken on the same day as the one of Becky. The matching fanny packs are their contribution to fashion Risk! They met in High School. Actully Lisa is the sister of my High School best friend.

This is their studio shot from last Christmas. They have been together for over eight years. They are the point in their relationship where it's Okay to dress alike. We are still working up the nerve for this.

This photo is of John and his mother and sister at the Museum of Natural History in Denver, Colorado. You can see the whole reahead contigent in this shot. Rick likes everything about this photo except that damn shirt John is wearing. It's John's Favorite run around comfort shirt that has been threatened with disappearing!

John has always loved Christmas and here he is decorating the tree when he was just one year old. We set up a Christmas tree every year and call it our Hanukkah bush. That way we celebrate both holidays, John even makes latkes! He starts his Christmas plans about mid August and looks for ornaments on every trip.

This photo was taken when John was nine. It is he and his sister while on vacation at The Great Sand Dunes National park in Colorado.

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