Welcome to my Guestbook!

Delena - 11/21/99 02:35:42
My URL:http://you know what this is!.com
My Email:[email protected]

I FORGOT AGAIN... you better go to Jumalatar.com and sign OUR guestbook NOW! =) I haven't seen ANYONE I KNOW from here sign it...:( Love you... show me the love baby! Delena

Delena (of Jumalatar) =) - 11/21/99 02:34:32
My URL:http://www.jumalatar.com
My Email:[email protected]

HEY, I forgot to put this in writing... that "water color/painting looking graphic" is way cool, Elvin!!! You and Toby are so cute. I am so happy to know you... (don't ya hate that word "cute"?) Oh well! =) Delena LOVE YA!

Delena - 11/21/99 02:31:15
My URL:http://www.mp3chicks.com
My Email:[email protected]

THIS SITE IS SO COOL! You guys rock my world and I wish you didn't have to go to Texas in 8 months... it isn't fair. I hope and you BETTER keep in touch. You guys rock... like I said. I love you both and you guys are the coolest in my book. Thanks for everything... MUCHO LOVA LOVA!!! Delena www.jumalatar.com www.amp3.net/jumalatar www.mp3chicks.com (COMING SOON BABIES!!!)

Bartender Don - 10/13/99 13:19:30
My URL:http://angelfire.com/tn/bargay
My Email:[email protected]

Found your page while surf. the web.---check out my page when you have time....Thanks,Don

Matt H! (really!! I'm thinking of adding a permanant exlaimation mak to my name!!!!) - 02/24/99 00:44:42
My URL:/westhollywood/2425
My Email:[email protected]

Elvin... hehe... I was randomly typing in goecities adress numbers and happened to stumble accross your lovely page!! I am from kansas, but my mothers entire family lives in Texas... all I've ever met in Texas are steers... =( well, I just thought I'd st p in and say hi!! =) um... thanks... Matt!

Sean - 12/04/98 03:23:19
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Elvin! Its just me Sean. Thought I would come and take a look at your page. Its lookin good. Mine on the other hand looks really bad. But you can go visit it when I get it half decent. :o) Well guess Ill go! Bye.

buzz - 11/16/98 21:52:17
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Elvin. :) I thought I had your email! SEMPER FI! (come visit) I'm serious

Brendan - 11/11/98 07:56:52
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Elvin, with that innocnet face... if you ever come to Hong Kong... let me know, and I'll show you the limited scene here... this comes from a sincere irishman, living in the mysterous orient! Brendan

Michael - 11/10/98 04:34:03
My URL:/westhollywood/4717/
My Email:[email protected]


Jess... - 11/05/98 03:28:37
My Email:[email protected]

Elvin.....Congrats.! Good luck in getting this thing started.....something I need to do......never seem to have the time. Anyway.....I like it. Keep me updated!......*cling*....A toast to Elvin!....

Jason (Blake) - 09/14/98 18:54:29
My Email:[email protected]

Howdy, Elvin!! LOTS of hits to you page....check in to see if you had a pic up there yet..... :-( Hope life is treating you well.... Jason

Cindy - 09/10/98 13:24:54
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:[email protected]
comment: Cool page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Mikey - 08/14/98 19:44:29
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Dude, haven't seen you in a while. Wondering how the new assingment was coming. Hope you are able to get to England soon.

mike (liverpool) - 08/09/98 01:16:10

maybe i will speak to you sometime you seem to be an okay guy

Jason - 08/08/98 08:30:11
My Email:[email protected]

Love the change red to green made a big difference Hope to spend some time with you when you come to Calgary to visit! Bye for now

TJ - 08/08/98 08:18:44
My Email:[email protected]

Used your URL attached to your profile in Chat room. Would definitely like to see a pic of you. Keep working on the site. Thanks, tj

John - 08/06/98 05:11:36
My Email:[email protected]

Greetings from San Antonio. It has finally rained for the first time in months. John

Comet - 08/05/98 23:01:39
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Elvin.... Luv your Homepage.. Gonna keep an eye on you and your homepage, in the future... Take care & be safe... Your friend Comet

frank - 07/27/98 05:53:03
My Email:fthoms @ssprint.com

rock on man

Donld - 07/27/98 03:12:25
My Email:[email protected]

You r a good looking guy. Wonder what lies under those tight fitting jeans. I am very interested in finding out. LOL I love your web page. Write me, black student in Florida who like white boys.

McKennan - 07/26/98 03:13:58
My Email:[email protected]

Well, dont be sarcastic and answer this one, at least to say Hello. and get the uniform out of her body or........

Steve - 07/25/98 03:02:17
My Email:[email protected]

Nice pic....I am USAF as well and also former Honor Guard. Hope to be able to chat w/ you at some point. later

dave hopper - 07/24/98 06:02:49
My Email:[email protected]

nice sight....any more pict of yourself...cute...

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