About Me

Hey, peeps! Here's my official "about me" page. Well, I guess first things first: My name (the one on my birth certificate) is Alison. But (as long as i like them) people call me jus' about whatever they want to. Well, let's see...

Name: Um, we already went through that part.
Nicknames: ~*AL*~, Alli, Kitty, Shnookums
Age: Young. 18... I'm all grown up! Woo hoo!
Location: Houston, TX
Nationality: 1/2 Mexicana, 1/2 White
Who i go w/: I have a SpUnKy!
B-day: Fourth of July
Hair color: Brown...right now. It's been black, blonde, blue, reddish, and green.
Eye Color: Depends on what contacts I'm wearing. Usually green. Sometimes gold, violet, or blue.
Height : Short... a lil over five feet
Siblings & Their Ages: My spiffy lil sis Mia Fe...13
Any pets?: my prince Rajah, pretti lil Katia, Jasmine� the stupidest cat alive, Snocone Paul, and Tristan. Those are all cats. Then I have a couple snakes, Fyre and Star Fucker, and a leopard gecko named Leo. My tarantula is named Stephan and my Scorpion is named Lucifer. There's more, but those are my favorites.
Things you like to do: I'm a net junkie, I like to read, write, draw, that kind of stuff. Movies are cool. Relaxing with my lil sis or with Spunky.
Things You Collect: Incense, candles, keychains (I dunno why), um�. There's more I can't think of.
Words Or Phrases You Overuse: "lol" (yuck), "fuck!" (which will be my last word...), and "what are you thinking?"
Special Skills Or Talents: um� I can draw. That's about it, but if I acquire any new talents, I'll make sure to put them down...
What You Want To be: Artist, Vet, work w/ Anime� something either artsy or helping peoplez
Future Goals: Love life and live in love� Find beauty.
Fave Music: female vocalists, mostly. Lately I've been anything will cool guitar, thanxk to tha Spunkster.
Fave Song: I have quite a few, but two I love are Imagine, by John Lennon and "Willing to Fight" by Ani DiFranco. Those link to the lyrics.

Fave Food: chikkin nuggets and jolly ranchers
Fave Vacationing Spot: my grandmother�s house in Mexico
Fave Sport: basketball
What do u sleep in?: a black silk kimono!!!
Fave Movies: Robin Williams movies, Interview with a Vampire, Animes... anything thought-provoking or controversial
Fave Animal: felines, of course. Especially panthers and white tigers. And I love wolves.
Fave TV channel: I don�t reallie watch TV
Fave Day: yesterday... cuz itz over
Fave soda: um, is coffee a soda? No? well, I dunno then�
Fave cologne: Curve� men or women�s
Favorite color: bloo!!!
Favorite store in a mall: that place I went once with my Julia� Earth Alert?
Favorite m&m: Blu, of course
Favorite magazine: Ms. magazine, lesbian or art magazines... that sort of thing
Favorite actor: Robin Williams. I also have a thing for Pauly Shore and Jay and Silent Bob.

These graphics created by Noel Mollon.