
Most recent updates:

July 15
I added a couple ribbons and whatnot on the main page that I found amusing, I'm thinking of giving it a make-over soon... Also I changed up my selection of Beautiful People, and added some better pics of Jaye (but they still need cleaning up), because I discoverd that most of the hits on my page come from people looking for stuff on Jaye Davidson. I added a new poem called "Don't Look at Me." Also, I put a few new pictures of me and my friends in my photo album. Anime section updated. Coming out story updated.
July 17
New Joke... Twisted Bumper Stickers...

Other recent updates

Soon to come:

I'm hoping to put up an Art section, but it'll probably take me a while to get my stuff scanned. Also I have a few poems and writings inspired by none other than the SpuNkmEisTeR! So I'll put those in soon... And I'm going to add Ani DiFranco to my beautiful people. Oh yeah, and sometime in the distant future I'll do the Wicca section.

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