Weirdness Quiz

How Weird Are You?

Many occultists, pagans, new-agers, geeks, physicists and little old men like to claim that they are wierd, at least when faced with blantantly normal company. But how true is it? After all, there's a lot more to being wierd than just knowing some funky stuff. To see if you actually capture the unhinged feeling of tentative lunacy that makes up geniune wierdness, just go through the following quiz question by question, keeping score. The more points you get, the stranger you are. If you don't understand any of the questions, then you can assume that you scored a 0 for that question. The genuinely wierd may like to email me their scores, although this is not an action that will gain you any bonus points. If this is so in your case, I undertake not to react *too* offensively to such an email, perhaps

In the following quiz, select the lettered answer a) - f) that most closely corresponds with your actual feelings/attitude/life. You may occasionally be asked to make a choice in advance - do so before reading the answers for maximum effect. Each answer will score from 0 to 5 points, with a) being 0, f) being 5, and b) - e) being 1 - 4 points respectively. This is very intuitively obvious, if you are able to think about it. You know. c) is 2, yeah? Yeah. You got it. Trust me.

When you've added up all your points, click here for your rating..

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