
There are now three fairytales on this site. The first two are written by Molly Kay Wright. The third is written by Estefani, a very young fan. Molly's stories are "Boyerella" and "Snow Boy." Estefani's is called "Sleeping Boy Beauty." Please scroll down to read these lovely tales.


By Molly Kay Wright

A slaving Boyerella is working for his evil stepmother, and his two jovial but demanding stepsisters, Helen and Zee. His only comfort from the endless chores and jobs is to sing while he works, as well as his pet chameleon Roy.

They are all getting ready for a party at a club one night welcoming the return of Prince Jon from tours and concerts untold, and of course Boyerella wants to go, but instead winds up watching his sisters powder their faces and apply gobs of make up. When they leave, Boyerella sobs and sobs until he hears a bass riff. He follows the sound into his small room and there is none other than his fairy godbassist! "Who are you?" Boyerella asks. "I am Mikey, your fairy god-bassist. I hear you want to go to a club called Heaven to party with the Prince." Mikey says, plucking his bass nonchalantly. "Yes, but what can I do? I have no clothes, I ran out of makeup trying to make my sisters look sexy---and what about transportation? Why do they really want to hurt me? Why do they really want to make me cry?"

"Say no more," says Mikey, and he starts plucking out strong notes on his bass and the music swirls around Boyerella, making up his face, dressing him up, and giving him a High Hat. Soon, from head to toe, Boyerella has turned into the perfect-looking club freak. "That's done," says Mikey as Boyerella is admiring himself in the tiny broken mirror, the only mirror his nasty family would allow him to have. Mikey snaps his fingers and they are instantly outside at the front door. "How do I get there? Oh, dear, this night is ruined for sure!" Boyerella wails. "Just watch," says Mikey. He sets down his black bass guitar on the ground and says, "Now sing, and watch the bass guitar." Boyerella blushes at the thought of singing in front of a stranger, but the thought of meeting Prince Jon brings out the sweetest melody from his vocal chords. Soon, the bass guitar grows and changes shape until it is a black limousine!

"But I can't drive in these heels!" says Boyerella. "Where is your pet?" asks Mikey. "In the box where he lives while I'm out working." Mikey snaps his fingers and Roy is now crawling about on the ground. "Now sing something about Roy, and he can drive you there," says Mikey. Boyerella sings the first thing that comes into his head. "Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon, you come and go, you come and go..." as he sings Roy changes colour and continues to grow until he is a tall blond guitarist!

"Roy Hay here, at your service." he says. "Take me to Heaven, and step on it!" Roy dashes into the driver's seat and starts the limo. "Just one moment," Mikey says as Boyerella is about to hop into the back seat. "What?" Boyerella asks. "If you aren't back at the stroke of 2 in the morning then you are going to lose all that I have given you." says Mikey. "All right, I promise I'll be back well before then, in that case. Thank you Mikey, you've got taste, style, and you know a good drag queen when you see one." says Boyerella as he gets into the limo. Mikey waves goodbye as Roy drives off and then goes inside the house to raid the fridge and get a cup of tea.

At the party in Heaven, Prince Jon is approached by many young women who bow their heads and bat their eyelashes at him. He is bored by the normality of them all, he can't find anyone who stands out from the crowd. Until the doors are opened to admit Boyerella, wearing wild makeup and a High Hat.

Boyerella looks around nervously, noticing that everyone else is so....pedestrian! Prince Jon notices that too, and steps down from his throne and mills through the crowd. He is approached by many lovely girls, including Helen and Zee. A favorable impression on the Prince could lead to a life of financial security. But Boyerella wasn't after money, just a good time.

Prince Jon finally makes his way to Boyerella. "What is your name?" the Prince asks. "George, but everyone calls me Boyerella," says Boyerella. "Lovely name, almost as lovely as your face," says the Prince. Boyerella blushes and smiles. "Would you like to dance?" says the Prince. "I'd be honored to," says Boyerella. They dance and dance until the time on the clock brings Boyerella back to bitter reality. "Oh! I must leave," says Boyerella as he flees the club, before Prince Jon can do anything. Roy steps on the pedal and they are just outside the driveway when Boyerella is sitting on a crushed bass guitar, in tatters, with a plain face, and a chameleon crawling around.

"Oh well," says Boyerella as he begins to hum, "You come and go, you come and go..." Prince Jon is heartbroken. What would he do without Boyerella? His only clue to find Boyerella was a high-heeled shoe. But there were hundreds of people at the party; how many could have the same shoe size? He sends out his royal committee to find missing persons and gives them Boyerella's description, the shoe, and a threat that if they don't find Boyerella within the week he will make them eligible for the missing persons list- permanently. They rush around and search for the one person whose foot can fit into the shoe. The last house they arrive at is Boyerella's house.

In a jealous mood, Helen locks the door to Boyerella's room while Zee is trying on the shoe. It doesn�t fit on her foot. The same result happens with Helen. Meanwhile, Roy squeezes through the under the door to Boyerella's room and finds the lock under the doorknob. He sticks his tail in the lock and feels around until the spring snaps and the door is unlocked. He climbs onto the doorknob and pulls with all his might and the door slowly creaks open. Boyerella does a quick makeup job and manages to get out of the door in one piece. He walks down the stairs and the head of the small committee sees him and helps him sit down. The stepmother is appalled and opposed to Boyerella trying on the shoe. "Boyerella is a simple servant; there's no way he could ever have danced or even seen His Majesty."

"I'll be the judge of that," says the leader. He slips on the shoe, and it is a perfect fit. Helen and Zee gasp in surprise and the stepmother chokes on her biscuit. There is a celebration party at Heaven, and everyone attends (except of course for the evil family members of Boyerella). Even Roy is turned permanently into a blond guitarist, and Mikey proves to Boyerella that he is the only black man without rhythm. The End.

Snow Boy

By Molly Kay Wright

Once upon a Time there was a Boy named Snow Boy, because his skin was as white as snow. Snow Boy lived in a castle, and his mother, the evil Queen Duran, was insanely jealous of his beauty and grace. But of course, she knew she was the most beautiful of all in the land. Her talking mirror, Helen, told her so. "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all?" said the wicked Queen. "Tis no lie, Your Majesty, that Snow Boy is the fairest of them all." said Helen.

"WHAT?!" screamed the evil Queen, and she grew furious at the hurting but honest truth. "I must be the fairest in the land," thought the Queen as she sat at her Royal throne. An idea sparked in her mind. "I know, I'll send one of my huntsman to take Snow Boy into the woods. but I have to makes sure that he is truly dead..." So she called forth her huntsman, Marylin.

"This is a huntsman?" said the Queen to herself. "I'm the best you can get, luv, so either give me a job or piss off!" mouthed a resentful Marylin.

The Queen smiled. "I like your attitude, Marylin, so I think I will give you the honor of performing a royal task, one that requires skill."

"Get to the point, I have an appointment with Diana Ross in two hours, and these horses are as slow as my record deal!" interrupted Marylin.

"All right, I'll tell you. You must take Snow Boy into the woods, and then kill him. Cut out his heart, and then bring it back to me in this box." She held out a diamond encrusted jewelry box.

"Ewww, what do you take me for? I'm not a cold, heartless butcher!" yelled Marylin.

"It pays 20 thousand pounds," declared the Queen.

"Done!" said marylin, and he grabbed the box.

Marylin and Snow Boy walked along. Marylin grabbed a knife and while Snow Boy was bent over looking at his reflection in the mirror, he lifted it up, ready for the kill. Snow Boy turned and screamed at the sight of the knife, and Marylin dropped it in guilt and shame. "I'm sorry, Snow Boy, it was orders of the Queen. Please, run off now, I'll tell the Queen you have died. Run, now, and don't show your face to the kingdom again!�

Snow Boy did as he was told, and Marylin took the heart of a bore, (editor's note, I did mean to spell it "bore") to the Queen.

Snow Boy ran and ran until he found a small cottage in the woods. The cottage was quaint and plain on the outside. Snow Boy went inside to see if it was abandoned. Inside there were posters of musical legends: Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, and much, much more. Amplifiers and record players were everywhere. But Snow boy didn't want to take a tour. He was tired from his long run through the woods, and decided to sleep on one of the three beds.

In the distance, singing was filling the air as the Three Musicians walked through the woods from their hard day of auditioning for record companies. In the lead was Roy, the good-natured lead guitarist, carrying an electric guitar over his back. Next was Mikey, with a bass over his shoulder. And singing with soul, was Zee, who was carrying two small amplifiers.

They walked into the house and found a sleeping Snow Boy resting peacefully in Zee's bed. Mikey walked up to Snow Boy and said, "What is this then?"

"I dunno," said Roy, who was peering behind him. They turned to Zee, who was putting the amps away. "Did you have any guests last night, Zee?" asked Mikey.

"No, why?" she asked.

"Well, someone has taken the liberty of drooling all over your pillow and I hope you gave him permission." said Roy. Zee walked over, confused, and then saw Snow Boy. "'Ere, what're you doin in my bed?" she shouted at the sleeping Snow Boy. He rose with a start and screamed when he saw the Three Musicians. What follows after that must be censored entirely, so let's skip over to when they were having dinner that evening.

"How's your head, Snow Boy?" said Roy. "It's all right, the ice pack is helping," he said.

"Sorry about that, said Zee. "It's all right," said Snow Boy. "Yeah, we needed a new bass guitar anyway," said Mikey.

"So where do you guys work?" asked Snow Boy.

"Wherever they'll take us," said Roy. "But you guys are terrific, I listened to a couple of your demo tapes. They're fabulous! Except for one thing..."

"We know, vocals. We need a lead singer, a male lead singer, that would be perfect. You wouldn't happen to know anyone who can sing, do you? asked Zee.

�I can sing a little," said Snow Boy. He sang a couple of lines and everyone was impressed. "Well, that's settled. Snow Boy, you can sing and harmonize for us. Is there anything we can do for you in return?" asked Mikey.

"How about providing a little security? I'm on the run from my wicked mother. She's determined to have me killed!" said Snow Boy.

"Well, sing us a demo, and tomorrow we'll go back to everyone and have them listen to you. Meanwhile, you can stay here in hiding. We don't want any executives recognizing you and reporting you to the Queen."

That evening, Snow Boy sang a demo and the Three Musicians recorded it.

The next day, Snow Boy was out walking around in his stiletto heels and designer club shirts, when a handsome prince rode by. He saw Snow Boy and was fascinated as Snow Boy picked flowers and sang to himself. He rode on, but still had the image of Snow Boy's face in his mind.

So did the wicked Queen when she went up to Helen and asked her, "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" "Tis' no lie, Your Majesty, Snow Boy is the fairest of them all."

"WHAT?!" screamed the Queen. "Where is that Marylin? I'll have his head for this!" Meanwhile, Marylin was sipping Champaign and chatting with Diana Ross in his new three-story home in the country.

"I'll worry about him later," said the Queen, "right now I have more important things to deal with!" She proceeded to mix stardust with makeup and hair dye, and when the concoction was finished, she poured it all over herself to magically transform into- David Bowie! "Now that Snow Boy will trust me no matter what!" said the Queen. She proceeded to dip apples into a magic potion. "Now he'll never wake up, unless some prince kisses him, but there isn't a prince for miles!" The Queen cackled and had her servants take her to the cottage at once.

Snow Boy was in the house, searching in the fridge for food. "If they can afford guitars and amps, surely they can afford a little more than Chinese takeaway every night!" he said, pushing the cardboard cartons aside. A bottle of ketchup was the only thing left. Snow Boy began to grumble, but soon went to the door to answer the persistent knocking. "Hallo, is there a Snow Boy around here?" asked David Bowie.

"David Bowie! You're my idol, my hero, oh! Yes, I am Snow Boy, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"Well, I had a fruit basket for Snow Boy and since you're him, would you like a nice ripe apple?" the Queen held out an apple.

"Sure!" said Snow Boy, and he rapidly consumed the entire apple. Soon he grew tired, and fell to the ground. The Queen let out an evil laugh and soon went back to the castle.

The Three Musicians came back with wonderful news on their minds. If they could find a drummer, then Virgin Records would give them a deal! But all was not well when they reached the cottage. "That Snow Boy has a bad habit of sleeping everywhere," said Roy. "I know, any place and any time, just doze off!" Zee bent down and touched his face. "I don't think he's sleeping," she said.

The funeral was scheduled for that afternoon at the top of a hill. As Snow Boy was perfectly still, the distant sound of galloping could be heard in the distance. It was the Prince, and he rode to see his beloved laying perfectly still among weeping subjects. He took his horse to the top of the hill and got off. He walked towards the lifeless Snow Boy, the other musicians backed up in respect to His Majesty. He looked at Snow Boy, and knelt to kiss him. At once Snow Boy's eyes opened, and the Prince asked, "What name belongs to one who has such beauty?" "Snow Boy," he said, "and what about you?" "Jon," he replied.

At once the Musicians celebrated the revival of Snow Boy and invited Jon to play drums for them. They all had a drink at the pub and the wicked Queen had a heart attack from reading the press reviews commenting on the beauty and charm of Snow Boy. The End.

Sleeping Boy Beauty

By Estefani

There once was a DJ named John Themis and his wife Zee. They ran the greatest night club "The Sombrero" But they were unhappy. They had no children and they have been married for many years. They have given up hope of having children. Until one day suddenly Zee found out she was going to have a baby!

Soon a beautiful baby boy was born. John and Zee named him George. Everyone rejoiced. John threw a party at the night club in honor of George. Everyone was invited. Philip Stallon, Marilyn, their parents, Roy the Guitarist God , Mikey the Bassist God, all the Gods. Everyone except Helen the Singer God. She was mad so she plotted revenge.

On the night of the party at The Sombrero all the gods stepped up to give their gifts to the baby. Gifts of Beauty, Wit, Health, Song writing, and Kindness. Mikey strummed some note on his bass and the music swirled around baby George. "I give my gift of singing. You shall be the best singer of all" chanted Mikey. George just cooed.

As Roy stepped up to give his gift the door burst open. In rushed Helen, mad that she had not been invited.

"I have a gift too!" cried Helen "On his 20th birthday he will sing a line of a song into a microphone and die!" with that Helen sang a high note and disappeared. "Man I thought my ears were going to pop" said John " Well she almost sounded better than you de��.." Zee gave John a stern look.

"Don't be afraid" said Roy " My music can't stop Helen but I can weaken it" Roy strummed some notes on his guitar " The baby will not die but fall asleep for a hundred years. When a handsome drummer kisses him George will awaken."

But Zee and John were still afraid. They ordered every microphone in the night club to be locked away. "George must never see a microphone till he after his 20th birthday!"

Years passes. George grew more beautiful and more witty everyday. Zee spoiled him. Giving George designers clothes, shoes, hats, and teaching him how to put on makeup. George earned the nickname Boy George in the night club. He sang every night in the night club. Everyone marveled at his wit, beauty ,voice, and clothes. " Hey Boy George sing us a tune" "Alright keep your wig on Marilyn"

At last George's 20th birthday came. John Themis and Zee threw a grand party in The Sombrero. They felt sure George was safe. The curse will soon broken.

After couple of hours of dancing, George hears someone singing. "Phillip hear that?"

"What girl?"

"Someone singing"

"No of course not there is no music."

George followed the voice and found a woman singing into a microphone in a small room.

"What are you doing?"

"Singing duh"

"Can I try?"


George took the microphone and sang a line. "I Could live I could die I could be reborn in your arms" Soon he fell to the floor as if dead. Helen laughed and disappeared.

But just as Roy promised George was just asleep.

So the other people would not panic, Mikey strummed a tune on his bass that made everyone fall asleep. The music filled the night club. Even John and Zee nodded of to sleep in the DJ booth.

One hundred years passed. A handsome drummer named Jon rode up to the to The Sombrero. He wanted to find out if the story of the Sleeping Boy Beauty was true. Taking his drums sticks he started whacking at the thorns that had grown around the forgotten night club. To Jon's surprise the thorns parted easily and soon he stood at the door.

Jon walked through the door and onto the great dance floor. It was covered with dust. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling. Everywhere people were asleep. He saw two people kissing asleep. "Man when are they going to come up for air?" wondered Jon.

Jon explored all the rooms. At last he came to the small room where George lay asleep. Jon gazed upon the beauty on the floor. "Oh my such a face I can not resist" He knelt and kissed George.

Their lips touched. The spell was broken and George opened his eyes. Jon and George gazed into each other's eyes and fell in love.

"May I ask the name of such a beauty?"



As Jon led George onto the dance floor the night club slowly came back to life. "Man, why does my head hurt?" said Zee.

John Themis and Zee gave George permission to start a band with Jon, Roy, and Mikey. They were a hit. George forgave Helen and let her be the back up singer of their new band Culture Club. And George finally found out what was a microphone.

The end

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