Barb & Ann's Homepage

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Hi, welcome to Barb (The Barbster) and Ann's(Lefty)homepage. (Barb is the one wearing glasses.) We've been together for 16 years (May, 2003). We were best friends for almost 10 years before becoming lifetime partners, and we are still best friends.

We live in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, just outside of Nashville. In our picture you see two of our "kids"- Misty our 11 year old black cocker and Buffy, who would have been 14 this year. We lost her in an auto accident in May of 1999 and still miss her very much. We have two other cockers - Samantha (4)and Bud (4). We also have two cats, Katie(12), and VANDY (3).

The newest kid on the block is Bud - he came to live with us in May after getting a phone call from Dr. G (our vets) who said she needed to find a home for a cocker that was not getting along with his current family due to a new baby in the home. Dr. G knows how much we love cockers and knew that we would not be able to say now we have 5 kids. Bud has really made himself at home and is a wonderful friend and sibiling. He was born on Halloween in 1999. His previous owners called him "Tootsie" but we just could not do we call him BUDMAN...or BUD for short.

Misty is over all the new kids in the house and is in a "retirement" mode....sleeping and relaxing more and more each day. She looks at the "youngsters" and thinks....oh my god.....where did you get all that energy. Here are some more pictures of our kids: Kid's Pictures and More Kid's Pictures to see our kids. There are also pictures on page 3, and I am adding pictures and pages all the time. I have done a "Rainbow Bridge Tribute" for Buffy, BA and Sissy, along with other beloved pets that family and friends have lost that are waiting for us on The Bridge. See the link below.

Okay, okay...enough about the "kids". I know you want to know more about me and Barb. Barb works for a large hardware store chain and Ann is currently unemployed (laid off from her office manager job with a psychiatric practice after 7 years). We are both lefthanded, and love to fish, read and play on the computer when we are not playing with the kids. Barb collects Coca-Cola and Goofy stuff. Ann collects snowmen to add to our Holiday decorations - like we need more holiday decorations - NOT. Barb is the quiet type and loves to watch sports (which makes me a football/basketball widow). Barb spends much of her computer time researching her family geneology and has traced her family back many many generations. She also loves to play computer games, especially golf and card games. You can find her on

Ann is the talker and loves to chat and meet people on the net. But Ann has a new addiction - SCRAPBOOKING. Scrapbooking is the greatest way to keep the memories crop til you drop ladies! I hope to add some of my scrapbook pages as an addition link as soon as I get time to scan them...oh there is never enough time to do it all.

We live in a lake house, known as "The Lakeside Hilton" to our friends and never have trouble finding someone willing to come and "kid sit" when we go out of town. The house started out as a screened-in summer cabin built by my parents in the late 50's at the time the Cumberland Dam was built on the Cumberland River. It started with one great room, a tiny kitchen and even smaller bath. It has grown into a three bedroom/bath with a rec room, screened porch and deck. I am working on a "before and after" page to show the development over the years. Check out what I have so far. Lakeside Hilton Seems like we have been under construction since we moved in 16 1/2 years ago, always adding something - a bedroom or bath, a deck or carport, brick walkway and a fence. The latest addition or construction project has been a new roof will be so nice not to have leaking ceilings or waste baskets to catch the water inside the house. Our "honey do list" is always growing and we never seem to get it all done.....OH THE JOYS OF HOME OWNERSHIP!

Well I have bored you long enough and I am sure you have other pages to visit. But I want to thank you for visiting our "Home on the Net". Please come back soon and often we love visitors. AND REMEMBER - Love is never wrong and


Visit our Rainbow Bridge Tribute Page and Cool Webpages and Links.

Visit Our Picture Page.

Visit Our Tribute to 9-11 - GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Ann's Favorite Words of Wisdom


An elderly woman calls her friend, Father O'Toole to her home. When he arrives she sadly exclaims "I am dying. When I die, I want to be buried with a fork in my hand." Now having been a priest for so many years, Father O'Toole asks in dismay "Why a fork? What significance could a simple fork possibly have to you?" "Well Father," the woman said in a soft voice, "During my life, I attended so very many parties. As the dishes were being cleared, I used to love when I was told to 'keep your fork.' It always meant that something better was coming. Dessert would not be mushy ice cream or watery pudding but something else, something wonderful!!! something worth waiting for. So Father, bury me with a fork in my hand so everyone will know that something wonderful, something worth waiting for is coming next."

Email us in the meantime.




Oh Me Oh My....We've won some AWARDS.....thank you...thank you....we are speechless! Just click on the awards and nominate others that have developed webpages that show our PRIDE!

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