Here are some more pictures of us, our home, our kids, plus an adopted kid that loved to watch tv and play pool. We hope you enjoy and visit often as I try to change the pictures as often as time allows....or should I soon as I get the roll of film to the developer...last roll was in the camera for a year and then on the desk for 4 months and then finally to the 1 hour developer....what can I say...when I want to see them I want to see then NOW.....LOL!

Press on the thumbnail to see a larger version of the picture.

This is our home on the lake. We live off the Cumberland River in an old converted cabin that my parents built in 1957. We have made lots of changes and additions. The cabin was originally 700 sq ft but is now over 1900 sq ft. The picture does not really reflect the size of the house - in fact it really makes it look small....but believe me when it comes to cleaning it is not SMALL. It's a three bedroom, three bath, with rec room, screened porch and a deck. As soon as I learn how to do a "slide show" I will add it to this page showing outside and inside shots. We love to fish and relax by the water. Our boat is named after Buffy since she loved to go boating with us.

This is our Misty. She is our 10 year old cocker spaniel and the love of our lives. of the loves of our lives. She keeps wondering how many new playmates we are going to bring into this house. Samanatha joined us almost 3 years ago and now there's Vandy. I promised her and BARB no more kids......(fingers crossed behind my back.

This is our Samantha, better known as "Sammiesam". She was just a baby (3 lbs) in this picture and has grown a lot since this was taken, but as usual I haven't gotten the film developed yet. She now weighs about 19 lbs and is such a joy for us.

This is our newest KID on the block. Her name is Vandy, she is named after Vanderbilt University....and I think she is smart enough to get accepted there. She and Samantha just love to rip and run through the house and then sleep right next to each other. It's really hard to see where one begins and the other ends.

This is the whole family in 1994...okay....almost the whole usual Katie is missing. We just didn't have enough hands to hold them all. Buffy, BA and Sissy are no longer physically with us but will always be here in spirit.

HERE YOU WILL FIND OUR KIDS THAT ARE AT RAINBOW BRIDGE. Go To Page 2 of our website and see our Rainbow Bridge link tribute.

This is Buffy & BA. As you can see they loved to be close to each other. They are now playing together pain free and healthy, waiting for us at the Bridge until we can all be together again.

This is Fraizer. He adopted us when he was a kitten and lived with us until his mommie could take him to his new home. Frazier left us suddenly two years ago and he is missed very much. One of Frazier's favorite thing to do was to sit in the pocket of the pool table and watch me chat on the computer. He also love to watch tv, his favorite show was Animal Planet.

We hope you enjoyed your visit and learning more about us, please come back soon and see the new pictures. Don't forget to email us or sign our guestbook which can be found on our main homepage.

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