About Shane


About Shane
Photo Album


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my little corner of the World Wide Web!

My name is Shane Turnbeaugh I am a self-admitted political junkie, I love politics!

I graduated president of my class at Central High School, in park Hills, Missouri in 1993.  I now work for the Missouri Department of Revenue. (Shhhhh I work for the DMV there)

My hobbies include tropical fish, photography, paranormal and psychic phenomena, tarot cards and keeping up with the "zoo" I have acquired in my home. I have two cats and two dogs.

Favorite Color: Green

Sign: Pisces

Politics: Liberal Democrat

 Favorite Number: two (2) Strange I know but yes I do have a favorite number

TV Shows:  Will & Grace, Dateline, Six Feet Under, Sex In The City, Oz, Q.A.F.

Movies:  Practical Magic, Jumpin Jack Flash, Myra Breckenridge, Random Hearts

Quote: Sometimes it's a bitch sometimes it's a breeze. (Stevie Nicks song)

Quote: If you want to lead the orchestra you must turn your back to the crowd.

Quote: My heroes have never been cowboys. (Shane Turnbeaugh 1998)

Soda: Diet Coke

Mixed Drink: Kettle One Vodka and Diet 7-Up, (Don't forget the Lime!!!)

Vacation Spot: Seattle Washington ( I love the rain!)

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