Welcome to my resources page. I've divided this page into four sections, books, music, videos, and links. This page will give you another glimpse of me by letting you know about the books, music, and videos I like. Each of these sections will have a gay section and a non-gay section. When this page gets big enough, I'll probably break it up into separate pages.

Many of the books, CDs, and videos listed here can be bought at Amazon.com. I have signed up with Amazon.com as an associate. For those items that are available at Amazon.com, the title is a link back to that Amazon.com, where you can choose to purchase the book, CD, or video if you like.

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I've tried to arrange the books by topic. This should help you find what you're looking for.


Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality
Author: Boswell, John

This is a great book to dispel of the myths about what the Bible says about homosexuality. It is a great resource. You can look up specific verses you have heard about and find out what he has to say, or you can read the entire book all the way through. I must warn you that some of the detail can be daunting for a non theologian. Just try not to get bogged down reading all the footnotes the first time through and you should be okay. You can get more reviews at Amazon.com.


Gay Issues in the Workplace
Author: McNaught, Brian

I got this book and read it as I was working to get a non-discrimination policy for sexual orientation at the company I work for. The book is primarily about educating your HR (Human Resources) department about issues that gay people face and how to handle the questions they'll get from non-gay people. Brian McNaught wrote the book from his own experiences. It is short and sweet and loaded with good information. Again, you can see other reviews at Amazon.com.

Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture
Author: Williams, Walter L.

This book is about how Native American cultures dealt with gay issues. It talks about a number of tribes that were completely accepting of gay people. Some tribes even felt that gay people were special because the Spirits had taken the time to make them different. This book is a wonderful affirmation of being gay.


Tales of the City
Author: Maupin, Armistead

This was the first gay related book I ever read. A friend had the whole series, well, all that had been written at that time. It's a great book. In fact the entire series is good. You may have seen the PBS production. It was good, but, of course, it couldn't cover everything in the book. I recommend the entire series (6 books) now. It cover's gay life in San Francisco from the 70's to today. Most of the time, it's quite humorous. At times, it is sad and it even has suspense at times. Plus, there are always nice twists that you aren't expecting. Just below, there are links to the rest of the series as well.

More Tales of the City
Further Tales of the City
Baby Cakes
Significant Others
Sure of You

If you would prefer, you can get the complete set in two hardback editions. The first hardback, "28 Barbary Lane," contains the first three in the series. The second hardback, "Back to Barbary Lane," contains the last three in the series.

28 Barbary Lane
Back to Barbary Lane

The Front Runner (paperback)
The Front Runner (hardcover)
Author: Warren, Patricia Nell

Patricia Warren is a straight woman who has written wonderful pieces of gay male fiction. "The Front Runner" is about a gay man who is striving for the Olympics while he is also coming to terms with being gay. For more reviews, see Amazon.com.

The Fancy Dancer
Author: Warren, Patricia Nell

This is a story about a young priest and a Native American and their relationship. It deals with religion, spirituality, and sexuality and how all of those seem to conflict at times. I wish I could give a better review, but, I'm not a writer. So, for much better reviews, click the link and read the ones at Amazon.com.


There is so much good music out there. I have quite a few gay and lesbian related CDs in my collection. Right now, I haven't entered them here, but check back later for my picks.


The Dallas Gay and Lesbian Alliance

As the name implies, this is an organization in Dallas. This is a great organization that has done so much to advance gay and lesbian rights in Dallas and Texas. Thanks to the DGLA, Dallas is one of the few cities in the U.S. with a full service gay and lesbian community center. The board of the DGLA decided to create the first gay and lesbian credit union. The DGLA was instrumental in getting the Dallas Police Department to stop hassling gay men and lesbians in the gay neighborhoods. I could go on and on. Click on their name to go to their home page and find out more about them.

Well, I know it isn't much right now. But, as I said before, check back soon and see what I've added.

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