Abbeygail's Story

a fantasy come true by Abbeygail (Age 11)
(True Story 6/22/98 14K Rated 'G')

This story is all about my life, my cross-dressing from the early days to now. The only parts that I changed is the names of the people involved. Reading this story will tell you about the author, the heartbreaks, and the happier times. Crossdressing has been a major part of my life, some times my choosing and at other times it has been en-forced on me, by people you don't want to play at dressing up ! I must point out that all the events are true, some I remember very well others have been told to me the people who are in the story. The earlier part of 'My Life Story' comes from my Sister Linda. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

All things Bright and Beautiful

I was born in 1950. My first experience of cross-dressing in clothes of the opposite sex was at a very early age. My mother enter me for a baby competition and dressed me in white satin christening gown, trimmed with lace, and a matching bonnet, I came second, in the girls section. I do not remember this but I have the seen pictures. At the age of four my mother was taken ill during at the start of the school holidays, and was rushed into hospital, my Dad was away at sea at the time and could not be contacted. My sister, Linda and I were sent off to stay with my Aunty and my two cousins Sarah and Louise, who are twins, . The girls are all 5 years older than me. My Aunty lived in small village in called Eltisley, Cambridgeshire. Her husband had been killed in a accident on the their farm some two years previous and I was the only male on the farm. As we arrived my mischievous cousin Sarah accidentally, on purpose pushed me in the duck pond, I was soaked from head to toe. My Aunty was not impressed and spanked Sarah, and sent her to bed. Linda took me off to had a bath, and get changed for tea. After my bath it was discovery that in a fit of temper that Sarah had thrown my clothes in the duck pond. Linda and Louise took the decision that I would make a sweet little girl, like the rest of the household, so they dressed me in a night-dress and dressing gown, for tea. Aunty Mary decided there was nothing that she could do. As there were no male clothes in the house, and my own clothes were very smelly after their visit to the duck pond. Aunty Mary said "We have to sort in out in the morning" That night I went to bed in my first every night-dress, not before I had protested long and loudly, and like my cousin Sarah ended up over my Aunty's knee and had my knickers pulled down to my ankle's, and received a very sound spanking. The next morning I was woken up by my Aunty Mary, "Well " she said "What are we going to do with you, today", apparently I threw another tantrum, which on reflection was silly, because for the second time in my short little girls life, my knickers were down by my ankles, and I was spanked again. My Aunty marched out of the saying "Right if you behave like a spoilt little girl, I will dress you like one for the rest of your stay here". I do not really think that I realised what was going on. The twins and Linda all suddenly appeared in my bedroom and they were all giggling, at what I did not know! Sarah said "We are going to call you Abbeygail" they started laughing. Aunt Mary returned with a handful of clothes, she threw them on the saying "But first you need a haircut, young lady". I was marched off to the kitchen and my hair was cut in typical 'Schoolgirl's Bob' a popular style in those days. I was taken back to the bedroom, and dressed by my Aunt with three giggling girls looking on. My clothes were a pink matching vest and knickers, which little strawberries on them, white ankle socks, a small white petticoat and a yellow dress, my Aunty tied two little yellow ribbons in my hair to match, however they could not find any shoes to fit as my feet were to small. My Aunty's solution to that was to take us into Cambridge shopping. I started to protest, but this time I realised that I would just end up over my Aunty's knee. In Cambridge I was brought a three pairs of shoe's, the first pair were the classic little girl's shoe, black patten 'T' bars. the second a very smart black pair of sandals, and last, but not least, a white pair of open toed sandals with ankle straps. I did not enjoy my days shopping. We visited many dress shops and I was forced to try on many different types of dress, skirts, blouses, and the worst thing ever invented a cardigan. In a second had shop my sister picked out a school uniform, "After all" she said "You will be five in August and you will start school next September, so you will want a nice school uniform, just like all the other girls in your class", the twins thought it was a great idea, especially as the uniform matched their own! so did Aunt Mary. The next day we all played at schools, with Linda as the teacher, some how It was always me that got into trouble, and ended up standing in the corner. The next few weeks went by quite quickly, Anuty Mary had a large collection of little girls dresses, skirts, and blouses, and I was wearing a lot of them.

Chapter Two:
The Birthday Party:

My fifth birthday was fast approaching. My sister said "Every little girl deserves a birthday party", and Louise chipped in "And a special dress to or the occasion" Aunty Mary, Linda, and the twins all agreed, that night while I was in bed they planned my party, Sarah and Louise went to into the village and ask some of their friends from school to come to their cousins birthday party, well in fact their friends little brothers and sisters. Several of the twins friends parents called on Aunty Mary to check on the arrangements, for the party. Aunty Mary explained that her two nieces were staying for the summer holidays as her sister was in hospital recovering from a major operation, and she thought that little Abbeygail should have a birthday party. The day before my fifth birthday, we all went to Huntingdon to buy my new dress. The shop we visited was called 'Little Misses' the lady that owned the shop had made my dress especially for me from the measurements that Aunty Mary had given her. The dress was satin, pink, it had puffed selves, with a hopped skirted, and white satin ribbons sown on to give a ruffle effect. The dress had a tie belt which tied into a large bow at the back, and was about knee length. The dress was made to worn with three petticoats, ankle white socks, with pink ribbon weaved through the top, tied into a bow on the outside of the ankle's, and a pair of white sandals. The lady in the shop made me try on the dress several times while she made adjustments, she could not help noticing that I was not a normal little girl and pasted some comments to Aunty Mary and the girls. Before we left the shop she stated "I am firm believer in dressing naughty little boys as girls, if you require any further dresses, or special dresses, please contact me". She smiled and said "Ah, Abbeygail, the birthday girl, I have a very special present for you" she went out of the back of the shop, and returned a few moments later with a dusty box "I made this two years ago, but it was never collected, it was another little girl just like you" She opened the box and inside was little navy blue sailor's dress "Here" She said happy birthday Abbeygail" and gave me the box. Linda, the twins and Aunty Mary wanted me to try on the sailors dress. Mrs Percival the dress shop owner took me into the dressing room and help me put on the sailor's dress, it was a prefect fit and I wore that dress all day until I went to bed. The next day was my birthday. I received lots of cards from my family, but only one was addressed to Chris and that was from my Mum and Dad, that had to put away for my party, and Aunty Mary replaced it with another card, from my Mum and Dad that she had brought and written out earlier. At three o'clock all the children from the twins school turned up for the party, we have jellies, ice-cream, cream cakes, and of course a birthday cake. As far as I can remember I enjoyed my fifth birthday party and the attention that I got. I was given lots of presents, my first dolly, (which I still have today), a teddy bear, colouring books, and a pair little girl's slippers. The next day I am told that, I asked Aunty Mary if I could wear my party dress again Aunty Mary was so pleased that I have wanted to wear my the special dress that she had made for me again, that she told me that I could have a special treat as well. Aunty Mary and I walked into the village and took she me into the local shop and brought me some sweets. We then visited the local park and fed the ducks. I met several of the children who been at my party the day before. It was the first day that I can just about re-call enjoy being a girl. After my party the holiday went very quickly. I played happily just like any other little girl, over the few weeks. My Mother was now out of hospital, and my Farther was on leave from the Royal Navy, and he had taken my Mother on holiday, to Margate, this help her recover from the operation. It was time to go home, my Mum was better and back at home, my Dad was going back sea shortly. Aunty Mary said "She would keep all my dresses, if I wanted to come back again". I never knew if Aunty Mary told her sister of my en-force crossdressing, and that secretly I had enjoyed some parts of it ? Mum or Aunty Mary had never, ever, said anything to me.

Chapter Three:
The Bridesmaid:

My story now moves on to 1960. I was now ten years of age. I was not very tall and I was slim, I had fair wavy hair, or as my Farther describe it " You still got your my baby hair". I was the smallest boy in our class, at school. My Mum is by trade a dressmaker, and worked for a top fashion house. Over the years she had made many dresses, from many different events, weddings, balls, parties, and school uniforms, you name it she's probably made it. My sister had always modelled for her, but on this occasion my Mum was making a Bridesmaid's dress for a 8 year old girl, and it was to small for my sister to try on. I was offer a shilling to act as her model, I held out for one shilling and sixpence, and which was a lot of money in them days, and I got it. That night in my Mum's work room I stood on a stool while she pinned and tacked the dress, to this day I do not know why I had to wear all the petticoats, knickers, and a pair of sister's shoes. Linda was allowed in the room, but she was not allowed to say anything, however somehow she managed to take several photo's of me dressed in a bridesmaid dress. The dress was a Dark Green velvet martial, with a white fur trim as the wedding was in the autumn, later this year. From that on I have hated the colour GREEN. My sister had the twins Sarah and Louise to stay for two weeks of their summer holidays, just in time for my birthday again. From the day that they arrived I could tell they were up to no good. I was a typical lad into all sports of things especially football, but they other plans. It was a week before my birthday that Louise said "Chris, how is your friend Abbeygail" well I froze on the spot, "Come to our room we have got something to show you" said Sarah. They took by a hand each and led me up the stairs, as they opened the door, I could see Linda standing there holding out a 'Pink Dress' "Oh no", I cried, "Oh no". Then I returned to my senses, "It wouldn't fit me" I said "Oh yes It will" said Linda "I had Mum alter it the other night, I told her it was for a little girl who was the same size as the green bridesmaid dress that somebody was wearing" she paused "And we all know who been wearing that, don't we" she held aloft a photo of me in that green bridesmaid dress, I was stunned. Once again reluctantly I wore the Pink Dress, and several other outfits the girls had for me, Linda had been saving her old clothes for me over the past few years, and was waiting her time. Each outfit that I tried on Sarah was taking photo's on a brownie camera. Theses photo's would come back to haunt me. While my Mum and Dad (he had left the Navy in 1957), were out at work, the girls dressed me how they wanted to, I did object but because Linda said "I will show the photo's to Paul Adams", the school bully "And who knows what he and his mates will do to you, if they found out you were a Sissy ?". I dressed and obey there every wish, and acted as their maid, servant, baby, if fact in any way the wanted to dress me. Funny as it may seem, I enjoyed the pretty, frilly style of clothes, that lots of petticoats, lace and that were made of satin. Two days before my birthday the girls dressed me in a pretty little outfit, a white blouse short skirt, Knee length cable type socks. they put my hair in a pony tail, a white bow, and black shoes. It was raining outside so they found me a red riding hood cape. Without warning I found myself outside the house, "Where are we going ?" I asked "To the pictures" replied Louise.

'To be Continued'

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