Abbeygail's Story - Part 2

a true story by Abbeygail

Chapter Four: The Pictures

We caught the bus into town. I was very nervous, I did not know what they up to. Nobody looked any at me or took any more notice of me, than any of the other girls. We joined the queue for the picture's, but I can not remember the film, my mind was on other things, like who would recognise me. Just ahead of me in the queue was Susan Cox, a girl in my class at school, I nearly died when she turned round and waved, but she was waving at a girl behind us, phew !. Sarah and Louise were enjoying my treat. The film was on, then it had finished, I said "Linda, what time are we going home", she just laughed as she took by the hand and led me across the road to the Wimpy Burger Bar.

It was nearly six-o'clock as we got on the bus home. My Mum was in the seats two rows in front of us, Linda had planned to catch the same bus home as my Mum, but she was to busy talking to Mrs. Harris and never noticed us, we got off the stop before her and got in the house first, I complained long and loudly, Sarah said "|If you don't shut up I will tie you up and leave for Aunty Jackie,(my Mum) to find you in your nice pretty dress"

I was allowed to dress in my own clothes for tea, and after tea I was out of the house as soon a I was allowed, Mum helped by making the girls wash up the dishes, it was my turn to tease them by saying "Maid, wash my cup up, Maid no. 2 clear the table and Maid no. 3 you can dry up". I was to pay for these taunts later.

The next day Mum told Linda that she was going to a fashion preview for work, and that she would late home from work and my Dad was still working away. The girls were up early, I was allowed to lay in bed until Mum got out of the front door. Sarah came up and got me out of bed, Louise had selected my clothes for the day. They were a white vest and knickers, pink blouse, and a black pleated skirt, and a white full apron. I was going to be their maid for the day. My first errand to go shopping with Sarah. It was a bright sunny day so Sarah, made me go to the shops in my maids uniform.

The following Saturday morning Louise and Sarah offered to take me the pictures, Saturday morning matinee, Linda would have liked to have come with, us but she had a Saturday job in Mum's shop. Linda and Mum left for work at about 8-30am. Sarah and Louise, got me ready from the matinee, I was dressed in a orange dress with a full circle skirt, which had long sleeves, that buttoned up. My hair was put in bunches in either side of my head. Louise, said "You look just gorgeous, especially when you meet Uncle Richard a the matinee club", "Who's Uncle Richard." I asked, Sarah said, "Hurry up, girl or we will miss the bus". As we arrived at the bus stop, I knew most of the children waiting at the there, who were also going to the Saturday Matinee. I was dreading being recognised, but that never happen because nobody took any notice of the girl in the orange dress. Sarah found us good seats near the front at the matinee. I relaxed.

The first films were cartoons, followed by the serial was I still remember a episode from Shasamm, a sort of super hero, who with one pull of his magic belt, he could fly, and save the world from anything, but even he, could not save me, from Sarah, Louise and Linda, but there's never a super hero around when want one.

The interval was unpon us and the second half was about to start, the cinema went dark, and a spotlight illuminated the stage, a fanfare was played and the master of ceremonies announced "Boys and Girls, give a big, big, Saturday welcome to Uncleeeeeeeee Richardddddddd", well I now I knew who Uncle Richard was. He told a couple of jokes, played a some games. "Boys and Girls, it's birthday time". Sarah and Louise were in fits of laughter, He called out two boys one girl and the he announced "And today it's Abbeygail's birthday today, come up on stage Abbeygail, were is she" he enquired, "Over here, over here" cried Sarah and Louise. The spotlight fell on me, the audience start to clap and sing happy birthday, Uncle Richard met at the side of the stage and me into led to the middle. He ask a few Questions "how old are you, which school, do you go to, Have got a boyfriend," I blushed at this question, before I could answer, he put his arm round my waist, and gave me a Big Kiss on the lips. Sarah and Louise went wild, Uncle Richard gave me a box of sweets, and escorted me back to my seat.

Linda was in fits of the laughter when the twins told her what happen later that night. Luckily for me there was not much time left for them to play dress up with me before there holiday ended.

We ended that holiday as friends, I still enjoyed the pretty clothes, the lace, the silk, and the satin. I can also reflect on the excitement of cross-dressing, as a young child. The fact that it was forced on me as a punishment, revenge or just shear fun it by both parties.

Chapter Five:
The Boyfriend:

The year's have moved on to 1963, and I am thirteen, my sister Linda is eighteen. I am only 4 feet, 7 inches tall, my complexion is fair, I am quite skinny, puberty seems to left me behind, my mates all big lads, and hair in all the right places.

My sister and I still had a good relationship and she often teased me about Abbeygail, but only in private. Linda was training to be a hairdresser and kept on saying that my hair is "Wasted on a boy, it should be on a girls head". I use to have a pet spider called 'Percy'. I looked after him for about six months, when he died I put him in my sister's bed. That night around midnight, she screamed the house down. My mum was not impressed, my sister, warned me over the next few days "Don't get mad, get even" and she did.

It all happen one day I went into Linda's room to have a look through her wardrobe, I do not know the reason for this, at the time, I did just did it. I was trying on my own Pink dress, and I was surprised to find it just about fitted the upper part of my body but it was still very, very, short. All of a sudden a voice from behind me said "Give us a kiss then darling" I was horrified it fact totally stunned. I turned round very slowly to see the grinning face of Paul Adams, the school bully, standing their. He came in to the bedroom walked over to me, and lifted the skirt of the dress up, and looked at my knickers. I went to take the dress off Paul said "Oh no you don't" and he grabbed my arms, and led me out of my sisters room and in to mine, reaching out from tie that was on my wardrobe door handle and tied my hands behind my back. Paul sat down on the bed and asked "How long have you been a Pansy ?", I was crying, as I replied "On and off all my life" I actually felt better for telling him, I went to say "That this is the first time I have ever dressed up on my own, normally my sister or cousins were present".

Paul sat in silence, "What's your girlie name then Pansy" he barked, "Abbeygail" I answered, "Well Abbeygail, you are going to be my girlie-friend" I looked puzzled, he went on to explain, that I was a little girlie, and now I was his friend, if I did not want my secret to get out, so therefore I qualified as his girlie-friend. "From now on you will dress and do as I tell you" he paused "Is that understood", I nodded "No" he said "You don't talk to me like that, you will call me Sir, is that understood" I replied "Yes Sir" he seemed to like the idea and the power and control he had over me.

That night Paul visited my sister Linda they were talking for hours. When Paul left he had with a very large bag of my sisters old clothes, and a certain Pink Dress. Where he was taking them I did no know, but I was about to found out the next day.

Early the next day Paul called for me. My Mum asked him in to wait for me. We went back to his house, there was nobody in, as both his parents had gone out to work. I followed him upstairs to his bedroom, and on his bed were some of my sisters old clothes. Paul said "Right Abbeygail, off with your clothes" I tried to make a run for it but he was bigger and stronger than and frog-marched me back to his bedroom. I undressed and put on a blue and white gingham dress, with white collar and cuffs. This was the local all Girls Grammar School, summer dress for my sisters, old school. He even had got his hands on Linda's old straw boater and blazer that went with it the summer uniform. Linda had kept them in good condiction.

As we left his house he said "He would tell everybody I was Linda's cousin" my sister's cousin, "Who was here go to 'Dame Allison's High School for Girls", but no one paid us any attention. We did however spot several other girls out and about in their school uniforms, this was one of the school rules.

That Paul contacted my Mum to ask if I was going out to the local youth club. She said "Yes", but I said "No", but Mum insisted, as I never go out these days. Paul called round to talk about his plans for the next appearance of Abbeygail. He was starting to dominate me and I was not enjoying it.

Linda, was not concerned as she had put Paul up to this by giving him her key and that is how he got in the day he caught. His hold on went for about ten months, when out of the blue his Mum and Dad split up, and Paul and his Mum moved house, and up north overnight. Linda continued to play dress up with me, but she knew what she was doing, and the clothes were always on the short side, frilly and were made of satin, silk, or lace.

Puberty came and it went, I did not need to shave more than once a month, my hair had grown longer, the colour was now a light brown, but I kept my curls.

To be Continued
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