Abbeygail Story3


Abbeygail's Life

Part 3

Chapter Six:
The Teenage Years:

The swinging sixties, and into the flower power era. At the age of sixteen I left home and moved in with Sarah and Louise, in London, where they were working for a fashion house, well that's they call it, you and Mark's and Spencer's. A silly move you might think. My education days were over, my lust to wear pretty clothes had increased. Sarah and Louise were my outlet to crossdressing. The girls encouraged me to wear what I wanted, when I wanted. I only owned two pairs of trousers, and one of a pair of gray ladies flares. The other pair were normal trousers for when Mum and Dad visited. I did not have a job as the twins employed me as their maid. The very short uniform had them in fits of laughter, but I had the last laugh, the clothes were just wanted to wear, very, very, frilly, and made of satin.

At night we all went round the clubs and pubs of Chelsea. Mary Quant had invented the mini skirt, boots and P.V.C Macs were in fashion, a fetish's dream, and I was loving it. I spent three years before the twins got married. They both wanted me to be a bridesmaid at their weddings, but because our parents were going, well I do not think that Aunty Mary would have objected, but I would have loved to see my Mum's face if I walked down the aisle behind the blushing bride. I had to settle for wearing a similar pair of frilly knickers that both brides wore on their wedding days.

I moved back to my home town, and attempted to settle down, every now and again I would get that urge, and I am sure most of you reading this understand how and why I felt like this. On one occasion I decided to go away for two week holiday and spend it as Abbeygail.

The funniest incident that I can recall from that period of my life was in 1970. I was now twenty. I had booked a fortnight's holiday in Margate. I left home with all my clothes packed, boots, high heels, and of course my frilliest knickers, as I just do not go anywhere without them. I boarded a train for London, as a man. As the train pulled out of the station I was only person in the compartment. The guard walked past the carriage looked in and cheerfully said "Good Morning, young man" I wave and acknowledged his greeting. Thirty minutes later he passed my compartment again, this time sitting in the seat was young lady, mini skirted, made up and all, his eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Excuse me Miss, are travelling alone" he asked. "Yes" I said, he had a weird expression on his face. The rest if the joinery he spent wandering up and down the train looking for the bloke he had seen early.

As I was alighting, he carried my cases to the taxi, still looking for my male self, as we approached the taxi to Paddington, I gave him a little peck on the check and said In the deepest voice I could muster "Thanks Darling", he must have wet himself, as did not move until the taxi pulled out of St. Panaceas station.

The train trip to Margate was uneventful. I checked in to my digs in Cliftonville, and there were three other girls who were also staying at the hotel.

We all met that first night, Jayne, Beth, Emma and me, Abbeygail. We took a cab into Dreamland (funfair), and on to the bar beside the main entrance. The band that was playing that night were Hawkwind, and their big hit 'Silver Dream Machine' was being belted out, we had a great night, and walked back to the hotel, eating of course fish and chips (fries).

The next day was Sunday, we arranged to go the beach, I had brought my bikini, but I was a bit short on top, and a little too much down below, 'Agh the wonders of modern sticky-tape, and a couple years of practising. I picked up a good tan over the first week, but I had to say goodbye to the girls, as they had only booked a week. The next week the hotel was full with a trip from the old and bold club from somewhere in Derbyshire. I deliberately wore short skirts, and flirty with the old men, and they loved it. I had a great two weeks in Margate.

The return train journey home was run of the mill, no guard was remotely interested in me. I arrived home covered in smoke and went up to have a bath, I looked in the mirror of my bedroom as I ran to the bathroom, to see that I caught the sun, with the exception of where my bikini had been, both top and bottom, oh hell ! Just then I heard my Mum coming up the stairs, I hopped straight into the bath and hid my body, under the water. She came in the bathroom, and said "Sorry son, but here's your clean towel" she paused and looked at me, "Do you want me to wash your back", "No Mum I've grown up now I am not a little boy" she turned rounds and left the room, another close call. Chapter Seven: The Wedding:

By 1972 I had now started to settled down, and I was working as representative for a chemicals company. It was a job, it paid my board and lodgings to my Mum and Dad. My Farther now living at home and he was now working at a local firm, doing a normal job, which gave him a family life. This pleased my Mum and she was a happier person.

Linda married Bill who was a drummer in a would be pop group, the highlight of the group's career was wining the local band contest at the local cinema, and when they received the first prize from the manager Mr (Uncle) Richard Morgan, but he did not kiss them.

'Have You Seen Her' sang The Chi-lites, and I Had and they were right, she was the most beautiful girl in the world. I had met this girl who worked at the local supermarket check out desk. I asked her out and after eighteen months we decided to set the date for our wedding. My Mum was delighted, but isn't every Mum, Linda and the twins was also very happy for me and but they did not get on with Claire.

The wedding was not a big affair as money was tight, but this time, the Bestman and the groom wore the a pair of very frilly knickers ! The Bestman, was in fact the best (wo)man, as I had asked Sarah to be my best (wo)man, and Louise and Linda were bridesmaids, and the four of us all wore a similar pairs of knickers, it was great fun..

We never told the bride, but she soon found out on our honeymoon night, and you should have seen Claire's face, it was a picture. Claire got the shock of her life when I took my suit off and got ready for bed, but she never saw the funny side of it when I explained that the bridesmaid's and the best (wo)man all wore similar knickers. The honeymoon was for two nights in Grovesnor House Hotel, park Lane, London.

We moved into a caravan park just outside Luton, and brought a static two bedroom mobile home, as we could not afford a house. It was about year after we were married that I got the urge to cross-dress again, while Claire was out I tried on several different items of her clothing, but they were not right, no lace, satin, or silk's, and definitely no frilly pants.

My firm went down in the recession, so I was unemployed, and joined the dole queue. The boredom of having no work, seemed to make the urge to cross-dress greater. I saved a few pounds and went out and brought myself a white blouse, short black skirt, stockings, suspenders, and a pair of two inch heels, to top off the outfit a frilly apron and cap. I pretended that I was a housemaid to Claire. I washed her clothes, did the ironing, dusted, did the shopping, but with a track suit over the top of my uniform, and any other job that befitted a maid. Claire was amazed at my housework.

Once again I was caught crossdressing, but this time only by Louise who walked in one day, as I had not locked the door, she sneaked up behind me put her arms round my waist and said "Money or Your Life" for the second time in my life I had been caught dressing in attire of the opposite sex, thankfully this time when I looked round to see Louise and Aunty Mary, I did not feel so bad, as when I saw the face of Paul Adams.

Like any good maid I took their coats sat them down, and made them comfortable, and served them tea. Louise had come to tell me she and her husband Keith were moving the Untied States of America. Aunty Mary, remarked on "How cute" I looked, she also said "Do you remember that special Pink Dress, Abbeygail", "Yes Madam", I replied very crisply, " "Well" said Louise, "Mum and I have a little present for you", she got up and left the room, and returned five minutes later. She gave me a box, I could not help noticing the label, 'Little Misses', I opened the box, and there was a sparkling, frilly, new Pink Dress, my Pink Dress. I gave them lots of hugs and kisses, tears rolled down my face. Aunty Mary wanted to know if I had told Claire my secret, but the expression on my face told her that it was the only secret we had in our marriage, well I thought it was.

Before Aunty Mary and Louise left, recounted old times, my confessions to the different style of clothes that I had worn over the years. We said our Goodbyes, and they left.

Claires sister Sandra had invited us to her wedding. Claire was busy rushing around getting herself a new outfit. Having saved some money both of us went off to buy new outfits, Claire went out with Sandra and me I also went with my sister Linda.

Linda and I brought matching knickers, and bra and hold up stockings, I could not help thinking what Claire might thing of my wedding outfit. All four of us met up for lunch. Claire, Sandra, and Linda showed each other their new clothes. The dress that Claire had brought was stunning black strapless dress, that would show off her figure, I was very jealous and I just had to get inside of it. My knickers would go well with that dress.

It was the night of Sandra's reception, Linda and I sneaked off to compare underwear, I did not wear my bra, but I had brought it with me. I told Linda, that I was going to wear it later tonight when I tried Claire's new dress on. I was planning to wait until she was asleep and borrow the dress and put it on in the bathroom. Linda ordered me to give her a ring as she wanted to see me in the Claire's dress.

That night we both got Claire drunken, she was asleep before her head hit the pillow. I waited my time, just like any child I was excited, very excited. At midnight I picked up her dress up, unbeknown to me my every move was being monitored, by Claire. She watched me get dressed up, let Linda in to our room. Linda made my face up, and suggested that we go a night club near the hotel. Linda managed to borrow some size four high heels from one of the hotel staff, from who I did not ask.

We left the hotel by taxi for our night of fun, but we were followed by Claire. We entered the Club, and made our way to the bar. Although I was very scared I was going to enjoy my night out the first time in a long time. We stood at the bar when Claire said "Hi Linda, what a surprise to see you here", Linda was speechless "And who's your friend" she just starred at me, "I'mmm. I'mmmm Abbeygail" I muttered. "That's a nice dress Abbeygail" I just Froze "I have one just like it, and if it is not back in the hotel in the next ten minutes there will be BIG trouble", she went to say, "And Linda, don't call us, I'll call you".

Claire and I were back in the hotel within minutes, she was not to pleased. There was a very long silence. Claire gave me one them looks, "You better explain yourself". I told my story about my crossdressing, she was not impressed, but she show any interest in the punishment and humiliation that I suffered. She thought that I should be punished by her for stealing her dress ! So my fate was sealed. We left for home the next morning.

Claire went to my secret hiding place and removed all my female clothes except my pink dress which just happen to be in the dry cleaners.

To be Continued

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