Nicky and Patti

an original story by Abbeygail

Nicky and Patti:

Patrick was sitting in his favourite chair, reading the paper. He looked up to see that the Wilson's were packing their belongs in a large van, 'So they are moving at last, he thought. Just then his eye caught an advert in the paper, 'Wonderdrug Company' - We are looking for volunteers to test our new super *Fantasy Pill*, fulfil your wildest dreams now. Patrick had often fantasised about being 13 years old again, but this time as a girl. He checked out the toll free number and called Wonderdrug. He relayed his fantasy to chief research officer. They promised delivery the of the *Fantasy Pill* the very next day.

Patrick waited patiently for his parcel to be delivered. As the van pulled up, he raced to the gate, to collect his parcel from the courier. He ripped open the packet and took the all the pills in one go, however he did not read the warnings, that if you take all the pills at once, the treatment may be irreversible. He went to bed that evening a man, and when he the next day dawned, he was a 13 year old girl, who was being told to get out of bed by her Mother.

The first thing he did was to put his hands between his legs, nothing, where has my cock gone he / she thought, he / she stared at his hairless body. In his / her mind was a man but in body a girl, he/ she was over the moon.

"Patti, Patti" get dressed and come here, shouted her Mum. Patti went to the wardrobe and opened the door to find a mass of skirt's blouses, and dresses. Patti's first dilemma as a girl was what to wear. The problem was solved by her Mother, who gave her a white training bra, panties, white anklets, and a red check dress, she combed her hair and sent down for her breakfast. At breakfast she discovery she a sister called Abbeygail ?

Winter had set in Patti's home town, and the 13 year old Patti looked out of her bedroom window. She was watching the house across the road. The new people were moving in opposite her. Patti was not a bit interested, in the family Mum, Dad, and, but then all of a suddenly she saw a very pregnant teenage girl ! and her eyes lit up. The beautiful young girl made Patti sit up and look, and she could not help but to stare at the size of her large Motherly breast's and then, she looked down at her own. Hers looked like little zit's in comparison, Patti was jealous, very jealous.

The girl was about 5ft 4inches, in height, and had very long black hair which covered the length of her back, she had, big brown, loving eyes. Patti deiced to go and see if she could help them move in. "Mum, Mum" she cried "Can I go across the street and help our new neighbours, move in", as her Mum was to busy with her younger sister Abbeygail, who is only 11, "Yes", she replied, "But don't get in their way".

Patti put on her coat and ran across the road "Hi neighbours" shouted Patti, "Can I help you move in" she asked. Mr Samson, said "Well yes that would be very nice," "I'm Patti, and I live opposite, and I w,w,w,would (like to have breasts like your daughter, she thought), l, l, l, love to help you" Mr Samson gave her a box from the back of the 'U' Haul van and sent Patti off after his daughter Nicky. Nicky, had gone in to the nursery, or the room that was going to be turned in to the nursery. Patti spent all morning and most of the afternoon, helping Nicky set up the nursery. They both had taken to each other in a strange sort of way !

The next day Nicky invited Patti, to go with her to 'K' Mart and help to chose the wallpaper for the baby's room. Patti was delighted, Abbeygail been sent to her bedroom earlier for being naughty, and she had no one to play with, it would also got her out from under her Mother's feet.

Patti was interested about the facts about the baby, that she was continued to question her about the happy event. Finally she got round to the main question, "Nicky, are going to breast feed the baby" ? Nicky smiled, and said "Yes the doctor says my breast's are well developed, (you can say that again thought Patti), and I should be able to produce milk quickly". Patti study her breasts and said to herself, "There's enough to round, I wonder if the baby would not mind sharing the milk".

The next day Patti was with Nicky again, as her Mum had gone out with her little sister. The girls decorating the nursery in a soft pastel pink, and put up posters. They arranged, and re-arranged the furniture. The crib was also pink, Patti thought that Nicky must know from her pre-natal scan that the baby was a girl. I wonder what she is going to call the new arrival ? thought Patti !

While Patti was helping she tripped over and spilt some paint on her dungarees. Nicky had to help her undress, Patti was so upset and Nicky sat her on her lap and cuddled her, she drew her head into her large Motherly Breast's and rested Patti's head against her tities, Patti near exploded inside her panties. Nicky stroked her hair, and then her wiped off the paint at the top of her legs, working up to her panties and stroked her through the satin material, Patti just about wet herself, Nicky's gentle fondling and it sent her into her first EVER orgasm.

Nicky could not help to notice and this as she laid her on the bed. Nicky then she took the wet panties off Patti. She then went into her own room where she found Patti an of old Black Satin 'G' String and slipped it on over her bare legs and tucked in to her little clitty, caressing her lovingly, Patti again climaxed.

Nicky took off Patti's 'T' Shirt, and she laid their just in her bra and a 'G' String, Nicky went on to undo her bra, letting her little breasts see the light, of day. Patti was wet with delight, and started to fondle herself, "No" cried Nicky, "You are not allowed to do that", she grabbed Patti's arms, and with the aid of a silk scarf tied her hands above her head, to the headboard. This resulted in her bra riding up above her little tits. Nicky could not resist the temptation, and started to lick and nibble on her pert little nipples, Patti was in seventh heaven as the nipples harden. It all came to an abrupt halt, "Nicky, Nicky" cried Mrs. Samson, "Lee's here, to see you", Lee was her boyfriend and the farther of her baby ! She leaned over Patti, and squeezed each nipple and kissed her on the forehead, and then on each breast and lastly between her legs, poking her tongue into her clitty, through the satin material or the 'G' String, and said "Don't go way honey, I'll be right back" Patti exploded inside her body, she thought there had been an earthquake. Patti could not wait for Nicky to return, but there was little she could about it.

Nicky waltzed back in after about twenty minutes, "Sorry Patti darling, but we have to go out", she could see the look of disappointment on Patti's face, "Don't worry, we will play again another day, and perhaps you can suck and nibble my breasts" Patti, climaxed again, at the very thought of it.

Mrs. Samson brought Patti one of Nicky's old dresses to wear as her own clothes were a bit ruined. The dress was red with a yellow lace trim and a sown in petticoat, she also had a pair of matching ankle socks. The dress was a bit on the young side for her, but it was one of Nicky's so that was alright , any way if she got bored of it, she could always make Abbeygail wear it as she was a bit of a sissy when it came to clothes.

Mrs. Samson, packed up her paint covered clothes and lead her home. Mrs. Samson and Patti crossed the road home. She was in a dream world for the next two days, or so. The next day she saw Nicky getting in to Lee's car, she looked fatter than ever, her Mummy said "Not long before the baby's born, about a week to ten days". Patti was jealous of the unborn baby, as she might get to suck on Nicky's Large breast's before she did. Just the thought of it made her wet between her legs, if this what puberty is all about, then I'm in she said aloud to herself, "Pardon" said Abbeygail" who just walked into her room. "Nothing" said her older sister "Do you want to play dressing up ?" asked Patti, "Yes please" said Abbeygail.

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