Nicky and Patti - Part 3

an original story by Abbeygail

Nicky and Patti spent a lot of time together, they dressed Stephen as girl, mainly because all the clothes Nicky had brought for the baby were girls clothes, as she was convinced that she was having a girl.

Patti would lie in her bedroom at night and dream of Nicky, Stephen, and those huge breast's, still she got her fed from them every, day now as Stephen preferred the bottle. When he grows up he will realise what he missed out on, till that day comes, Patti told herself 'There mine, all mine'

Patti's Mum and Dad had arranged to spend a week at her sisters, down in Orlando. Patti loves that part of the America, but with the crush that she had on Nicky she did not want to go with them ! In heated argument with her Mother, "Anyway, Mum, Abbeygail and I will have to sleep in the same room, in the same bed even, and you know she wets the bed when are away" she looked at Mum with tears in her eyes, "Mummy" she said in a very sweet voice, "Can I stay with Nicky, and Stephen, please, oh, oh, pretty please" she paused "Mrs. Samson says it's alright with her, if it is alright with you".

Patti, Nicky, and the baby all waved off Patti's family. Patti had bribed Abbeygail with one of Nicky's old dresses, it was a red and blue tartan dress, with a full circle skirt, with a lace trim on the hem of the skirt, and full lace collar. The outfit was worn with a pair of cable knit long socks that also had a tartan, lace trim effect. As they drove off Patti knew she had done the right thing in stopping with Nicky.

Mrs. Samson put a spare bed in Nicky's room for her. That the night the crying kept both Nicky and the Baby awake, Patti was so upset and she was missing her family, ! I am even missing Abbeygail" she sobbed to Nicky. "Never mind you better get in bed with me !". Patti cuddled up close to Patti and went sleep, with her head resting on those giant breast's, and grinning from ear to ear.

Nicky was up early and was feeding Stephen when Patti woke up, "Wakey, Wakey" said Nicky, "Soon be your feeding time". she told Patti. ! I have some good news for you Patti". Patti was all ears, "Yes Lee is going to take little Stephen to see his Parents in New York, but he is going alone, and we will be all alone !!!"

Nicky waved her son off and Patti was very happy to be alone with Nicky. Mr & Mrs. Samson where still at home, but as they both worked so they would have the house to themselves during the daytime.

Patti was making them breakfast Nicky was getting ready for a day of fun. After breakfast Nicky took Patti by the hand and led her to the bedroom. Nicky had attached hand and ankle restraints to each corner of the bed. Nicky instructed Patti to undress, and she did the same. When both girls were naked Nicky handed Patti a bag and told her to get dressed, she had a similar bag.

Patti was dressed in a pink satin dress with a very frilly petticoat and no panties, and short frilly ankle socks, also in pink. Nicky was wearing very little, a tight bra that made her enormous breasts stick out, stockings and suspenders, but no pants.

Patti went to lay on the bed, but Nicky stopped her, and laid on the bed herself, Patti looked surprised. Nicky laid on the bed and told Patti to hand and foot cuffs. Nicky was now spread eagle on the bed. Patti looked on at her helpless willing victim. "Now Patti, you must do exact as I say, ok", She nodded. ! I want you to open the top draw of my dresser" Patti found on the top a fur glove, "Now I want you to massage my body with the glove, all over my body, but first you must blindfold me". Patti use a sleeping mask, the type you get on a long plane trip.

She started to fondle Nicky in all the right places, her captive pull at her bonds, but she was secured, and Patti was not allowed to release her until Nicky told to do so. Patti, made Nicky climax by stroking the hair around her clitty. Next Patti was told remove Nicky's bra and fondle, her breasts. After a about twenty minutes, Nicky told Patti to go the fridge and get the brown bottle out.

Patti read the instructions and pour the brown liquid over Nicky's large breast's and over the lower part of your body, to cover her clit. The brown liquid was if fact a chocolate sauce, that if left would harden on the body.

Patti allowed the sauce to set, "You must lick and nibble all the chocolate off my body" she paused "But first I want you lay beside and caress my body with your dress, so I can get the feel of the satin dress next to my semi-naked body. This she did for ten minutes. "You can eat me now Patti" said Nicky.

Patti started to lick one breast then the other, this made Nicky very excited, just as she was about to climax, Patti stopped. "What are stopping for" she asked, Patti laughed and said "I'm in charge now Nicky, we'll do it my way ?" Patti went to the bathroom and returned with a flannel, and washed all the chocolate off the lower part of the body.

She then applied hair removing cream to Nicky's pubic hair, waited six minutes and wash it off with warm water. Nicky was as bald as the day she was born. Patti then re-applied the chocolate sauce and again let it set. "Now you are not allowed to speak" she told her captive, Nicky started to protest. Patti just ignored her, and kissed her on the lips, this shut her up.

Patti returned to her meal starting with the right breast, she carefully licked and nibbled at the chocolate and drank the milk from each breast, Nicky was in ecstasy as Patti started on the main course. Patti licked, fondle, and nibbled off all the sauce.

Patti finished off the mornings events by passionately kissing Nicky on the lips, both sets, the first on her mouth, and secondly between her legs. Nicky's body was withering with delight.

Patti release her and both girls took a shower, taking it turns to wash each others naked bodies. Nicky was very happy with mornings events, "Now what you would like to do next, Patti".

As they were both tired they went to bed, together of course. Not before Nicky had put Patti in a diaper and frilly pants, which matched pink dress, and then she put her to bed. The next day the girls were alone again. This time Nicky decided to be the baby, so Patti put her a diaper, breast fed her or at least she attempted to, but they great fun, in playing.

As the end of the week drew near the girls were never apart, Mr & Mrs. Samson's only seemed interested in monitoring their daughters happiness, and she was she happy.

The Samson's let the Nicky and Patti have the house for the weekend before Patti's parents and Sister returned. Patti found herself spread eagle on the bed while Nicky sampled the chocolate sauce, but as Patti had very little pubic hair to remove she decided to humiliate her in a different way.

First she plaited her hair and added the biggest red ribbon you have ever seen, then she dressed her a white satin jabot, and a very short pleat kilt. white ankle socks, and black T'' Bar leather patent shoes. "Right young Lady, we are going shopping" said Nicky, "What about my underwear" inquired Patti "Silly me" said Patti "Lay on the bed", and Nicky put on her a very frilly pair of white satin trainer pants. As the skirt was so short the pants were clearly visible to all. They stepped out of the house Nicky took her by the hand and led her to the car, "No" said Nicky !It is a nice day I think we will walk", just as they were about to enter the sidewalk, Nicky told Patti to wait by the gate, as she had forgotten something.

Nicky was getting something from the car, Patti could not see what is was until she reached her again. "Turn round darling" ordered Nicky. Patti did as she was told, and Nicky put the baby harness on her charge, Patti went red with embarrassment. Nicky made her walk all the way to the shopping mall, as well taking her to the park with all the other Mummies and Babies.

That night Patti got her reward by strapping Nicky to the bed again, but instead of chocolate sauce Patti was going try a little experiment of her own. She dressed in Nicky's favourite Pink Dress, she covered Nicky's breasts with sauce, and after it had set, added whipped cream, she made delicate little patens on her breast's.

Then she set about creaming her clit, in more ways than one, gently massaging the cream in and out of parts of Nicky's love mound. That tasted delicious and Patti was enjoying herself. Having licked the plate clean, she started to fondle her captive with the satin dress, Nicky's loves satin and it turned her on.

She was now ready, to enjoy her just desserts, dream topping, with whipped cream. She had Nicky squirming with anticipation. All of a sudden Patti got up and dashed into the kitchen, she found what's she was looking for, walnuts ? Patti added the nuts to the top of her large breast's, into turning mountains, and mountains that led to heaven. Patti continued to keep her on the verge of the biggest orgasm that she ever had, just when Nicky's reached her peak, Patti backed off and let her down, she would only cum, when Patti let her. Patti teased her for about two hours, when Nicky finally came her cries could heard all over the house.

Patti and Nicky continued to have fun for the rest of Patti's stay. When her parents called round to pick her up she did not want to go home, she enjoyed herself and Nicky, immensely.

Patti went to bed that night exhausted, her Mother said "You can tell about your adventures in the morning, darling".

Patti could hear a voice telling her to get up, but when she woke up, the drugs have worn off. Her / his body had returned to Patrick's. "How long have I been asleep, Sue" he asked, "Well" his wife said thoughtfully, "Probably eight hours or so !", Patrick was puzzled he was sure he had many adventures with Nicky over the past few months.

There was a Knock at the bedroom door, it was his daughter, Abbeygail. "Mum, Dad," she said "Can I go across the road to the 'Samson's and see Nicholas, and their new baby Stephanie" ????? Patrick looked out of the bedroom window, "Sue" he shouted, "Yes darling", "Where did Abbeygail get that pink dress she's wearing ?" he asked, "Oh I think Nicky, gave her it !" "Nicky" he screamed, "Yes, Nicholas our new neighbour" ?????????

The End
Abbeygail. 1998

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