Hello and welcome. Please feel free to say what you want, but keep it civil. There are OLD PEOPLE that can see this room.
All additional links in text are edits by GayDolph

D. Morgendorfer, Lawndale - 09/15/00 23:55:57
Fav Seduction Tactic?: be myself
Fav Southpark thing?: MEGA-STRISAND (what a Bitch)
Fav BodyPart besides...: Butt...Chest...Hands
Fav Clothing piece?: Leather Motorcycle Jacket
Fav Musical?: Les Miserable
Ever chew on toes?: Not chewed....sucked...

when I meet a guy, I instinctivley find his scent. I like to worshiping his body (while he's worshipping my body), find the right spots and completley lose myself as our bodies become one....

Sean - 08/29/00 22:20:50
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: smiling
Fav Southpark thing?: damn windows 98!!
Fav BodyPart besides...: eyes
Fav Clothing piece?: beanie
Fav Musical?: Hair
Ever chew on toes?: no

Lost your current address, man! Write me.

trubble - 03/06/00 05:45:55
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: being the nice guy
Fav Southpark thing?: dunno...
Fav BodyPart besides...: eyes
Fav Clothing piece?: jackets
Fav Musical?: cats
Ever chew on toes?: not yet!

hehe this page is hilarious. i was bored in math lab the remembered that you gave me the addy. my friends and i cracked up over it. oh well just letting you know i did take a look at it. latta~

Jessa - 03/05/00 12:29:55
My URL:http://illusions.com/~roseangel
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: being myself :)
Fav Southpark thing?: never seen south park
Fav BodyPart besides...: eyes
Fav Clothing piece?: skyclad
Fav Musical?: movie? 7 Oklahoma
Ever chew on toes?: umm, im only 15, :) no

i like your page, mom says you're hot hot hot, she is right, you'd make a perfect pan god :) hehe anyways, see you on DizzyMUD soc esk dolp

John - 03/01/00 01:52:15
My URL:http://www.infozone.org/~jfager/xyspot/
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: honesty & gym attendance
Fav Southpark thing?: Starvin Marvin
Fav BodyPart besides...: eyes
Fav Clothing piece?: coral neckales
Fav Musical?: no way
Ever chew on toes?: no way

Cute site. love the seducing a str8 boy section!

Dave - 02/06/00 15:05:00
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: Will try that plan!
Fav Southpark thing?: Funny
Fav BodyPart besides...: OOOOOWWWWW
Fav Clothing piece?: Good
Fav Musical?: Hearing Impaired
Ever chew on toes?: Want to, Haven't tried!

Nice Web page and I am learing more about Seduce a Straight man. I am Straight and want to Seduce my Straight Male Roommate! I just found that I have feeling for him now! Tell me other plan if the first Plan didn't work out well. Thanks dp

Dax - 11/09/99 03:45:43
My URL:http://metrocities.net/westhollywood/Cafe/6104
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: Klondike Bars!
Fav Southpark thing?: Ike's Thing
Fav BodyPart besides...: eyes
Fav Clothing piece?: boxers
Fav Musical?: dunno
Ever chew on toes?: yep

Liked the page...funny and cool!

devo - 11/09/99 00:49:49
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: like a virgin....for the almost first x
Fav Southpark thing?: mr hand
Fav BodyPart besides...: hands
Fav Clothing piece?: tee shirt ..in or out ?
Fav Musical?: 96.3///but 103.5,92.7 in the car
Ever chew on toes?: not since the th spring of .......?

thought danceing fool was great........ah.....the good old day....especially when you want to come.

- 11/08/99 18:58:33


Stephen - 11/08/99 18:10:04
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: Booze
Fav Southpark thing?: Chef's voice
Fav BodyPart besides...: Shoulders
Fav Clothing piece?: Leather jacket
Fav Musical?: Gypsy
Ever chew on toes?: never

Very, very nice site. Loved your drawings, and your setup. My heart broke on the page about your brother, wish I could know the entire story. Thanks for the little piece of your life. Best wishes to you!!!

David - 08/15/99 18:33:24
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/3718
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: Flirting ... a great smile and sexual inuendos
Fav Southpark thing?: Sorry ... never wathced it!
Fav BodyPart besides...: Eyes!
Fav Clothing piece?: bluejeans
Fav Musical?: Disco/Dance
Ever chew on toes?: Opps! Not on purpose!

Love your web site. Love the MIDI's. Love your photos. WOW!

river - 04/15/99 08:48:57
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Seduction Tactic?: yes i do
Fav Southpark thing?: birds
Fav BodyPart besides...: all
Fav Clothing piece?: jock strap
Fav Musical?: yanni
Ever chew on toes?: yes

wish you an abundance of health, happiness & peace

rhinestone - 02/06/99 19:12:26
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/4838
My Email:[email protected]
Fav Musical?: Les mis
Ever chew on toes?: no, disgusting but a neat idea

I love the midi files.

Cindy - 09/10/98 13:29:44
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:[email protected]
comment: I like this!!... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

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