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Marile Hamman - 04/17/99 22:54:17
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: pretty woman
Horror Book: pet sematary
Musical Artist: johnny lang
Hello, my name is Marile, I have md myself. I have hyperkalemic paralysis and paramyotonia. I am 34 years old and a female. I spend lot of time on line helping other mda patients with support. Helping other parents with their kids and ect. Marile

Grovetta - 01/29/99 19:24:25
My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/9825/
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: It varies daily......Hellraiser is on SciFi tonight.....Love Barker!
Horror Book: Right now I'm looking at "Floating Dragon" by Straub....and "Imajica" by Barker...
Musical Artist: Bowie/Alice Cooper/Kansas/Don't get me started. :)
Website: /Area51/Station/9892/
Thank you for joining The Horror Grapevine. If you ever have any concerns or questions, or just need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to get in touch. I hope your experience in the club is enjoyable. This is the first club that I founded, and I am ve y proud of the members that I chose. The club is doing great! I'm sure that you will be a great asset. Grovetta

Jack(ie) aka Jaid33 - 10/23/98 21:51:30
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: It's My Party
Horror Book: Desperation
Musical Artist: Tori Amos
Website: Too numerous to mention...
Hiya, Doug! Just thought I would pop in to see your site. Glad you popped in on mine. Anyway, love the page. Especially the animated 'peeing guy'...hee hee....Stay in touch, sweetie!

Jack(ie) aka Jaid33 - 10/23/98 21:44:53
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: It's My Party
Horror Book: Desperation
Musical Artist: Tori Amos
Website: Too numerous to mention...
Hiya, Doug! Just thought I would pop in to see your site. Glad you popped in on mine. Anyway, love the page. Especially the animated 'peeing guy'...hee hee....Stay in touch, sweetie!

Hans Peter Crossland - 09/17/98 00:04:10
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: ermmm, well, ermmm
Horror Book: Poe, collected works
Musical Artist: Mozart
Hehehe, great site, only problem is - it takes my ancient IBM about 10 minutes to load it and I reckon it uses all the RAM the poor thing possesses - just thought Windows had suffered a heart attack, screen went blank during the struggle! Give it an anima ion to play with and out go the lights! Best wishes - courtesy IBM INTERCRIP Hans Peter

Cindy - 09/10/98 13:29:49
My Email:[email protected]
comment: Cool page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Dawn - 09/06/98 02:59:16
My Email:[email protected]
Horror Book: Don't really like horror anything.
Musical Artist: Darth Brooks
Website: men's forum
Doug, nice page..I just got mine going,,but need to add alot more to it..I saw you in the men's forum..I am also handycapped with Rheumatoid Arthritis... so I have a feeling of what you go threw every day. I hope they find a cure really soon for these dre dful diseases..

Dick Watson - 09/04/98 02:09:55
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Somewhere in time
Horror Book: N/A
Musical Artist: I can't remember now
Website: Don't have any now
Hi doug, was brousing through mf, and came across you. You have a great site. Maby some day I'll have the same. Am COMPLETELY NEW TO THIS WHOLE THING. I can't even understand how to put a background on or send certain music to others. You can e-mail me any time you want. I'll wait until I hear from you and then I will give you some info about me (occupation, ht. wt. etc) Hope you get this. I have to get ready for bed as it is past my bedtime. Be good and hope that some day REAL SOON they will find a cure for your condition. Dick

Dick Watson - 09/04/98 02:09:28
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Somewhere in time
Horror Book: N/A
Musical Artist: I can't remember now
Website: Don't have any now
Hi doug, was brousing through mf, and came across you. You have a great site. Maby some day I'll have the same. Am COMPLETELY NEW TO THIS WHOLE THING. I can't even understand how to put a background on or send certain music to others. You can e-mail me an time you want. I'll wait until I hear from you and then I will give you some info about me (occupation, ht. wt. etc) Hope you get this. I have to get ready for bed as it is past my bedtime. Be good and hope that some day REAL SOON they will find a cure f r your condition. Dick

Barry - 08/26/98 01:17:51
My Email:[email protected]
to a friend that i will never see or meet take care of your self.

Michael - 08/23/98 19:03:48
My URL:/broadway/stage/4713
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Rocky Horror
Horror Book: none
Musical Artist: Madonna
Website: not sure
Great homepage :)

Charlie Bean - 08/23/98 01:10:30
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Other side of the Mountain
Horror Book: none
Musical Artist: Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks/Bob Seger/
Nice page, I hope I develop something similar in the fututre. Keep in touch. [email protected] Charlie Bean, Willow Creek, California

Jaybird - 08/20/98 01:52:24
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Ohhh come on!!!!
Horror Book: The Shining
Musical Artist: Harry Connick, Jr (really)
Great site Doug! Was surfing through the mf homepage and saw you had initiated yourself. Glad you're posting and hope to correspond with you sometime! I STILL love the monkey spanking!!!!! nudehugs, Mike

Dean Johnson - 08/16/98 05:35:24
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Beautiful Things
Horror Book: 12 Past Midnight
Musical Artist: Sting
Website: That Men's Forum
Doug : I am very pleased to meet you. Welcome to Men's Fourm and hope you have a lot of real good times there , it is one of the best places on the net for Straight and Gays . It is my family and I luv everyone there .If you like you can E-mail me anytime . It i always fun to get a E-mail from nice people once in a while. Take care looking forward to the fun times ahead . Dean

gary - 07/25/98 23:14:01
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/7781
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: White Christmas
Horror Book: Poems of Walt Whitman
Musical Artist: Garth Brooks
Website: Chipper's Johan Paulik homepage
Nice home page, thanks for stopping by at the Mens-Forum News Group. LuvGary

Doug - 07/14/98 14:47:05
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Movie: Halloween
Horror Book: Intensity
Musical Artist: Stevie Nicks
Website: Cool Central
Its just me trying this thing out- Ta

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