A Bit About me...

When I wrote Part I:
I'm a 21 bisexual vegetarian (lacto-ovo) male living in Canada.  I'm currently in my fourth year of studying Computer Science at university, a subject which I chose partly because I like it and I'm good at it, and also partly because I'm not really sure what I want to do with my life.  My other academic passion is for physics and I'm working on a minor in it.  After I get my degree, I'm not sure, I'm considering graduate school but most likely I'll be working in the real world for a while.

When I wrote Part II:
I'm now 22, gay, still vegetarian and currently living in Ottawa, Canada.  I completed my degree two months ago in computer science and now work for a local high-tech company.  I had what I consider to be my first real gay relationship last fall which lasted two months.  It was a wonderful experience (if you're reading this Dan, email me!).  And although it didn't work out the way I'd hoped, I did come away from it having learned a lot more about myself than I'd ever imagined (surprisingly, not any more or less about my sexual orientation!).  I'm currently single and looking for a long term relationship (with a guy).

Why I created this page...

My purpose in creating this page is to present information specific to bisexuality and coming out for anyone wishing to know more about it.  When I first realized I might be bi I started looking on the Internet for information.  I found a lot of stuff for gay/lesbian just coming to terms with their sexual orientation and coming out which was helpful and I found some basic stuff on bisexuality. But later when I looked for more detailed or insightful stuff on being bi I couldn't find any.  Many of the topics I discuss on this site are subjects I've had long conversations with friends about and have struggled with in my own coming out process.  So, seeing a need, I summarized in words my experiences and what I've learned to create this site.  I've tried to include lots of content and not too many flashy graphics in the hopes of making this site easy and quick to view.

Software Used To Create This Page:

To edit the HTML documents I use Netscape 4.0 Page Composer.  Main title graphic was created using Ray Dream Studio 5.  Text titles created with Paint Shop Pro 3.0.

Email me comments/suggestions/questions/etc. at [email protected]

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