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stacey - 09/27/00 07:53:39
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): ILL

hello i read your ad. and i am bisexual too. i am not out of the closet either only my close friends know. it's hard to be the person you want to be when everyone thinks your someone else.

- 09/14/00 05:50:56
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): NM, USA

This was a very comforting page! No one around me is very supportive so this was uplifting. I guess I didn't have a whole lot of people who understood my sexuality. They all said it was unnaturual, & I'd go to hell. Thanks for making realize that I wasn't alone as I thought! PB

vsf - 08/17/00 21:30:24
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): PA/NH, USA

I really enjoyed your site and am with you 100%. It helped to put my situation in perspective. I, too, am not "totally" out, but just to my dear friends. I don't even think it's a matter of walking around with sign that says "I'm bi" or "I'm gay" or e en "I'm straight." But eventually I will come to the point where I won't hide or at least lie about my sexuality to those who matter to me. Thanks again.

Sisco - 06/19/00 09:56:11
My URL:http://
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): Orlando,Fl

Your website is nice yo.

Michael - 03/20/00 17:38:12
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): Plainfield IN

This web site was great help to me Thank you

- 03/19/00 08:23:40
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): California

Like the lavendar background, and your bio is something i can identify with, i was attracted to guy in 7th grade, dated mostly girls but my fantasies always involved guys (somtimes with girls). I've enjoyed my gay male friends but sometimes they try to br ng me over to "their" side, seeing bisexuality as a transitional phase towards being totally gay, and my girlfriends get upset if i tell them i like guys 2, so i'm low key about telling anyone. I like being with men and women, both have so much to offer.. br>
paul ngatai - 03/16/00 11:58:38
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): new Zealand

cool way of looking at things and so true i too am bi your thoughts on emotional and physical kinds of love is really interesting because that is how i knew there was something different about me. I met a guy who i was mentally and emotionally in love with but i did not know how to deal with it so i pushed im away. i find the physical attraction comes with that and that is how i knew i was bi. it is a pitty because it still bugs me that perhaps he was the one. Anyone i have fallen for other guys and girls since then and now have the philosophy in life. do not care who i fall in love with as long as they respect me and are good human beings the fact that they are male or female is irrelavent. love comes in all shapes and forms cheers nutty take care

Danni - 02/07/00 02:26:18
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): SBY/EJ/Indonesia

Well, nice HP . i've learn a lot from it, but i still can't decide, am i a Bi ????...

Steven - 01/28/00 13:58:29
My URL:/westhollywood/park/7597/
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): Charlotte, North Carolina USA

Hi there, I really enjoyed viewing your webpage and it was quite educational to read up on your take on bisexials. I truly never looked at that from that point of view and now I did and it seems to make a lot of sense to me. I, myself, am gay, but now I do indeed have a better understanding of your point of view.

Shell - 12/31/99 03:10:33
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): Maryland/USA

I cried as I read your site. I, too, am bisexual. However, I've never really done research. Of course, I'm aware that most same sex attractions are biological, but I always deemed myself as confused. Let's be honest. Bisexual folk are often shunned by both heterosexuals and homosexuals. It's sad but true. I say all this to say that your site is THERAPEUTIC!! Thank you for making me feel that I am not alone in the bisexual acceptance battle. PLease know that all the hard work and effort you put into reating this site was well worth it. I'll probably read a little bit of it again everyday for inspirational purposes. Thanks again!

sophia - 12/28/99 05:46:10
Location (State/Country): ca

I read some of your site and so far it has helped me to come to a understanding of myself. I also am "Bi" and I have decide to come "out." It is a strange feeling at times to see people who "love" you reactions. How they say they can accept anything, bu yet can't. I am still trying to deal with religion. I will visit your site again. thanks

Brandee Miller - 12/25/99 08:09:58
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): IL ,USA

e:mail me! I give advice,do you need some?

Kristina - 07/28/99 10:56:01
Location (State/Country): Australia

Well, its a very confusing time for me actually, because im beginning to find my sexuality, and who i really am. It has taken a great deal of searching, since my family and parents are very old fashioned, and also very homophobic, and it didn't really hel me much. I'm still very confused, but soon I will know for certain, and relief will come with that knowledge. I am bisexual.

zoe - 06/27/99 02:58:39
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Villa/2377/
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): usa,nv

i too had to come to terms with my bisexuality, the feelings i had for my best friend.It sucked cause at the time we were in a small town full of baptists and her family was christian.We both had feelings for each other and kept our relationship a secret t blew up in our faces evryone knows now and it's very hard for me my girlfriend,boyfriend and our bisexual friends to come to terms with the hatred people have for other peoples"strange"but true love.anyways cool site i feel slightly better.Stay sweet

- 06/18/99 19:39:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/catholic2/index.html

I love your homepage!

Monique - 05/15/99 04:02:32
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): TX

Great site!! Very helpful and informative. I feel better already!

Kirsten - 05/01/99 14:55:46
My URL:/SoHo/Museum/5737/
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): FL/ USA

This is a great page! I really liked it.. very good for people who may be confused or are misinformed about bi sexual / gay people Keep up the good work.. Never be afraid of rejection..They are just ignorant! :) Beloved, Starla You can get ahold ove me on ICQ 8135433 anytime you want to chat!

Matt - 03/17/99 12:58:21
My URL:http://metrocities.net:80/SunsetStrip/Club/5810/creative1.htm
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): Australia

Nice to find some info about how i'm feeling! Thanx

- 02/25/99 21:01:34
Location (State/Country): Israel

I just wanted to say that reading your page made me feel great because I feel excatly like you, and it's good to know I'm not alone. Thanks.

Julie - 12/14/98 14:57:40
My URL:/Wellesley/8687
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): Illinois/U.S.

Just wanted to tell you that you've got a great site here with lots of great information. I appreciate your honesty, something hard to find these days. I also appreciate the fact that you let people see who you are, that you're a regular guy. I believe th t sites like yours will eventually help educate people about bisexuality, and in the process help those people struggling with their bidentity. Thanks for a fabulous site. Yours sincerely, Julie

wayne - 12/10/98 20:24:15
My Email:
[email protected]
Location (State/Country): uk

thanks for the help this page gave me im bisexual and have just come ont your help has been worth a lot thanx wayne.

Cindy - 09/10/98 13:30:14
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:[email protected]
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Gerry - 08/13/98 06:15:11
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): Mexico

I guess I'm at the point of evaluating my orientation and to tell you the truth, I find it extremely hard to do. Thanks for the advice, and I hope I can use it some how.

Barry - 07/22/98 20:03:42
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/3949
My Email:[email protected]

I like your web page and I especially liked your bio. I'm bi too and it's a rough road to travel. I'm still wrestling with coming out too. I'm usually truthfull except in situations where that would cause problems for me. Such as work and with aggresive h mo/biphobes.

Lisa - 07/16/98 15:01:14
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): Ohio, US of A

Your homepage was great. I was born bi, and there's nothing I could do to prevent it. I cannot except it though. When I'm with my friends ( I'm a girl by the way ), we talk about guys and we gossip about guys. We each have to add on who you think the h ttest guy is. Well, I either never add on or I lie. I don't find anything attractive about guys. I've dated guys before in my attempt to make me straight, but, it didn't work. I felt nothing. I'm just afraid that I'll lose all my current friends and y reputation will go down the drain. My 'rents will probally kick me out if the find out. This is just one thing I have to live with for the rest of my life. But visiting your page and reading "How To Accept Myself" helped me. Thanx alot!

- 07/15/98 09:28:13
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/5247
My Email:[email protected]
Location (State/Country): California

Nice site. I liked the honesty. I have a similar site, listed above. Feel free to contact me to talk (anyone) about bisexuality.

Julian - 07/14/98 22:34:32
Location (State/Country): Australia

Can't leave an address - I'm at work! But nice honest site. Have a good day!

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