Welcome to the GALYOG pages. This is a place where you can come to relax, and find out more about who you really are. We don't care who, or what you are, this is a place for everyone, even if you are a heterosexual.

Many people think that homosexual youth is a myth, well the truth is, WE EXIST and the only problem in existing as we do, is that we exist mainly in the closet. Why??? The reason for this is simple, gay and lesbian youth stay in the closet because of peer pressure. We get taught by our peers that being homosexual is an undesireable thing, so in order to look good in their eyes, we pretend to be straight.

We at GALYOG have come to the conclution that there are NO gay youth support groups in South Africa that are able to give help to the youth of this nation who are confused in their sexuality, so we decided to start one with the aim of clearing up 'The Old Wives Tales'. In truth, we are still very small, but in time, we will grow into something that will benefit the whole of Gauteng, and maybe someday in the future, the whole of South-Africa. Please bear with us in these times of change.

In these pages, we discuss the issue of being gay in South-Africa. We discuss the various facets of gay life, and inform people on what to do if they are in a bind. In the very near future, we will have a domain of our own, to make finding us a little easier, and when we do, our site will grow in immense proportions.

Please click on the picture below, and you will be taken to the main page. Thanks for taking the time to read our short message :)