Daniel & Michael enjoy a toast of there famous "Kir Royales a la SOMA-Tara" ... champagne served with their homemade raspberry kirsch served in their custom etched toasting glasses from Family Celebrations,
America's First Wedding & Special Occasion Catalog for the Gay & Lesbian Community.  They also made the matching etched cake top and gold foil embossed napkins for Daniel & Michael.

"Laden with
Happiness and Tears..."

An exhausted and exalted  pair of Grooms take the limo ride home after a long and fulfilling day, "laden with happiness and tears."

Officially recognized as Domestic Partners in the City and County of San Francisco, we hope some day the small minds of this country realize that love knows not the bounds of legislation or discrimination.  It was only less than 30 years ago that inter-racial marriages were deemed illegal in most of the states.  It is our hope and dream that, while we are both still alive, we will be granted our God-Given and Constitutional Rights to a legal marriage.