Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 21:24:32 -0400 youve known me longer than anyone i talk too now. i hope in yr head, not yr heart, you know i would never do anyone wrong for the wrong reason! you would never guess where i am now, or what im doing. i dont hate you, im not mad at you, i understand...... or atleast i think i do. ive always tried to be there for you crystal, i really have. are you there for me now? please understand i am sorry for the things i said an stupid things i might have done without realizing. im yr friend. but why doesnt anyone understand me? i "think" im a good preson, i try to be. where are you? what are you doing? things are really fuct up now... and either yr thinking, well good fuck her... or i hope she's ok.youll let me know, whether its with a response or no response ill know.... i wont try to talk to you again after this. how many times have you gottne mad at me for something stupid and i let it go.... not saying now its stupid but,, im still not sure what yr mad about.... maybe thats what my problem is. crystal i love you as a person... everyone makes mistakes. in every way. i would never hold it against anyone, dont make me pay for mine! dont just read my words, hear my voice......... youll never have a friend like me , dont just let me go. im here for you always. take me.. (how poetic) im serious i need someone who knows me, i want it to be you. im not just writing you because i need to talk, because really i dont, i can go a long time keeping things in, i just want you around. i dont NEED to talk, i want to, i want to talk to you. youll do wwhat yr ganna do just dont regret it, yr smart, think about it, think about me..... Miki