"Lorenzo Torres" [email protected]

Subject: hi!

hi reggie, i saw your page (linked in Chester's web page) and was glad to read a little bit about your life. i can empathize with you (being in the closet myself!) and being in my 30's! i turn 37 this august, and yes, family and friends still ask when i'm gonna get married. i'm just glad there are a few filipinos out there that i can at least write to and just ramble a bit! :) if you woulr write to correspond or just send a short note, i'd appreciate it! otherwise, thanks for reading :) btw, i got TONS of family in san jose. i dread visiting them since they're gonna bug me about being single! anyhow, i'm nicely "planted" deep-in-the-heart-of-texas, fondly known as dallas. hope all is well with you. Lorenzo

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