I think it only right to remind the visitors to this page that I am blessed with friends from many walks of life. In no way does the presence of anyone on these pages or anywhere on my web site imply nor declare a sexual preference. Some have one, some don't. It is irrevelant to me. If you have a need to know, I suggest that you ask them. There are some pretty great people listed here.
David D David is a main staple in my life. He has been a true friend for more than 20 years of my existance. To learn more about David click on his image.
Xav Xav is the greatest. We have been ICQ buddies for awhile now and never seem to run out of things to talk about. He is fun, sweet sensitive and will some day make some man a really lucky guy. Click his image to learn more about him.
DAVID G David is one guy you will want to get to know better. But watch outor he'll break your heart. Just click on his image for a treat. David is also a West Hollwood Community Leader and one of West Hollywood's Suburb Managers.
Barbara's Roost One does not get to choose blood family, so I consider myself very privledged to have four wonderful sisters. Barbara is not only a blood sister, she is also a netizen, a graphics artist, proficient in HTML and a Heartland Community Leader. You can learn more about her by clicking her immage and visiting her site. Go on cuz I know you will enjoy it. P.S. Barbara is also my nunber one sister, chronologically. Thanks, Sis, just for being there through all of the rough times as well as the fun ones. I love you and I am glad that I didn't catch you with that axe when we were kids.
Cheri's Nook Like I said above, my good fortune with friends and family is sometimes scary. Cheri, too, is not only a wonderful sister, she is also a netizen, a graphics artist, proficient in HTML and a Heartland Community Leader. You can learn more about her by clicking her immage and visiting her site. Go on cuz I know you will enjoy it. P.S. Cheri is my nunber two sister, chronologically. Thanks, Sis, just for being there through all of the rough times as well as the fun ones. I am glad that I didn't chase you with an axe when we were kids. I don't think you could have out run me.
Jo Suzzane Joey is sister number three and she does not do the high tech thing. She is not well enough nor strong enough. Joey's life paths have not always been happy ones and now she is bedridden with End Stage COPD, End Stage Hepatitus "C" and getting from day to day can be a fultime job. I love you baby sister. I wish I could make things different.
GINNA LEE ALLEN Ginna is my sister number four, by age, and the baby of the family. My biggest regret is that I was grown and had left home before I ever really got to know you. Even sadder is that as adults we have never reallly cotten to know one another well. I miss you and love you.
BRIAN B Brian is one fun guy to talk with and he has a good head on his shoulders. Want to discuss religion, or just have a nice chat, Brian is the one. Brian is quite new to the Net and HTML but he has a nice page started. Brian, I hope we keep in touch and you find that happiness in life.
Jacy Green-Sprehe Fellow Geocities Community Leader and co-conspirator, Jacy has also become a great friend on the net. I look forward to our daily talks and feel like my day is less than complete when schedules do not cross. Read more about Jacy by clicking on her thumbnail and be assured that you are in for a treat. Thank you Jacy for being so great a pal.
Tony Renzetti Tony is a special guy with a real talent writing HTML, Java Script, DHTML and conversation. Tony has a fantastic site and to see it and learn mor about him just click on his image. Tony my good buddy. Your have been missed lately and I for one look foreward to when you again have regular access to the Net. My ICQ has been lonely without you. Take care good buddy.
Justin Ewer Justin, you are one bunch of fun. I am totally glad that we have met. I has been a blast being you Mentor during your community Leader training. You're going to be a goo Community Leader. Here's hoping that we will keep in touch over the years to come. I love your sense of humor. Keep the jokes cumming.
Vladislav Photo Vladislav, my Vladislav, your English is better each time we talk. You know how much I enjoy that. Now, if you will hurry up and finish that dang doctorate studies so you can come visit and we can work on your English and other education. Take care my dear friend.
Shane aka. RainCub is a good friend to have. He's there when you need someone to talk to, he knows when not to talk and he doesn't repeat everyting you say to others. What more could you ask for? Above and byond that, Shane is a fellow Geocities Community Leader and the Suburb Manager for The westhollywood Suburb Cafe. He works hard and plays hard. He's a good guy.



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