Steele Backmount Reversals

Back Mount Reversals

Backmount Information
4 points in a tournament
Never cross your feet if you take the backmount
One of the best positions to be in
Many opportunities for chokes

Escape from the Rear Naked Choke:
Left hand grabs your left lapel. Pull it out, away from your neck (to your left). This prevents him from tightening the choke with his right hand. Your right hand grabs his right fist. Try to get ahold of one of his fingers and pry it loose. Then you can peel his hand off of your collar. Also, it is a good practice to lean back on him and slide to the right. Once there, dip your head back and under his right arm. This will prevent him from being able to pull his arm further to the right, because his right elbow is now on the ground. To go further, grab his right elbow with your right hand and pry his right arm over your head.

Ankle Grab To KneeLock Escape:
When someone is on your back with the hooks in, here is something you can try. Use your right hand and grab his right ankle. Grab it so your thumb is on the inside and your fingers are on the outside. Now dig your right elbow into his shin/knee. Now bring your fist to your own face while pushing your elbow into the shin/knee. Use your other hand if you have to. This may submit beginner guys, but I would only use this as a distraction for advanced guys. Use it to distract them, then use another move to escape the backmount.

How To Hold Your Hands To Prevent The Choke:
Take your right hand and grab your left Gi collar very high by your ear. Now take your left hand and put it on the back of your neck. This is a very defensive position to put your hands and will prevent many chokes when someone has taken your back.

Ankle Lock:
If someone has your back and they have the hooks in, make sure they do not have them crossed. If they do not have them crossed, take your hand and cross them for them. Now take either one of your legs and put your foot across the top of your opponents foot that is on top. Then take your other foot and put it on top of your own foot to put down the pressure on his ankle. You are basically ankle locking him using your own ankles to do the submission!

Jaw Crush:
If someone has taken your back, this is another nice move to escape. Slide your body down toward his feet as much as you can so that your head is lower than his head. Then slide your head underneath his jaw. Reach up with your arms and grab your opponents head. Drive the top of your head into his jaw. If anything, as he panics or moves to deflect the pain, use this as an opportunity to escape from his clutches.

The Back Swing Reversal:
Someone has taken your back, but he is on his back so that your stomach is facing the ceiling. Move your right hand down and move his ankle out from the inside to release the hook. Now here is the tricky part. You will shift your body to your right so that your head is moving in the direction of his right arm. You will kick your feet up in the air and slide your hips to your right down the side of your opponent. Once this is done your butt will be up against his right side and your legs will be in the air. Now quickly go to your knees or guard.

Ankle Lock Variation:
The first thing you should do when an opponent has his hooks in is tuck your chin to your chest to prevent the choke. Next, roll to your side (either side) so that your body weight is resting on one of his legs (if his hooks are in and you are on your side, you ribcage should be pinning his leg to the ground). Take both of your hands and grab the ankle of his that's closest to the ground, it should be fairly easy to just "push" it off of you. If you have trouble, grind your elbow into his thigh. Once you have the ankle pinned to the ground with your hands you are holding him in place while you can move (ie. roll over into guard or wiggle your other hip free of the hook). If you can walk your legs out around where you have his ankle pinned you may be able to get cross mount. Main point: make sure your weight is on both hands and that both hands are on his ankle, this will essentially "immobilize" that leg.

Backmount Escape:
The first thing you should do when an opponent has his hooks in is tuck your chin to your chest to prevent the choke. Next, roll to your side (either side) so that your body weight is resting on one of his legs (if his hooks are in and you are on your side, you ribcage should be pinning his leg to the ground). Take both of your hands and grab the ankle of his that's closest to the ground, it should be fairly easy to just "push" it off of you. If you have trouble, grind your elbow into his thigh. Once you have the ankle pinned to the ground with your hands you are holding him in place while you can move (ie. roll over into guard or wiggle your other hip free of the hook). If you can walk your legs out around where you have his ankle pinned you may be able to get cross mount. Main point: make sure your weight is on both hands and that both hands are on his ankle, this will essentially "immobilize" that leg.

Getting The Hooks Out:
When trying to get out of hooks(Short legs) get you legs LOOSE. The more you resist the hooks, the more pressure he can put on your legs. Once you make your legs loose, slowly manuever them out of the hooks(can be described as slithering, or wiggling) until his legs are not underneath you. This may only be done from your stomach. If you are in your base, you must drop. If he scizzors his legs this will not work, or other hooking manuevers.

Escape During The Choke:
When trapped in the hooks, the first thing you want to remember is that your neck is exposed to a choke. You want to defend the choke by making a right angle with your right arm and placing your bicep very close to your right ear and forearm over your head very tightly so there is no way that your opponent can squeeze through a choke. When he encircles your neck, trap his arm and push yourself backwards, trying to place your head and butt on the ground. You will slide out of the hooks. Don't forget to kepp him back as he will probably attempt a mount.
Special Tip: If the choke is sunk in, you can make a last ditch effort to remove it. Remove the top arm first and place it under your armpit and trap it good. Then grab the other arm by the elbow with both hands. You can also make an attempt to footlock him by crossing his ankles and figure fouring your legs over his crossed ankles. If you are having difficulty in escaping the hooks, try to unhook one leg at a time and roll your hips until you're out.

How To Escape The Rear Naked Choke:
When the opponent is lying behind us and attempting to choke from behind ( in leg scissor style ) do not give your leg away ( either straight or bent ) since he will try to cross over your leg and sink it in your groin and choke you. The first thing you do the moment you feel his hand wrapping in your neck, lift your two legs immideately and try to roll over either backwards or sideways ( backwards better ) while holding the arm that is wrapping us and sort of pulling it down to give some space. Once you've rolled you can be either in a cross-mount or reversed mount.