Steele Takedown and Clinching Techniques

BJJ Takedowns:
Throws and takedowns are important in tournaments and vale tudo
These techniques are needed to get your opponent to the ground
Always breakfall when practicing throws to avoid injury
Judo & Jiu-Jitsu are similar in principle

Successful Clinch Tips:
When your opponent has his hands up shoot both your arms inside of his with a downward slapping motion while throwing your weight behind your slapping motion as you move in.Try to continue through with your motion until you've pined one of his arms against his side with your arm and his arm on the other side with your head (as you lean in). Both of your opponents arms should be pinned to his side,making helpless as you maneuver around him (all the time maintaining arm control) until you move into position to execute a back trip sacrifice throw.Since you should have total arm control from this position you can also execute othert throws from this clinch.

Power Clinch TakeDown:
Same as everything else above except you touch your elbows to his chest and rush him backwards fast while keeping your head covered.If he resists,push his chin up with your hands and keep driving him off balance. If he is off balance he cant strike hard ,especially if he is moving backwards.Next rush him into a wall or into the ropes.Use headbutts and knees to soften him up while pressing against his arms so he cant strike back.Now, while he is pinned against the wall,step back and unleash 3 punches(or palms) to his face.Then try to clinch again.Holyfield used this against Tyson in both fights and sustained minimal damage while dismantling Tyson. If it works against Tyson,it will work on anyone!Now you can clinch and he cant sprawl on you!

Guilliotine Choke Prevention: First if your opponent has his left arm around your neck. Take your left and bring it over his right shoulder as far as you can go. if he has his right arm around your neck take your right arm and bring it over his left shoulder as far as you can. What this does, it place your neck in such a way that no matter how hard your opponent cranks on your neck he cannot choke you. From there you can put you can put him into a scoop slam.

Takedown from Rear Clinch:
After you have clinched and taken your opponent's back, the most obvious takedown involves proping a foot behind your opponents knee (far leg), and taking him down to his back. A slamming alternative is to apply an osotogari (for Judokas) to the other, nearer leg. All you have to do (in this case as I am left handed) is keep your left arm wrapped around his abdomen while sliding your right hand back to grip his belt in the middle of his back. Pivot clockwise and plant your right foot outside and slightly to the rear of the soon to be airborne opponent's left foot. As you pivot, pull him so most of his weight is now on his left foot (this is not always necessary however), and throw by reaping his left leg, with your left leg. Lift and pull with both arms, and left leg as the throw develops. This takedown can be as smooth as butter, or as hard (read; painful) as you like it (or dislike, as the case may be). Some initial action/reaction jostling may be necessary to set up this throw (but not much). Finish as you like.

Modified Osotogari:
When you/ve taken your opponent's back in a standing position, the following technique is a great alternative to the standard, rear-drop. Starting with your hands clasped around their waist, switch (in the case of a left-handed throw) your right hand to grab the rear belt, and pivot clockwise placing your right foot next to, and slightly behind their left foot. Pull and lift your opponent's weight onto that left foot while sweeping hard with your left leg. Hints; start leaning to your front a you finish your pivot. This can be a very smooth throw with plenty of control, or it can be a painful drop with your opponent taking all your weight. Also, you may need to use the old "action/reaction" method to get this baby rolling.

Shoulder Wheel:
You clinch. You are both in a left-side-forward stance. Over-wrap his right arm with your left and pull, enticing him to step forward with his right leg. When he does, step back with your left, and drop down low while thrusting your right arm between his legs and pressing your head up into his lower abdomen. Keep your back straight and lift with your legs. Lift him up across your shoulders. Pull down on his arm hard. Lift his legs if necessary. This throw hurts.

Outer Leg Reap:
Upon clinching with your opponent, grab nice and tight to you. Subtly pull him toward you so he has to step forward with his back leg (whichever one it happens to be). In this example his left leg comes forward. YOU step forward with your right leg, put it next to his left foot, on the outside. make sure you leave room to swing your left leg through the gap! Swing that left leg back behind his right, push with your arms, he'll go down HARD. Take a side mount.

Leg Post Defense:
Your opponent locks you up in a front waist lock from standing position. With your two free arms, post both hands on your opponent's thighs as you arch your back, shoot your legs out and lower your level. This will prevent your opponent from throwing you. If he lets go, you are in a good position to shoot in for a takedown.

The Steele Special Throw:
Grab opponents back. Reach down and hold knees tightly together,lift and tilt opponent toward eather side of you. Before he hits ground jump twist eather way,causing opponent to land closer to head causing them to scramble. Their is no defence to this throw,very affective.

Standing Arm Throw:
Left hand grabs his right sleeve by the triceps. Turn counterclockwise and bring your feet together. Hook under his right armpit with your right arm. Pull his weight on to you and bend at the knees. Pull on his left arm and straighten your legs.

Leg Whip:
If someone tries to kick at your midsection, side-step/slide away from the kick while reaching for the leg. (If they kick with the right leg, use your left arm to hold it in place and vice versa.) Then swing your free arm and leg under their extended leg. Proceed to swing your arm and leg under their leg while at the same time putting downward pressure on their leg. (Note: This will put a lot of pressure on their knee and possibly break it. To avoid this, when you swing your arm under his leg, hit the back of his knee to bend it. That way you won't break his knee.) You should end up with them on the ground and you should be in a position apply a joint lock and submission. (Note: This is somewhat complicated because you have to do all of this in one motion. In other words, you can't do it step-by-step in a real fight.) to their ankle, knee, etc.

Somersault Mount:
When someone shoots in on you, put your arm around his head, like you are going for a giotinne choke. And as he pushs you backward, fall backward with him, his force will make him do a somersault, and you will land right on top of him in the mounted position. And if he does not use enough force, you can still put him in the gioutene choke while he is in your guard.

One very important technique a lot of Judoka and jiu-jitsiuns over look is the feint. One way of feinting is the kick to the lower parts of the body. A quick snap kick to the knee or the thighs will open the defender to a quick shoot and takedown. Another feint is a hand slap or thrust. When you move to the front of your opponent a quick hand to the face or both in the line of sight obstructing their vision will open them up sometimes causing the Uke to lose balence by stepping to quickly backwords allowing a more profecient takedown.

Wrap and Fall:
This is a relatively simple technique, but it must be done carefully or you will end up in a BAD position! rush your opponent and wrap your arms around him, with your forearms just underneath his armpits. remember to keep your head tight into his chest to avoid being put in a headlock...wrap your feet around his legs and fall back, dragging him to the ground and putting him into your guard. if you wish to be in the mounted position, twist your body as you fall, making your opponent land on bottom.

Kneebar Takedown:
This move can be done when you are at a disadavantage. If your attacker, or your opponent is behind you, and is either trying to take you to the ground, choke you, or just trying to punch you, what you can do is this. Reach down and grab a leg, then do a front somersault, and it will set you up for a knee bar. An excellent move. If after the flip you are not in a good position for a knee bar, or ankle lock, you can always get straight into the mounted position.

Inner Thigh Throw With Armlock:
You are starting from a grappling position wiith you hand on his lapel and the othe hand on his elbow. You shoot your left hand to retrieve the lapel under the arm ( right hand is feeding). At the same time you grab his right wrist with your right hand creating the arm bar. you turn toward the arm to lock the joint and position the opponent off balance forward for the throw. After you lock the arm and get the opponent leaning forward you lift his inner thigh with the left calf throwing him to the ground. Sometimes you don't even have to clip the leg and you can still throw him.

Tips for Shooting:
When shooting in, keep your chin and face pinned against your shoulder - or tucked (however you prefer to put it), to avoid having your opponent get a full arm around your neck for a guillotine choke - if anything, he will only be able to get his arm halfway around your neck.

Tips for Shooting:
Give no keys that you intend to shoot. Never look down. Keep eye contact and hands high. With inexperienced opponents I try to exagerate this.

Arm Pull to Take Down:
With elbows up and head even with opponents shoulders fake a left jab to the head then shoot your right hand behind the back of neck and instantly pull his head towards you until you feel his resistance pulling back. at that instant shoot your right inside forearm across his left side of face to rake his cheek, jaw ,ear area to stand him upright using his own backward momentun (his resistance to you pulling of his head) to leave his midsection and legs open for a easy shoot. a little combination of trickery and the infamous forearm shiver we used in football, this works on all sizes and obviously can be done ambidextriously.

Bent Armlock From Takedown:
If you and your opponent are at a starting position with a arm on the opponents neck on your knees grab with right arm behind neck or gi behind the neck. You go inside his right arm with left hand and wrap his arm under your arm pit.At the same time you begin pushing the head down with your right hand. As you push down the head you begin turning your hand. At this time you grab your right wrist with your left hand creating a figure four. you move to your left turning your opponent on his back and you will end up in cross side position. At this time you place your left hand under his neck and grab his left shoulder creating a neck crank. With the right hand you reach under the bicep and grab the wrist creating a bent arm lock and you pull your right arm for the arm lock and straighten you left to get the neck crank.

Leg Wrap :
Description: This is a technique thats hard to master but VERY effective. 1:Facing your opponent grap his neck with your left/right arm.
2:Place you second arm onto the mat.
3:Now jump up amd wrap both your legs around his front leg (you are now facing the ground)
4:Spin you upper body between his legs while pulling with your arm that is aroung the opponents neck
5:if you do this with speed and power hell make a crash onto the mat the mat head first.

Crossface While Shooting :
Most people know that you should sprwal when being shot on. The cross face is something you can do once you have sprwaled and stopped his shot with your hip. This is an effective way to get behind your opponent off his offense. It can be done with all leg shots or even a low clinch (around the waist).
The cross face needs to be done with his head on the outside (head on the outside of the leg). So if he shot with his head to the inside (between the legs), all you have to do is push his head to the outside. Then, take your right forearm (if his head is on your right side) and put it right across his face, this turns his head away from you, and grab his left arm above the elbow with your arm that's doing the cross face. Remember to sprwal AND cross face both and not just do one or the other. You should then circle back toward his right foot (the opposite way of your cross face) and keep the pressure on his face, head, and shoulder. If you break his grip, just keep on spinning behind him for the takedown (if NHB, for the rear naked). If you can't break his grip, you can scoop his right foot with yours or put your head in his side and look for his right ankle or foot. As you drive your head into him and pull his foot or ankle toward you, he should be turned away from you and you can go behind him for the takedown.
Remember to keep constant pressure on him and keep your hips out. Don't be nice with the cross face, you should have the attitude that will make him think twice about shooting in on you the next time.

HAFSA Somersault:
When someone shoots in on you, put your arm around his head, like you are going for a gioutene choke. And as he pushs you backward, fall backward with him, his force will ake him do a somersault, and you will land right on top of him in the mounted position. And if he does not use enough force, you can still put him in the gioutene choke while he is in your guard.

Bodytwist Takedown:
This takedown starts with both competitors standing w/ right foot in front. This would work when your opponent throws a right hand punch or goes for a right hand grab. As the right hand comes in guide it to your right side w/ your left hand. At the same time step in w/ your left foor and put it right next to or a little behind your opponents right foot. Your head is going to go right up against your opponents right shoulder as you grab around his body with your right arm. As you grab around his body, your right foot should come in. All in one motion you need to come in, lift up, and collapse your left foot back and around. You should end up twisting him back and around right into the mount position.

Elbow Takedown:
The attacker grabs your right shoulder from behind with his right hand. Pivot your left foot back and turn to face the attacker. As you turn, bringyour left arm up in a counterclockwise circle to your left to protect you incase the attacker attempts to protect you in case the attacker tries to ayyack with his left hand as you turn. Your left arm goes over his right arm and comes up underneath his elbow as your right hand reste on the attackers right shoulder. Clamp onto your right forearm with your left hand, thumbs and fingers on top. His right wrist should be in your armpit, his palm up and the outside of his elbow facing down. Raise your left forearm up slightly and push down slightly with your left hand to create pain in the attackers elbow, which should be locked in the armbar. Keep pressure against his elbow with your left forearm as you pivot your left foot back throwing your opponenet. Bring him down to the ground. Drop onto your right knee. Set armbar and neck scissor by pulling the attacker up slightly and bringing your left foot around the front of his neck. Lean back, sliding your right foot under his head. If you hold the armbar firmly it will cause his neck to move higher up between your legs. Scissor his neck by interlocking your feet and straightening your legs. (Don't squeeze your legs to choke your opponent. Your leg muscles aren't designed for squeezing. They operate more effectively if you straighten them.) Lean back to execute armbar submission at the same time.

Arm Takedown:
If the attacker grabs your right shoulder withhi sright hand from behind turn around to face the enemy swinging your left arm in a counter clockwise semicircle entrappin the attackers arm in your pit. Let your right hand come to rest on their right shoulder. Your left hand should contiue its movement until it grabs your other arm from under the attackers arm. Remeber to grip your arm fingers and thumb on top. From here slide your right foot behind the attackers legs and slide you left foot behind you while pushing the attacker to the left (tripping him to his back. From here drop to your right knee (remeber to keep pressure on his elbow during all of this). Set armbar and neckscissor by pulling the attacker up slightly and bringing your left leg around in front of his neck. Lean back, sliding your right foot under the back of his head. If you hold the armbar firmlyit will cause his neck to move up betwwen your legs. Scissor his neck by locking your feet and straightening out your legs (it is stupid to squeeze because your legs are not built to do that). Remeber to straighten them as much as you can. Lean back executing the armbar as well.

Bearhug Escape:
To get out of a rear bear hug stomp on the persons foot and then use the back of your head to hit their face. Breath in and then exhale as you fall into a horse stance while raising your elbows so that your fingers point towards each other horizontally. Give the person an elbow to the stomach and reach btween your legs to grab their foot. Pull up on their foot causing them tho fall. turn and give a kick to the groin.

Standard Double Leg Takedown:
(Both people in right hand stance, left foot forward): Fake high (ie. jab towards face) to keep opponent's attention high and to control distance between you and him. When you are fairly close, lower your body and step into him. Wrap your right hand around the back and side of his left knee, place your left cheek against his left side (just above the hip), and try to get your left hand around his right knee. Lift his left knee and push your head up and into his side and push him back towards his rear leg (which you should be able to block with your left hand). It's like tipping a chair diagonally back on one leg. When he comes dowm, make sure to move your body to the left, clearing his right leg, and you come down in side mount. Special Tip: When you "lower your body" bend your knees instead of leaning over. You are trying to lift him in a sense, so use your legs like you would in a weightlifting squat.
Additional Info on Standard Double Leg Takedown: When wearing a gi - instead of looping the legs which is pretty precarious, grab onto the uniform pant legs. Also, keep the body at a 45 degree angle and use the shoulder to ram into the stomach to help the guy over. Special Tip: When your head is against his side, look up and keep your head up and it will be difficult for him to guilliotine you.

Takedowns From Knees:
When you are starting at a standing position when you are about to take down your opponent you have to either move in fast or not at all. When you are taking down your opponent with a knee take down or a waist take down always guard your neck with your arms in close to your body(mainly around your neck and face to guard from a low knee strike or kneck pain choke).