Steele Cross Mount Reversals

Cross Mount Reversals & Defense:
3 points in a tournament
Keep your hands at your sides
Keep your head down against the mat
Don't extend your arms
You can also choke from the bottom

Knee to Chest Reversal:
This technique is best applied when your opponent is standing, and your fighting from your open guard, and your opponent is getting ready to pull you in to the knee pin. Before your opponent can pull you in to the knee pin, you must sit up, and hook his right leg with your left, and also wrap your left arm around his right leg, and trap his left arm from the sleeve or wrist in between his legs, then what you do is you shoot your right leg between his legs, and spin counter clockwise trapping the right leg forcing your opponent to fall on his right shoulder. When your opponent falls that leaves his right leg trapped in between your legs making it easy to pass his gaurd for the side mount.

Ankle Roll Reversal:
When a person is knee mounted on top of you, one foot is help far away and is used as a "rutter" for support. Your opponants other knee is pressed onto your lower gut. Let's say that your opponants right knee is on your gut and his left leg is extended. Reach under his right ankle with your right hand, and grab his belt on his back. This will pin the foot of the knee that is on you gut to his own butt. You can now push your opponant backwards with your left arm and he will roll. He cannont stop himself from falling back because his ankle is pinned, and you don't have to worry about him arm locking your extended left arm because he can't spin or move his right ankle. It works everytime. I have never been successfully kneemounted into submission since I have learned this move.

Knee In The Belly Escape:
Your opponent is on your right side with his right knee in your belly. Reach up with your left hand and grab his right wrist. Pull your left leg into you (towards your chest) and slide it into the inside of his right elbow. Your right hand grabs his left thigh. Now pull down with your left hand, and push out with your left knee. As you do this, lift with your right hand and allow his body to fall over you, to your left. Stay close as he falls and go for the Cross Side position.

Kesa-Gatame Reversal:
Your opponent's head is on your left side. With your right arm, (it should be under him) try to grab the back of your opponent's collar. Lift your legs and lock your abs tight to achieve a rocking-horse effect, while pulling back his collar. Try also to sit up on your butt by sliding it back. Once you have sat up, you can go to your knees for the cross-mount, or try for a kesa-gatame of your own.

Leg Take to Sit Out:
Opponent is cross mounted from your right side. Hook your right arm as best as you can behind his left knee. Clear your left arm(get his right arm above your left near your head). Shoot your left arm between his legs as you roll towards him and lock up your hands tight taking his leg. Get to your kness and clear your head(put it outside to his left).Plant your right foot down. Now arching your back shoot your left leg across to the outside of his left like you are sitting while you hold his leg. If he falls backwards roll towards him so you are cross mounting him. If he does not(too strong or really good base), circle to the outside towards his back back to your knees. You should now have his leg clinched but be behind him.

Escape From The Cross Mount:
You are side mounted, your head is to your opponents left side. Stick your right elbow in his side. Put your left arm under your opponent's head and grab his collar with the thumb to the inside. Keep a good base. With your right hand now grab his belt, and prop yourself up to the knee in belly position (right knee goes on his belly, left foot planted next to but slightly away from head). Quickly pass the rest of your left arm under your opponents head, to the point where you can now apply a papercutter choke to finish him off.

Escape from the Cross-Mount:
If your opponent has you cross-mounted on your right side and has both his/her hands on your left side, put your right elbow on thier left hip. Push up with your elbow while pushing up with your hips. This will create enough space for you to push your right leg under his body with your left foot. You should also shift your boby to your left. You will have your opponent in your guard.

Escape The ArmBar from Cross Mount:
When someone has you cross mounted and is trying the sliding arm bar, bring your feet to your but and arch all the way up while extending your other arm up and around your head and grab your fingers of the hand he is trying to figure four, pulling stright up, against his pull. You may have to do this numerous times or until he gets tired of pulling.

Defensive Position For Cross-Mount:
Keep your elbows to the ground, and put your hands in front of your chest as if you were doing a bench press. If you can, try to get one of your hands in your opponents armpit and the other hand in his GI collar with your forearm pressing against his throat. From here you can try pressing against his throat to get the space, or pushing/pulling him with the arm that is in his armpit.

More Defensive Positions for the Cross-Mount:
If your opponent is on your right side, put your right arm against your own body and take your left hand and put it on your right GI collar. This will help prevent the chokes while the guy is cross-mounting your and you can use your right hand to scoot away to get the space you will need to escape.

Knee Lock Prevention From Cross-Mount:
When you are in the cross-mount, be careful of the knee lock. If you have your knees brought in because you don't want your opponent to mount you, this is an opportunity for your opponent to go for the knee lock. To help prevent this, cross your legs when you are bringing your legs in so that he can not grab a leg and go for the knee lock.

Escape from Cross-Mount Headlock:
If your opponent had a cross mount and sat out under your right arm, grabbing your head and is trying arm locks from there. (Call it whatever you want) Try to get your right elbow against your side and on the ground. Escapes- A)If his head is not tightly against you then sneak your left forearm against his neck and push him away enough so your left leg can hook his head. From here you can attempt a jiu-ji (armbar) or cause discomfort by squeezing your knees together. B)If his legs are low, meaning near your body. Try to free your right elbow and grab his right wrist. Hook his left leg with your left leg and extend your hips. This puts him in a rear mount. If your left shoulder pins down his right shoulder then you can use your right hand's grip of his wrist to chicken wing him. Or just choke him. C)If his legs are away from you, then get your hips far away from him and get on your right side as much as you can. Then turn on to your knees and drive forward (he will move from his right side on the ground to his left). From here not only do you have a cross mount, but if you keep him on his side, you can launch your left foot over his head, scoop his right arm with your right arm, and jiu-ji.