Steele Gaurd Techniques

Guard Information

One of the most important positions to master
Use frequently when fighting bigger/stronger opponents
You must develop an offensive guard, not a defensive guard
Practice this one a lot

Guard to Guard
I have successful completed this move in every tounament that I have entered and it has never failed me. I am a little nervous about sharing this technique because once people start catching on it might be a little tricky to do.
This move can also be done to the right, just reverse everything. When in an opponants guard, place the outside of your left elbow of the inside of his right knee. You right hand should hold his belt or collar keeping your weight somewhat forward. Countdown in your head backwards from 3...2...1, then roll all your weight to your right, and land left side down with your elbow still in place. You, in essence, are forcing your opponant to go from guard to mount, which at first seems like you're giving him an advantage. In the confusion, your opponant w ill uncross his ankles and attempt to mount you. However, you elbow will already be in place, and your opponant's weight should be off centered enough, to allow for an almost effortless elbow escape. First do left leg, then right leg. Now he is in your guard. Sucker.

Snake Leg Sweep :
When your opponent stands up in your guard. Grab his right sleeve with your right hand. Push on his left knee with your right foot. Grab his right ankle with your left hand and pull yourself closer to his foot. Scoot your hips over to the outside of his foot. Slide your left foot behind his right knee; then slide it between his legs and up onto his left hip (hooking). Lift your hips to increase your reach. Now, depending on which hand you originally grabbed: Left- Pull your right knee in and push against his left elbow. At the same time, pull on his left sleeve with your right hand. This will throw him forward and when he lands, mount him. Right- Squeeze your legs together and pull both knees towards your chest. This will make him fall backwards. As he lands, shoot your right leg over him and mount.

Cool Guard Reversal Tip:
If you feel you MUST stand in the guard to reverse, put your right knee firmly in the center of his butt first, and then put your left leg at 90 degrees to your right leg ( _| ) when standing. The knee in the butt prevents him moving forward on you and helps break his guard, and the 90 degrees gives you a lot more room without worrying about ankle locks.

Guard to Triangle Choke Reversal:
Opponent is in your guard. He is trying to pass your guard by snaking his right hand under your left leg to swing it over and climb through. As he puts his hand under, grab his wrist with your left hand, unhook legs and trap his arm in your left leg, between calf and thigh. Pull the trapped side down to your left, and push off with your right foot to swing him over into the mount. You should be in a high mount with his right arm still trapped between your left thigh and calf (ie sitting on it). Grab his lapel with your right hand, and his left sleeve with your left hand (this will prevent him escaping through the back door, about his only option in this grim situation). Come up high on your knees, and go for the triangle choke.

Guilliotine Fake to Reversal:
You can do this move when your opponent has his head against your chest or his somewhat low in the guard. You take your right arm and put it on the right side of his head. Then wrap it toward your right side so that your right hand is UNDERNEATH his left armpit (as if you were trying to do the Guilliotine choke with your right arm). Take your left arm and put it across his back. Give your right hand (which is underneath his left arm right now) to your left hand. Using your right foot, hip to the left side to reverse him. You will end up in the mount, but DO NOT LET the hold go yet. You have a neck crank submission right here. Just apply the pressure.

Standup Guard Reversal:
When the person is in your guard and stand's up to either punch or get away, you uncross your feet from his back, bringing your knees down and together.Be sure you put your knees together. Next, grab his ankles with your hand's and push up hard on his chest with your knees still together. Remember to drive hard on his chest with your knees and grab his ankles so he can fall back from the driving force back. You are know in a position to mount.

Reversal During Setup Pass: This move should be done by advanced BJJ fighters. You are in the guard. You can either put your left foot in his right bicep and hold onto his right GI sleeve with your left arm OR you can wrap your your foot around his right arm with your foot on the inside of his armpit while holding onto his right GI sleeve with your left hand. This is recommended since it is a better grip.
Next you take your right leg and put it on the inside of his chest. Use your right hand and grab a TIGHT grip on his GI pants by the ankle. Pull him down toward you to keep good pressure on his chest with your knee. Slide your hips so your head is somewhat toward his left ankle.
At this point he thinks he can pass because your right leg is somewhat collapsed, but he is wrong. As he tries to pass you can reverse him by pulling up on his leg with your right arm and pushing with your left foot that is in his arm. You will sweep him to your left. This is an advanced move as you are setting him up to pass and then reversing him.

Block the side and Reverse (Advanced):
This is a nice move that can be done anytime the guy is hovering over you. An example of this may be if the guy is in your guard try to choke you, or put pressure on your neck. When his right arm is by you, grab it with your right hand and push it ALL THE WAY to your right. Now is the important part. You have to bring your body off the ground. Do this by bringing your butt back a little and bring your left shoulder to his right shoulder to trap his arm there. Do not allow him to bring his arm back. Stay VERY CLOSE to him and tight. Now use your left hand and grab his belt or underneath his left armpit from around his back. Use your right hand and put it on his left GI pant.
Here comes the reversal part of it. At this point both of your feet should still be crossed (just to his side a little bit). Break them apart now, and kick to the left with your left leg as you pull him over your left shoulder. As he begins to come off his base, swing your left leg underneath his back. This move is critical as it helps get the leverage to reverse him. When this is done correctly you will end up mounting him.

Fake Armbar to Reversal (Advanced):
You are in the guard and go for the classic armbar on his right arm. When he puts his left leg up to get room and help break the hold, immediatly switch to this reversal. Take your right arm and put it under his left leg. Grab him tight. You should still be holding onto his right arm using your left arm. Now swing your left leg, and use your right leg to push, and bring him over your left shoulder. The movements you should be doing at this point are: lifting his left leg with your right arm, pulling his right arm with your left arm, and swinging your left leg to get the momentum. When this is done right you will end up in the mount on him.

Leg Sweep Kobaiyashi:
Using your right hand, slide it under the right GI collar of your opponent. Using your left hand, grab your opponents right arm sleeve by his elbow. Slide your right leg across your opponents stomach, and hook your right foot around your opponents side. Put your left foot on the ground next to your opponents right knee. Slide your left shoulder back. Using your arms and legs at the same time, bring your opponent on a 45 degree angle toward you. As your opponent falls over, climb up into the front mount.

The Elevator:
Using your right hand, slide it under the right GI collar of your opponent. Using your left hand, grab your opponents right arm sleeve by his elbow. Stick your foot under your opponents left leg under his knee. This move works especially good when your opponent lifts his leg. You may have to slide your hips back in order to make room to stick your right foot on your opponents left leg. Using your arms and legs at the same time, bring your opponent on a 45 degree angle toward you. Use your right leg to lift him off the ground. As your opponent falls over, climb up into the front mount.

Arm Elevator and Sweep Kobaiyashi:
Use this move when your opponent lifts up one leg in the guard. If your opponent lifts up his left leg, you slide your arm underneath your opponents raises left leg. At the same time, bring your head to your opponents left foot. Using your free left hand, grab your opponents GI sleeve of his right arm. In one motion, pulling his right arm and raising his leg, bring your opponent on a 45 degree angle toward your left side. The important step with this reversal is to use your left leg for momentum. As your bring your opponent on a 45 degree angle toward your left side, use your left leg to swing underneath your opponent for momentum. As your opponent is reversed onto his back, climb into the mount.

Shoulder Trap & Pull:
Using your right arm, throw it between your opponents head and right arm. If you have trouble with this, picture that you are punching your opponent in the face with your right arm, but instead of hitting his face, you go past his face. As your arm goes between his head and his right arm, slide your right forearm underneath his arm and pull on it. This is done so that he can not base on that side. Put both of your feet on the ground. If they were locked around your opponent, you will have to release the lock, and put them on the ground. With your right leg firmly planted, push off with your right leg and foot, while holding onto your opponents right arm. As your opponent falls over, climb into the mount.
Special Tip! If your opponent is able to prevent you from doing the move, act as though you are going to give up trying the move and start to sit back down into the guard, but still hold onto his right arm. Then as soon as he appears relaxed, shoot back up and try it again. This works incredibly well because most of the time your opponent will think you have given up trying the move if it didn't work the first time.

Reversal During Classic Pass: This reversal is done when your opponent is doing the traditional pass the guard. As your opponent slides his left arm underneath your right leg to pass, grab his left wrist with your right hand. Using your left hand, grab his pant leg by the knee. Then using your arms, plus momentum from shifting your hips, turn your opponent towards your right at a 45 degree angle. This works very well because usually at this point your opponent is only thinking "pass the guard..pass the guard". This will take him totally by suprise.