Passing The Gaurd

Guard Passing Passing the guard is one of the most difficult moves in BJJ
Passing is preferred to submitting inside the guard
Keep your hips in and head up at all times except when passing close
Passing can be done sitting or standing

Walkover/Spiderman :
Your caught in your opponents guard. Once you stand up, make sure you have a wide base, it would help to squeeze your knees in to pin hold his legs in if you can but that is not necessary. And simply lean foward all the way until your hands touch the mat so that you are on your hands and feet. You are still in his Guard, your hands should be on the mat over his head beyond his reach. Now picture yourself being Spiderman and begin to crawl foward. You will notice his legs and lower body folding over his torso until he is forced to do a backroll because of your crawling foward. His legs will be forced open so you can ankle lock him, and most important you will be out of his Guard.

Elbow Pass:
Probably the easiest way to do this is to stand up first.Your going to have to watch out for an ankle lock because of this. When your confident your opponent can't grab your ankle, pull his legs into you. His butt should be as close to your knees as possible, and you should try to keep his hips on the floor. Now, press your elbows into the inside of his knees, and push forward with your legs. His guard should open, and you should be able to fly right on through his legs. If your knees get past his legs, you should be able to wriggle into a top mount.

Classic Pass:
Bring your right thigh close to your opponents butt/leg. Slide your left leg back slightly to break your opponents leg and create space to put your hand through. Put your hand through the space until your opponents leg is over your shoulder. Your right arm/elbow should be pinning your opponents left leg so you can not be put in the triangle choke. Using your left hand, grab your opponents GI collar by his throat. Shift your weight to the left. Keep your head pinned against his right leg. Use your right hand, grab his GI pants by his butt to left his butt off the ground and appy pressure to his throat. Continue to move your body and head to the cross-mount position.
Special Tip: If you are having trouble creating space, dig your elbows into your opponents thigh as you push back. This is painful and can help create space.
Special Tip: If you are having trouble getting your opponents leg over your shoulder, use your left hand and grab your left ankle. Then walk your ankle down while still holding on. It is important to have his leg over your shoulder, and NOT YOUR ARM. It is much easier to pass with the leg over the shoulder.

Double Leg Pass:
When your opponent has an open guard, slide both arms underneath is legs. Then reach your arms around the front of his legs by the knees, and draw his legs together while lifting his butt off the ground. Pick a side, and slide your head and body to that side while pushing his legs away slightly and holding onto them. Drive your shoulder into your opponents body while you pass to help pin him to the floor during the pass.