
Mardi Gras was on Wednesday night and was to be a costume affair. The local costume shop made a blanket deal - $30 for any costume for one night. Alas, there was nothing in the shop that I cared for that would fit me, except the hat that is! I keep thinking "diet" but the distance between thinking and acting has not yet been bridged. A size 20 isn't really THAT big, is it?

Here we are setting up and decorating for Mardi Gras. The girls, from left to right are Karen, ??, Debra, and Diane.

The umbrella was draped with a parachute and became a gypsy fortune teller's booth.

The evening of Mardi Gras I was pressed into service as the banker. Here I sit trying to prepare for the onlsaught which would occur when the doors were opened. When the girls entered the room, they were given a token. They came to the bank to exchange their tokens for chips of various values. It took one white chip to play any one of the ten or so different games.

Later that evening, the Port Angeles Light Opera Singers (PALOS) came to serenade us. They have been doing this
for years and I absolutely love them. I end up crying through most of their choices every year. They do a continuous medley lasts for 30 to 45 minutes - never taking
a break and hardly taking a breath! Not only do they sing
but every number is also choreographed.

My best friend, Simone, and I made appointments to have photo shoot sessions on Thursday. A professional photographer from Seattle came out to Port Angeles especially for Esprit. His deal included complete makeup and hair styling, 4 costume changes and twenty poses. Just the makeup and hairdo were almost worth the cost.

I am having a serious debate with myself over whether or not I should show one of the "preparation" photos. You know the kind of shot when anyone is at their least glorius while applying makeup or styling their hair. Would you show an unflattering photo of yourself?

This is a candid shot taken by Simone while the photographer was working with me. His studio was the garage of a local Bed & Breakfast.

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